ANNEX 2 Minimum requirements for the object of the contract and quality evaluation criteria

(Tender form, please complete and return with the Tender)


  • This is a tender form, please complete and return with the Tender. An answer is required to all the questions in the form.
  • The tenderer shallprovide an unambiguous answer ”yes” to all the questions. A “no” answer to any of the mandatory requirements shall lead to exclusion of the tender.
  • Answer marking X in gray cells (Yes/No) and tenderers may be asked to attach certain documents or reports to their tenders.
  • All items with answer “Yes” are included at the price.
  • The form can be completed electronically or by hand; the contents or the order of the contents of the form may not be altered.

Name of the tenderer:

Requirement / Mandatory / Scored / Yes / No / Score / Demanded additional report, grounds for awarding with scores
  1. The tenderer accepts the contract attached to the Invitation to tender (Annex 6A).
For your information: Any reservations to the above-mentioned contract terms will probably lead into the exclusion of the Tender from the competitive bidding process. / X / NONE
  1. The tenderer accepts that The General Terms of General Terms of Public Procurement in Supply Contracts (JYSE 2014 Supplies) shall apply to the contract as far as they do not conflict with the contract model. General terms are listed in the Annex 6B of the Invitation to tender.
For your information: Any reservations to the above-mentioned contract terms will probably lead into the exclusion of the Tender from the competitive bidding process. / X / NONE
  1. The tenderer submits an ESPD-form that is filled in electronic ESPD-service as instructed in Annex 4A to the invitation to tender. Please note that the Annex 4A contains mandatory additional information to ESPD-form!
Requirement / Mandatory / Scored / Yes / No / Score / Demanded additional report, grounds for awarding with scores
  1. Tenderer can offer the object of the contract described in the invitation to tender and its annexes: 1 pc of a 3D metal additive manufacturing machine using Selective Laser Melting technology (SLM) (Me3Lab/3DM) (description in annex 1).
/ x
4.1: The Me3Lab/3DM must use following materials AISI 316L, Inconel, ultra high strength steel, also Al and Ti and their alloys. Tenderer must add to the tender a list of parameters of all materials the Me3Lab/3DM uses. The list must include before mentioned materials and any additional materials (like AISI 303, hastelloy, bronze, CoCr, etc.). Parameters for all materials that the tenderer mentions have to be included. / x / A list of parameters for all materials the Me3Lab/3DM uses must be given in a separate attachment to the tender “List of parameters for all materials”.
4.2: Machine is an open parameter machine, i.e. custom made materials can be used. / x
4.3: Laser power at least 400W. / x
4.4: Preheated platform at least 200°C. / x
4.5: A system that allows using 5 kg or less material batch. For example in chamber overhead recoater or similar. / x
4.6: The effective building area is 250x250x250 mm minimum. / x
4.7: Rubber gloves or similar system to work inside the machine from outside the chamber door. / x
4.8: Machine uses power bed fusion and selective laser melting systems. / x
4.9: The delivery of the Me3Lab/3DM has a separate unit for handling ready parts safely i.e. so that the powder or other things do not compromise anybody’s health. / x
4.10: Machine is CE approved. / x
4.11: Includes a monitoring system of the manufacturing process measuring at least melt pool and oxygen level. / x / The technology and how the information can be handled outside the machine must be explained in a separate attachment “Monitoring system”.
4.12: Training, operating and maintenance instructions in English or Finnish are delivered with the Supply. / x
4.13: The Me3Lab/3DM is delivered assembled and training starts simultaneously. / x
4.14: Training sessions: 5 days during installation + 3 days after installation are included. The training shall take place in the Customer premises in address Nivalan Teollisuuskylä Oy / ELME Studio -laboratory area, Pajatie 5, FIN-85500 Nivala, FINLAND. / x
4.15: The Supply has full warranty at least 2 years. / x
4.16: Warranty allows Me3Lab/3DM to use other materials that are delivered by another supplier and the use of tailor made materials. / x
4.17: Me3Lab/3DM must be able to use at least following materials: Al and Ti alloys, Ti, AISI 303, AISI 316L, Inconel or similar high strength steel. / x
4.18: The delivery time of the supply is 22 weeks or less after signing the Contract. / x
4.19: Delivery Plan must include detailed technical information and schedules of following “Requirement” and “Scored” items answered “YES”: 4.29, 4.32, 4.35, 4.36, 4.37, 4.38, 4.39, 4.40, 4.41, 4.42, 4.43, 4.44, 4.45, 4.46, 4.48 and 4.49. / x / Delivery plan must be given in the separate attachment “Delivery Plan”.
4.20: Following delivery terms will be applied: Delivery by Incoterms 2010 is DDP Nivalan Teollisuuskylä Oy, Pajatie 5, FIN-85500, FINLAND. / x
4.21: Using other suppliers materials or tailor made materials does not diminish warranty. It also does not have an effect to the included Maintenance system. / x / Description of the “Maintenance system” must be given in a separate attachment. See also item 4.42.
4.22: All melting materials used in the machine, left over and support material is fully recycled. (Yes/No answer). / x / Yes is 5 points No is 0 points.
4.23: Are there specific materials for use at moulds, medical, electronics and vehicle. / x / Points from 0 to 3.
The longest list of specific materials will get 3 points.
The 2nd longest list of materials will get 2 points.
The 3rd longest of materials will get 1 points.
Others will get 0 points. / If answered “Yes”: A list of all materials must be given in a separate attachment to the tender “List of specific materials”.
4.24: Laser power is more than 400W. / x / Points from 0 to 10.
1000W or more will get 10 points,
900–999W will get 9 points,
will get 8 points,
will get 7 points,
600–699W will get 6 points,
500-599W will get 5 points
400 - 499 will get 0 point. / If answered “Yes”: Value must be given here:
4.25: Preheated platform is more than 200°C. / x / Points from 0 to 5.
400°C or more will get 5 points,
300-399 °C will get 4 points,
200-299°C 3 points
less than 200°C will get 0 points. / If answered “Yes”: Value must be given here:
4.26: The system allows to use less than 5 kg material batch. Like chamber overhead recoater or similar. / x / Points from 0 to 10.
0,01-1,00 kg will get 10 points,
will get 9 points,
will get 8 points,
3,01-4,00kg will get 7 points,
4,01 - 5,00kg will get 6 points,
5,00 kg will get 0 points. / If answered “Yes”: The technology has to be explained and value must be given in a separate attachment to the tender “System technology”.
4.27: The effective building volume (x,y,z) is larger than 250x250x250 mm. / x / Points from 0 to 10.
The largest volume is the best and will get the highest points.
Building volume 250x250x250 mm will get 5 points.
Each 20mm or more on building volume for
each axis (x,y,z)
will get 1 point more.
Building volume less than 250x250x250 mm will get 0 point. / If answered “Yes”: Value must be given here:
4.28: Diminished manufacturing volume (x,y,z). / x / Points from 0 to 10.
The smallest volume (x,y,z) is the best and will get the highest points.
200x200x200 mm (x,y,z) will get 5 points.
Each 30mm
diminishing from each axis (x,y,z)
200x200x200 mm
will have 1 point more.
Each 30mm increasing from
each axis (x,y,z) 200x200x200 mm will have 1 point less. / If answered “Yes”: Value must be given here:
4.29: Possibility to use different recoater materials like silicone, steel, brush or ceramic. / x / Points from 0 to 3.
4 materials or more will get 3 points.
3 material is 2 points.
2 materials is 1 point
1 or 0 material is 0 point. / If answered “Yes”: A list of all recoater materials that can be used must be given in a separate attachment to the tender “List of recoater materials”.
4.30: Laser power can be changed flexible during printing process. (Yes/No answer). / x / YES
5 p.
0 p.
4.31: Minimum wall thickness is 250 µm or less. (Yes/No answer). / x / YES
5 p.
0 p. / If answered “Yes”: Value must be given here:
4.32: A system for gas guidance is available. System operates in protective nitrogen as well as argon atmospheres and mixed. (Yes/No answer). / x / YES
5 p.
0 p.
4.33: Laser can be used defining the zero point of the parted for the part. (Yes/No answer). / x / YES
5 p.
0 p.
4.34: Parts can be removed and the process continued afterwards. (Yes/No answer). / x / YES
5 p.
0 p.
4.35: Possibility to control the machine by remote desktop. Remote diagnostics and maintenance over the Internet. (Yes/No answer). / x / YES
5 p.
0 p.
4.36: Software: Materialise magics RP with SG + Module is included. Or similar for stl processing/repairing and generating support structures. (Yes/No answer). / x / YES
8 p.
0 p.
4.37: All essential manufacturing parameters can be supervised and the data is available in report form after parts are manufactured. (Yes/No answer). / x / YES
8 p.
0 p.
4.38: Program informs users in advantage of the build time and material needed. (Yes/No answer). / x / YES
5 p.
0 p.
4.39: Material handling system and sieving systems are included. (Yes/No answer). / x / YES
5 p.
0 p.
4.40: Cooling system is included. (Yes/No answer). / x / YES
3 p.
0 p.
4.41: ATEX approved vacuum cleaner is included. (Yes/No answer). / x / YES
8 p.
0 p.
4.42: The starting package includes supply of various tools, chemicals, safety equipment etc. / x / Points from 0 to 3.
Amount and variety of supplies is better.
The largest amount and variety will get 3 points.
The 2nd
largest amount and variety will get 2 points.
The 3rd largest amount and variety will get 1 point.
The others will get 0 point. / If answered “Yes”: A list of contents of starting package must be given in a separate attachment to the tender “Starting package”.
4.43: A starting package of materials includes (x kg, Al and Ti alloys, y kg Ti, z kg AISI 303 or similar high strength steel, r kg 316L and t kg Inconel or similar). / x / Points from 0 to 8.
More variety and value of material supplies is better.
The largest variety and value will get 8 points.
The 2nd
largest variety and value will get 7 points.
The 3rd largest variety and value will get 6 points.
The 4th largest variety and value will get 5 points.
The 5th largest variety and value will get 4 points.
The 6th largest variety and value will get 3 points.
The 7th largest variety and value will get 2 points.
The 8th largest variety and value will get 1 points.
The others will get 0 points. / If answered “Yes”: A list of all materials and values in starting package must be given in a separate attachment to the tender tender “Starting package”.
4.44 The Starting package includes different thickness platforms. / x / Points from 0 to 3.
Larger variety and amount of platforms is better.
The largest variety and amount of platforms will get 3 points.
The 2nd largest variety and amount of platforms will get 2 points.
The 3rd largest variety and amount of platforms will get 1 point.
The other variety and amount of platforms will get 0 point. / If answered “Yes”: A list of different thickness platforms must be given in a separate attachment to the tender “Starting package”.
SERVICE,IMPLEMENTATION, MAINTENANCE – issues taken into account in the quality comparison:
4.45: A reliable and fast maintenance system in any problems or issues has to be proven. The functional method, in here means response time and cost efficiency. / x / Points from 0 to 5.
The most functional method is the best and will get 5 points.
The 2nd functional method will get 4 points.
The 3rd functional method will get 3 points.
The 4th functional method will get 2 points.
The 5th functional method will get 1 point and
the others will get 0 point. / If answered “Yes”: Description of method must be given in a separate attachment to the tender “Maintenance system”.
4.46: To ensure service: How the maintenance works within 48 hours of occurred problem is shown. Also all references that ensure fast response and action if issues occurs. In here the functional method means response time and cost efficiency. / x / Points from 0 to 5.
The most functional method is the best and will get 5 points.
The 2nd functional method will get 4 points.
The 3rd functional method will get 3 points.
The 4th functional method will get 2 points.
The 5th functional method will get 1 point and
the others will get 0 point. / If answered “Yes”: Description of method must be given in a separate attachment to the tender “Maintenance system”.
4.47: Warranty is exceeded to 3 years or more. / x / YES
2 p.
0 p. / If answered “Yes”: value must be given here:
4.48: Additional training sessions (2 days) are included. The training shall take place in the Customer premises in address Nivalan Teollisuuskylä Oy/ELME Studio -laboratory area, Pajatie 5, FIN-85500 Nivala, FINLAND. / x / YES
2 p.
0 p.
4.49: Delivery time after signing the Contract. / x / Points from 0 to 10.
The delivery time 11 weeks or less will get 10 points.
The delivery time up to 12 weeks will get 9 points.
The delivery time up to 13 weeks will get
8 points.
The delivery time up to 14 weeks will get 7 points.
The delivery time up to 15 weeks will get 6 points.
The delivery time up to 16 weeks will get 5 points.
The delivery time up to 17 weeks will get 4 points.
The delivery time up to 18 weeks will get 3 points.
The delivery time up to up to 19 weeks will get 2 points.
The delivery time up to 20 weeks will get 1 point.
The other delivery times will get 0 point. / If answered “Yes”: Delivery plan must be given in the separate attachment “Delivery Plan”.
