(Electrical) Energy Resources Surcharge


(In thousands of dollars)

Fiscal year / Revenue
1 / 2
2002-03 / $46,086
2001-02 / 44,853
2000-01 / 47,931 / a
1999-00 / 45,539
1998-99 / 43,191
1997-98 / 41,454
1996-97 / 42,542
1995-96 / 42,588
1994-95 / 41,296
1993-94 / 40,706
1992-93 / 41,349
1991-92 / 39,863
1990-91 / 40,246
1989-90 / 39,358
1988-89 / 38,086
1987-88 / 36,942
1986-87 / 35,142
1985-86 / 34,824
1984-85 / 34,432
1983-84 / 32,131
1982-83 / 30,729
1981-82 / 30,994 / b
1980-81 / 23,817 / c
1979-80 / 19,022 / d
1978-79 / 18,066 / e
1977-78 / 17,670 / f
1976-77 / 13,989
1975-76 / 13,250
1974-75 / 1,885 / g

a. Starting with 2000-01, this revenue is reported on a modified accrual basis. Revenues for prior years include self-assessments from tax returns on a cash basis.

b. Effective September 1, 1981, the tax rate was increased to $0.0002 per kilowatt hour, the maximum allowed under the law. The surcharge was permanently set at the maximum authorized rate in September 1982.

c. Effective September 1, 1980, the tax rate was increased to $0.00016 per kilowatt hour from $0.00015. Effective March 1, 1981, the rate was increased to $0.00019.

d. Effective September 1, 1979, the tax rate was increased to $0.00015 per kilowatt hour from $0.0001.

e. Effective September 1, 1978, the tax rate was reduced to $0.0001 per kilowatt hour from $0.00014.

f. Effective September 1, 1977, the tax rate was increased to $0.00015 per kilowatt hour from $0.0001. Effective March 1, 1978, the tax rate was reduced to $0.00014. Effective January1, 1978, purchase of electrical energy from the United States government or its agencies used in California became subject to the surcharge.

g. This tax became effective January 1, 1975, at a rate of $0.0001 per kilowatt hour on the consumption of electrical energy in California.
