
English I

Umatilla High School

Teacher: Ms. Stafford

School: 352-669-3131, ext. 3549

Course Learning Goal: Students will become effective communicators.

Measurable Objectives: Students will

Read, comprehend, analyze and critique a variety of texts including informational texts, non-fiction, fiction, poetry, and drama.

Write for a variety purposes including creative, expository and persuasive pieces, demonstrating good penmanship (cursive) and writing mechanics (Standard English grammar and spelling).

Perfect their communication skills through class discussions, conversations, conferences and groups activities.

Develop a research paper which incorporates the use of reading and writing in Standard English, media skills, sound research methods, and technology.

Apply their skills to the preparation of oral and multi-media presentations.

Course Work:
Reading:You will be responsible for reading all texts according to assignment provided.

Writing:Writing in this class will happen regularly – both on a formal and informal basis. Most of your writing will be kept in your notebook/ writing portfolios.

Formal Essays: formal essays are to be in MLA format, typed, double-spaced, etc. You will be given ample time to complete all of your essays, which will occur using the various stages of writing.

Informal Pieces: this is where practice makes perfect. Informal essays or other pieces of writing are usually in-class, handwritten, timed, and/or accompanied by a prompt.

Bell work: you may be given prompts daily to which you must respond informally. Think, express, create, grow.

Presentations: you may be asked to give oral presentations, which includes the research process and the use of technology (encompassing presentation-style writing).


Be prompt.

Be prepared.

Be positive.

Be productive.

Be polite.


Bring to class each and every day:

Pencil and Pen (Black and blue only).

Notebook (1 inch binder with 3 dividers, your choice) to include:

  • Bell work
  • Vocabulary
  • Notes
  • Assignments

White, college ruled, loose-leaf notebook paper only

USB flash drive(recommended)


Other reading material

  • Books (from home or media center check out)

Grading Policy and Procedures:

Class grades are based on written work, essays, quizzes, exams, creative projects, presentations, and participation. All grading is based on a points system. Accumulated earned points divided by the total number of possible points determine the percentage grade.

Homework / In-Class Writings


Tests / Exams

 Major Essays

Group Projects / Presentations

Participation Points for each 9 weeks

Late Work:

Turn in work on time and do it well. Assignments are due at the beginning of class, any other time is considered late. Keep in mind that late work will have 10% grade reduction for each day that it is late.

Class Expectations:

1. Be present, punctual and prepared for class.

2. Bring books, necessary supplies and assignments to class everyday.

3. Be polite and respectful.

4. When I need your attention I will move to a designated spot and all attention needs to be

on me.

6. During Class Discussions: active participation is encouraged; off-topic questions should be written down and saved for later.

7.When you are Finished Early: If you complete class work early, you may work on other English work, which includes reading, vocabulary, or other assignments. If no other is to be done read a book.

8. Be responsible for your trash and mess.

9.Class Dismissal: The teacher dismisses the class, not the bell.

Intervention Steps

From time to time, we all forget things. However, consistently forgetting our school rules and classroom procedures is disrespectful to all and will lead to the following actions:

1. Verbal warning / meeting with me

2. Conference/contact with your parent/guardian

3. Disciplinary action: Detention Friday Morning

4. Referral


Tardiness disrupts the class! Use the restroom before you come to my class. If you are not in your seat, ready to begin working when the bell rings, you will be marked tardy

It is the responsibility of the student to get missing work upon returning from an excused absence by checking with Ms. Stafford. Students are accountable for all missed work. All make up work (class work, quizzes, tests, and homework) will follow school board policies.

This does not apply to assignment or test dates that were given in advance of the absence. If you are absent on the day of a test, you will be expected to take the test on the day you return. You will also be expected to turn in any assignments that were due on the day of your absence.

Attendance Incentive:

School Board policy allows each teacher to develop a system to reward students for attending their class. I will average in a bonus “100” to the grade of any student that misses my class 2 days or less per nine weeks. A miss is defined as any absence, unexcused trip to the office, or no more than two class periods being tardy.

A Note on Plagiarism:

Students must not adopt or reproduce ideas, words, or statements of another person without appropriate acknowledgment. A student must give credit to the originality of others whenever he or she does any of the following: (1) quotes another person's actual words, either oral or written; (2) paraphrases another person's words, either oral or written; (3) uses another person's idea, opinion, or theory; (4) Borrows facts, statistics, or other illustrative material, unless the information is common knowledge. Any student who plagiarizes will receive a zero for that work. Please see the student handbook for further information on the plagiarism policy

I have always found that when respect is exercised, all else falls into place. I ask that you respect your peers as fellow learners, and most importantly yourselves by behaving as the mature young adults you are.

Please do not hesitate to ask for help. I will be glad to stay after school or schedule another available time to meet with students.

Remember, I truly believe in your potential and I want you to believe in it, too. This will be an amazing year.

Ms. Stafford