2017 Aquaculture Checklist

for Bio Suisse Inspections of Certified Organic Pond Farms

The checklist must be completed for the entire farming operation, not just for the site(s) for which Bio Suisse certification is being sought

The accuracy of the details given in this checklist must be confirmed by a signature on the last page from a representative of the responsible inspection body.

Company and site(s) name(s):
Website/home page:
Farming operations manager / person(s) in charge:
Postal code, town, province:
GPS coordinates
Total surface of the farming operation in ha:
Pond numbers:
New ponds in the past two years:
Please indicate number, denomination and surface in ha
The farming operation has been inspected and certified since (year):
Inspection body:
Farming operation No./ID assigned by the inspection body:
Inspection date:
Previous inspection date:
Marketing organization / producers' association:
Contracting export company:
Contracting Swiss import company:


Yes / No
This is an initial application for certification.
ICB imposed conditions in the previous year.
The conditions imposed by ICB in the previous year have been met.
Explain in detail:

2.General Remarks

Yes / No
Have any significant changes been made in the structure / management of the operation compared to the previous year?
Are there any particular risks or features on this holding that require special attention?


Yes / No / n/a
The entire farming operation is fully organic.
The farming operation is partly converted (comprising organic and non-organic units).
Partial conversion is temporary.
If yes, please enclose plan for gradual conversion.
The farm operations manager is only responsible for this farming operation.
The farm operations manager is also responsible for other fully organic farming operations.
The farm operations manager is also responsible for non-organic and/or partly converted farming operations.


The fish are farmed in compliance with these standards:

Specie(s) farmed: Amount of fish produced annually: kg

Yes / No
Parent fish and have been fed with antibiotics, growth promoters or hormones.
Genetically modified or triploid fish are farmed.
Purchased stock:
Non-organic juvenile fish / smolts / eggs have been purchased.
If yes: Complete confirmation form for non-organic purchases (see appendix).
Non-availability of organic juvenile fish / eggs has been confirmed by the inspection body.
Yes / No
Pond Farm and environmental impacts:
7% of the operational acreage are reserved as areas dedicated to the enhancement of biodiversity
The pond or facility is protected against escape or invasion by unwanted fish species
Any deposits of unconsumed feed and fish faeces are utilized by the operation itself or delivered to another organic farming operation (unless a different form of utilization is prescribed by law)
Are the ponds illuminated?
If yes, for what reason, for how many hours per day and during which months?
Water quality / oxygenation:
Anthropogenically unpolluted inflow (In case of doubt, water sample analyses must show that the water is safe to use)
Water quality of inlet and outlet is regularly analysed.
(Please attach analyses.)
Temperature, pH, oxygen and ammonia levels of the water meet the specific requirements of
fish species concerned. The values are measured at regular, appropriate intervals (at least once a month) and at sensitive times of day
Only permitted means of aeration: cascades, molecular sievecolumns, paddle wheels, fountains and recirculating pumps
Liquid oxygen is used only in case of weather extremes, during transport.
Purchased feed:
Feed is certified organic by Naturland, or Soil Association.
please attach all feed certificates
Feed additives:
Use of prohibited feed additives[1]
Is the feed free from ethoxyquin (E324)? Comments:
Fish welfare:
Compliance of the typal stocking density. Give details: kg/m³
Please indicate rearing duration in months
Transport duration and density limits are met: 10 hours max.1 kg fish/5 litres, after 2 hours 1 kg fish/8 litres. Please describe:
The ponds offer sufficient places of retreat and shelter to encourage the natural behaviour of the fish (such as forming swarms and territorial behaviour)
Dead fish removal on a regular basis
Grading and handling procedures are kept to a minimum.
The fish can find shady areas in all the ponds
Yes / No
Veterinary medicine
The legal waiting period is doubled when pharmaceuticals / chemical treatments are used.
Veterinary recommendations and/or prescriptions are available. (See the list of permitted substances for aquaculture)
Use of prohibited substances[2]
Facilities are managed daily and fish logbooks are kept (containing records of all hygiene, treatment, sorting and handling measures, water quality parameters, and stocking or removal dates).
Slaughter methods:
Asphyxiation of fish
Describeeach step of stunning and slaughtering in detail:
Only cleaning agents and disinfectants approved according to the EU regulation 889/2008, annex VII, are used.

5.Social accountability

Number of full-time employees / persons employed year-round / Number of day labourers / seasonal workers (at peak harvest time) / Total number of
Yes / No / n/a
The farming operation is currently certified or audited in accordance with one of the following standards: Naturland, Soil Association Ethical Trade, Ecocert Fair Trade, Rapunzel Hand in Hand, For Life (IMO), Fair for Life (IMO), FLO Cert (smallholder), Union Fair Choice, SA 8000, GlobalG.A.P. GRASP, BSCI Primary Production, Ecovalia, Valore Sociale.
If yes, which: The certificate/audit report MUST be submitted.
The farming operation does not have any of the above listed social certifications or audits and has more than 20 employees (full-time + seasonal workers/day labourers).
If yes: the separate “Social Accountability” self-declaration form must be completed and submitted every three years. If it has been submitted within the last three years, please state which year:
The self-declaration form can be downloaded using the following link:


Yes / No
Pest control substances/agents are used in storage areas.
If yes, list product(s):
Other measures are being taken to avoid contamination.
If yes, list measures:
Fumigation or fogging is carried out in storage areas.
If yes, list product(s)/gases used:
Products are cleaned, dried, prepared, packaged, and/or processed on the farming operation.
If yes, list which products:
Enclose recipes, descriptions of processing and/or packaging methods.
Products produced by other farming operations are cleaned, dried, prepared, packaged, and/or processed on the farming operation.
If yes, the ICB checklist “Processing and Trade” must be completed.
Cleaning, drying, preparation, packaging and/or processing are carried out by a contractor.
If yes, enclose contractor’s certificate.

7.Processing / Advertising / Transport

The farming operation’s products are processed / prepared prior to being exported to Switzerland.
If yes, give the name of the firm that carries out processing / preparation:
The farming operation also trades products from other farming operations.
If yes, the ICB checklist “Processing and Trade” must be completed.
Does the Bio Suisse Bud appear on the website?
If yes, give www address
Bio Suisse certified products are only transported by land or sea.


The undersigned farm operations manager hereby confirms:

that he/she undertakes to comply with the Bio Suisse standards currently in force for the entire period for which Bio Suisse certification has been applied;

  • that he/she will inform the certification body and ICB without undue delay if they can no longer
    guarantee complete compliance with the Bio Suisse standards;
  • that he/she will correctly use the Bio Suisse certificate issued by ICB;
  • that he/she will label Bio Suisse certified products clearly and correctly;
  • that upon the expiry, termination or withdrawal of certification no further products will be traded as certified organic;
  • that he/she will also cease all advertising with any reference to certification and in such cases will directly
  • implement the steps prescribed by ICB and all other necessary measures;
  • that he/ she explicitly authorizes the inspection body to forward to ICB this checklist, signed by the inspector and a representative of the inspection body, together with all documents necessary for the initial application and subsequent applications for renewal;
  • that he/she also authorizes the inspection body to later forward any further information concerning this farming operation that is required for Bio Suisse certification and which applies to organic certification in conformance with Council Regulation (EC) 834/2007, Commission Regulation (EC) 889/2008 or equivalent national organic standards (e.g., infractions of [EC] 834/2007, resulting sanctions and measures, positive analytical reports, etc.);*
  • that he/ she agrees to fulfil all other requirements stipulated in the contract with the certification body for organic certification in accordance with Council Regulation (EC) 834/2007 as well as to meet the Bio Suisse standards;
  • that he/ she grants ICB the right to carry out follow-up spot checks on their farming operation and to take soil and product samples for analysis following consultation with their inspection and certification body and if necessary, in the presence of representatives from the accreditation body for ICB;
  • that he /she authorizes ICB to forward the certificate and notification of conditions for Bio Suisse certification to Bio Suisse, the appropriate authorities and if necessary, to the Swiss importer of their products;
  • that the information he or she has provided on the occasion of this Bio Suisse inspection represents the truth to the best of their knowledge and belief.

Farm operations manager:

Date:...... Signature:

The undersigned inspector confirms

  • that the information he or she has provided on the occasion of this Bio Suisse inspection represents the truth to the best of their knowledge and belief;
  • that the checklist was completed during an inspection of the farming operation**.


Date:...... Signature:

Stamp of the inspection body and signature of its representative:

Date:...... Signature:

*ICB handles all information pertaining to the farming operation in a confidential manner and solely for the
purpose of certification.

**An exception is only possible during the initial application procedure if the main inspection has already taken place and the application for Bio Suisse certification is retroactively submitted.

Obligatory enclosures:

Current organic inspection report

Valid organic certificate and certification decision

Certificate of the feed supplier

Confirmation form for purchases of non-organic juvenile fish / eggs

In case of new sites: actualized site map

Self-declaration “Social accountability” (every 3 years) or audit/certification for social accountability depending on the number of employees and country (see Bio Suisse “Social accountability” self-declaration form).

In case of initial application additionally (obligatory):

Organic inspection report of the previous year

Organic certificate and certification decision of the previous year.

Site map

Details about the feed used (composition/ingredients, provenance of fishmeal / fish oil)

Additional enclosures:


Confirmation Form for purchases of non-organic
Juvenile fish and eggs

By signing this agreement, the supplier confirms that the delivered non-organic juvenile fish / eggs have never been subject to any of the treatments listed below, nor do they possess any of the distinguishing properties listed below. In the event of false information or non-compliance with the present agreement, the supplier can be made liable for damages. The supplier is particularly liable for damages if the delivery of forbidden juvenile fish / eggs results in sanctions against the purchaser.

Prohibited distinguishing properties / treatments:

  • Genetically modified eggs or eggs derived from polyploidization, ray treatment (monosexing) or gynogenesis
  • Juvenile fish from outside of neighbouring countries
  • Prophylactic treatment with synthetic drugs, antibiotics or hormones
  • Fed with antibiotics, growth promoters, hormones, genetically modified feed, feed components or additives

Juvenile fish / eggs (species) / Delivery number / Date of delivery / Signature

Purchaser of non-organic juvenile fish / eggs:

Name:No./ID of the farming operation:

Address, postal code, town:

Supplier of non-organic juvenile fish / eggs:


Address, postal code, town:

Place, date, stamp and signature of the supplier:

This form must be kept at the farming operation.

ICB Checklist 2017 Aquaculture – Net-cage farming1 / 8

[1] Antibiotics, hormones, sulphonamides, coccidiostatic preparations, synthetic growth promoters and stimulants, synthetic appetite stimulants, artificial colourings, urea, all kinds of excrements, pure amino acids, genetically modified organisms or derivatives

[2] Synthetic substances for the stimulation of production, hormones, synthetic growth promoters