Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 17th October 2017 at Cranage Village Hall.
Declaration of Interest
Councillor M Hodge & Councillor G Morgan - 17/3605W
Councillor M Cohen in the footpath along the A50
Public Forum
4 members present.
A resident asked if a response had been received from Cllr P Bates in relation to the noise survey for the M6.
Part 1
Present Councillor R Hurst (who chaired the meeting),Councillor A Townson, Councillor M Cohen, Councillor G Morgan, Councillor J Swithenbank, Councillor M Hodge ,Councillor A Kolker ( Cheshire East Council) and the Clerk.
Apologies – Councillor R J Hocknell due to holidays.
118/17 Minutes
Cllr R Hurst requested an amendment to 108/17 – “The litter collection arranged by Cllr R Hurst had been a great success last Sunday. Nineteen residents and members of the Council had attended, which included some canoeing on the River Dane. ANSA had provided the equipment and collected bags of rubbish. The land owners/users adjacent to the River Dane gave their permission to access the River. Thank you everybody who attended.”
Proposer – MC. Seconded – GM
Resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 19th September 2017 be approved and signed as a true and accurate record.
119/17 Neighbourhood Plan
Cllr G Morgan updated members on the meeting with Mr T Evans from Cheshire East and Cllr M Cohen and Mr C Brown. The next steps were to arrange a Terms of Reference and designate the area.
There would be another NP meeting arranged before the next PC meeting and Cllr G Morgan would update the project plan previously circulated by Cllr R Hurst.
120/17 Adult Fitness Area
The surveys had been returned to the Council and there had been 56 responses - 37 in favour and 19 against.
Cllr A Townson gave a view that this may be a pointless venture as Woodside Golf Club were due to build an outside fitness area in their approved application.
Cllr R Hurst proposed that three tenders were obtained for the adult fitness area and then funding options must be reviewed to establish an actual cost to the Parish Council.
Cllr G Morgan seconded the proposal.
VOTE – FOR – unanimous.
121/17 Footpath and Tree Report
Footpath Officer Report
The Clerk read the report from the Footpath Officer. It was noted that there was an issue with the surface of Hermitage Lane following the recent work to reinstate the bridge over the River Dane. There was an excellent improvement on the A50 footpaths, where the clearing has now commenced .The verges alongside the A50 (both sides) running from the area of Cranage Estate towards Holmes Chapel have now been cut and look very good.
Resolved Cllr A Kolker would report Hermitage Lane to the contractors to rectify.
PROW behind Deans Cottages
The Clerk had investigated the process of reporting CE to the Secretary of State in relation to determining the application of the PROW due to the length of time this had taken to conclude. The Rambler’s Society had assisted and the letter would be sent before the next meeting.
There had been several residents’ who were over 70 years old who provided statements in relation to walking the footpaths.
Unregistered land behind Deans Row
The Clerk requested the support of members to individually write to the solicitors dealing with the case.
Daffodil Planting
There had been a request from a resident on Byley Lane to plant some daffodil bulbs along the verges of Byley Lane and Crescent Road. Cllr A Townson proposed the Parish Council purchased some bulbs. Cllr M Cohen seconded the proposal
Vote – unanimous
Resolved the Parish Council would donate a bag of daffodil bulbs with the maximum limit of £30.
122/17 Highways
M6 Screening
The Clerk had written to Cllr P Bates forwarded to Cllr A Arnold in relation to conducting a survey but there had been no response to date. Cllr A Kolker would enquire.
Cllr M Hodge reported that there had been a further meeting with the residents and Cllr A Kolker. The group had invited Ms Jo Miller from Miller Goodall and she was advising the group and they intended to do a FOI on the noise level data held by Highways England. This would be in the modelling proposal when intending to widen the M6.
Cllr A Kolker was gaining advice from the M40 Action Group in relation to how their fencing was organised. He would also contact Cllr A Arnold for a response on the letter sent by the Parish Council.
Meeting with Mr S Wallace Highways CE and Cllr A Townson and the Clerk
There had been a site visit to discuss the speed of traffic along the rural lanes - Goostey Lane, Middlewich Road, Northwich Road, Byley Lane and Twemlow Lane. This included the crossroads by the paddock.
SW gave advice where locations for a Speed Display Unit would be suitable. He advised that CE would have to install the posts due to regulations if the PC pursued the purchasing the units.
He advised the trees were cut back overhanging the paddock as they were impeding vision of warning signs.
The Clerk was instructed to gain a quote to action the works.
Footpath along the A50
The footpath quotes had not been received – deferred to the next meeting.
Highways Meeting at Holmes Chapel Community Centre 04.01.17
The Clerk and Cllr G Morgan had attended and reported back.
123/17 To adopt the Complaints Policy
The Chairman advised this to be deferred to the next meeting.
124/17 Parish Councillor Email addresses
This was discussed. It had been advised that each Councillor should adopt a Parish Council email address.
Resolved the Clerk would instruct Ms S Amies to allocate individual Parish Council email addresses for two years at a cost of £47.76 (2GB)
125/17 Planning Applications
· 17/3605W Land at Rudheath Lodge, New Platt lane, Cranage and Allostock CW4 8HJ – Silica sand extraction and associated development, mineral extraction by dredging progressive restoration, mineral processing and dispatch – Comments from Council
The Parish Council were unable to resolve the appointment of a speaker for the Strategic Planning Board and it would be on the agenda for the next meeting.
· Community Infrastructure Levy Consultation – the PC agreed no response was to be submitted.
· 17/4861C Silver Birches, New Platt Lane, Cranage CW4 8HS - Variation of condition 2 on application 16/2052C – construction of one new house.
Resolved No Comment
· 17/5208C Allotment Wood, Oak Tree Lane, Cranage CW10 9LU- outline planning application for the erection of two detached 4 bedroomed dwellings
Resolved No Objection with comments
126/17 Accounts
It was noted the balance of account = Leek United £30,275.36 + Natwest £40,151.80 = £70,427.16Payments
Cheque number
189 - £140.00 Ms B S Amies
190 - £105.00 CHALC Training (Cllr M Cohen, Cllr A Townson and Cllr J Swithenbank)
191- £100.00 Byley Parochial Church Council
· £1,039.32 Somerford Parish Council
· £1,367.88 Newbold Astbury cum Moreton Parish Council
· £710.77 Hulme WAlfield & Somerford Booths Parish Council
· £1.37 Lloyds Bank PLC
Resolved the above payments are approved and signed for as a true and accurate record
Byley Parochial Parish Church for the up keep of the graveyard
Resolved the Parish Council would donate £100.00
Additional Signature on the Natwest Bank Account
Resolved Cllr M Hodge would be added as an additional signature.
Budget and Precept 2017/18
The Clerk explained the procedure for the next meeting.
127/17 Councillor Responsibilities
The Clerk had circulated a list of responsibilities. This was discussed and the list was agreed as follows ;
Cllr M Cohen – Neighbourhood Plan, Events and Police Liaison
Cllr R Hocknell – Finance and Outside Bodies
Cllr M Hodge – Outside Bodies and Environment
Cllr R Hurst – Finance, Compliance and Personnel
Cllr G Morgan – Neighbourhood Plan, Personnel and Compliance
Cllr J Swithenbank – Neighbourhood Plan, Planning and Community Assets
Cllr A Townson - Finance, Personnel, Community Assets and Manchester Airport
Resolved the Council approved the above responsibilities.
128/17 Cheshire East
Resolved to suspend the Standing Orders to accept a report from the Ward Councillor A Kolker.
Cllr D Brown had stepped aside as Deputy Leader and the Portfolio Holder for Highways. Cllr A Kolker was due to meet Cllr G Williams from highways this week and if members wished to join him they were welcome.
Cllr A Kolker updated members on the Public Inquiry in Goostrey in relation to building 6 houses. Goostrey Parish Council had been involved due to the policies within their Neighbourhood Plan which had been approved. This strengthened theri objection to the application.
The status of the 319 Bus Route would be reviewed as a result of the responses to the public consultation.
129/19 To adopt Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Code of Conduct
The Chairman requested this was deferred to the next meeting.
130/17 Chairman and Members Report
CEC Brereton Rural Parishes Meeting 26.09.17 – An introduction from Sgt Claire Lloyd at Sandbach Police – Cllr M Cohen and the Clerk attended. They reported to full Council.
CHALC Training Course on 04.10.17- Cllr M Cohen, Cllr J Swithenbank and Cllr A Townson reported on the training. The feedback forms should be completed.
131/17 Clerks Report
The COC training needed to be rearranged due to not all members being able to attend.
Cllr M Hodge was unable to attend the Annual CHALC meeting , no other members were available.
Cllr M Cohen – Middlewich Road
Cllr R Hocknell – Needham Estate
Cllr A Townson – Northwich Road
Cllr R Hurst – Village Hall ad Crescent Road
SLCC Course 21st September
The Clerk had attended
132/17 The next Parish Council Parish Meeting would be on the 28th November 2017 @ 7.30pm in Cranage Village Hall.
Meeting closed at 9.55 pm.