Food Web Project
The Context: Energy flows in ecosystems in food chains and food webs. A food chain is a series of events in which one organism eats another and obtains energy. A food web consists of many overlapping food chains.
The Challenge: You will be given pictures of plants and animals that are found within the deciduous forest ecosystem. You are to construct your own food web using the pictures given.
· This is an independent project
· You will complete this assignment in 1 full class period
· All food webs must contain
o 1 sun
o 1 decomposer
o 14 different organisms
o 25 links
· All pictures used MUST be neatly and realistically colored and cut out
· Pictures will be glued onto a large piece of construction paper
· Glue the sun on the top of your poster to show the original source of energy. THIS SHOULD NOT BE LINKED TO ANY ORGANISMS!
· Use books provided to help determine the relationship between different organisms
· Do not glue ANYTHING down until you have laid out the web first
· Make sure all pictures are placed in a meaningful manner
· Draw arrows to indicate the flow of energy and the relationship between organisms. MAKE SURE THEY ARE POINTING THE CORRECT DIRECTION! USE A RULER!!
· Number your arrows with a small number to keep track of how many arrows you have created.
Food Web Rubric
CATEGORY / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1Poster / Poster contains all components
1 Sun, 1 Decomposer and 14 other organisms represented / Poster missing a few components / Poster missing several components
Links / Poster contains 25 or more links / Poster is missing a few links / Poster is missing several links
(x2) / All links are correct and make sense / A few links are incorrect / Several links are incorrect
Neatness / Poster is neat, organisms are realistically colored and arrows are neat and easy to read / Poster is somewhat neat, some organisms are realistically colored and arrows are somewhat easy to read / Poster is messy, most organisms are not realistically colored and arrows are hard to read
Your Grade ______/25