Central Coast Community Forum
Minutes 26th July 2006
CWA Hall, Port Noarlunga
Present: Ray Bailey (Chair), Vanessa & Graham Catterall, John Walker, Diana Dahms, Jan Vivian, Charles & Christine Bures, Peter Mortess, Ron Lister, Liz Mines, Jan Pickering, Julie Harris, Barbara Reganess, Jono Humphrys, Peter & Dianne Farrell, Jean Grantham, Stephen Woods, Brendan Armstrong, Jack Holder, Lesley Cann, Nick Swann, Pam Taylor, Joan Lavender, Iain Martin, L F Churchward, Phyll Morrison, Rose Beager, Penny Moore, Group Manager Governance, City of Onkaparinga, Acting Detective Sergeant Steve Atkinson, SAPOL, Rex Manson, Melissa Oliveira, Amanda Putrus, Lyn Evans, Julia, David & Maria Macey, Brian & Eeva Liisa Neldner, John Short, Wayne & Bev Buttery, Michael Wood, Joan Smith, Rob Winter, Bernie Stoker, Sue Fitton
Federal MP: Kym Richardson MP (Member for Kingston)
State MP: Nil
Onkaparinga Council Members; Cr Artie Ferguson, Cr Bill Jamieson, Cr Vicki Osland
Apologies: Gay Thompson MP (Member for Reynell), John Hill MP Member for Kaurna, Lynn & John Kurcz, Peter Holdback, George Apap, Gavin Reeves
Welcome: Chairman Ray Bailey welcomed those in attendance to the forum and advised that there will be light supper after the meeting had closed. John Hill MP Member for Kaurna provided details about the new Development (Panels) Bill as requested by the Forum. (Copy available contact Vanessa CCCF)
Ray introduced Acting Detective Sergeant Steve Atkinson, SAPOL who gave an excellent presentation about SAPOL helicopters. He advised the Forum that in December 2005 a new Polair service was introduced with 3 helicopters in service, which are used, by SAPOL, CFS, SA Ambulance and the Dept of Health. The Polair helicopters were an active resource and a proactive resource. Steve explained the various features on the helicopters – the winch, the nightsun light etc. The presentation concluded with video footage of an actual car chase at night.
Penny Moore, Group Manager Governance, City of Onkaparinga gave details about her duties in the Council to the Forum and took questions from the floor. Penny looks after anything to do with elected members, the Mayor and the CEO, Council elections, the Council Internet and Intranet sites, the Local Government Act and the Whistleblowers Act, citizenship ceremonies and civic events. Penny explained that Council terms had changed and is now to be 4-year terms from November. The rolls for the elections close on 11 August, nominations for candidates open 5 September and close on 19 September at 12 noon. Mail out of ballot packs begins on 23 October until 27 October and close of voting is 5pm Friday 10 November 2006.
Penny distributed copies of information previously requested by the Forum from the City of Onkaparinga. (Copy available by email contact Vanessa CCCF)
Kym Richardson MP (Member for Kingston). Kym gave members a written handout as promised regarding their concerns the Trade Skills Training Visa (TSTV). He explained there are a lot of checks and balances in place regarding TSTV’s. He was asked if there is going to be additional funding for TAFE – he will check and get back to the Forum. He was also asked about the Free Trade deal with the US – he would get back to the Forum.
Kym advised the Forum about Waterproofing the South, the Christie Creek Taskforce and the good work done by Rex Manson.
Kym is not happy that the Port Stanvac site is to be mothballed. He is holding a meeting about it on Wednesday 2 August at 7.30pm at the O’Sullivan Beach Community Club and has invited Acting Premier Kevin Foley to speak to residents. Kym suggests the site could become an industrial park. A question was asked from the floor regarding alternative fuels – what is the Governments position? Kym will get back to the Forum.
Local resident Melissa Oliveira showed Forum members her plans for a sustainable park for Lot 6. Melissa has produced the plans as part of a thesis for her university assignment Urban Habitat: the Ecology of Cities. The land is ideal to develop a landscape that is sustainable, functional, aesthetic, affordable and socially & environmentally correct. The plans included BBQ shelters made of local limestone with rainwater tanks to harvest water on site, a playground for children, a memorial garden near the RSL, and using indigenous and drought resistant vegetation throughout the park. Many questions were asked from the floor. Some of the concerns were about car parking, toilets, vegetation, using State Government funding as part of the Coastal Park grants and lack of anything happening on the site. Cr Jamieson said he was happy to meet with the Forum regarding Lot 6 but they needed a plan. A date to be arranged. Cr Ferguson liked the plan presented by Melissa. The Forum Working Party would like to see a joint venture between the Community and the Council to further enhance Lot 6.
Christies Beach Caravan Park – Peter Farrell there are still concerns regarding the leases.
The Whipwell Restaurant – Penny Moore will let the Forum know who will be leasing the site.
Australia Day to be held on Lot 6? A proposal by the Lions Club was well received.
Upgrade to the public toilets at the bottom of Gulfview Road? Cr Jamieson said that he understood new toilets were to be part of an upgrade by Council. The Lions Club also raised concerns regarding the existing toilets and surrounding area. They have spoken to the cleaners and the cleaners considered these toilets to be the worst in their area regarding needles etc in the public toilets. Cr Jamieson suggested maybe the street lighting could be changed.
Speed cushions newly installed along the Esplanade were discussed. Some local residents feel that the noise from vehicles travelling along the Esplanade is much worse. Penny Moore will advise the Forum if they can be reviewed.
Kym Richardson MP (Member for Kingston) advised the Forum members that Federal funding might be available for the improvement of Lot 6 and also for a memorial garden adjacent to the RSL. The CCCF Working Party to make enquiries regarding funding.
Community notices included two Neighbourhood Watch meetings – one to be held in the CWA Hall on 9 August and the other in the Uniting Church Hall at Christies Beach on 2 August.
At the next meeting on 7pm Wednesday 27 September 2006 candidates for the Council elections will be invited to speak to the Forum for 5 minutes each.