NZQA Expiring unit standard / 28054 version 3
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Title / Demonstrate understanding of complex spoken interaction (EL)
Level / 4 / Credits / 5
Purpose / This unit standard is for people for whom English is an additional language.
People credited with this unit standard are able todemonstrate understanding of complex spoken interaction (EL).
Classification / Languages > English Language
Available grade / Achieved, Merit, and Excellence
Criteria for Merit / Clear understanding of complex spoken interaction is demonstrated by identifying additional details.
Criteria for Excellence / Thorough understanding of complex spoken interaction is demonstrated by identifying the viewpoint(s) of the speakers, including implied meaning.
Prerequisites / Unit 28051,Demonstrate understanding of spoken interaction on familiar topics (EL), or demonstrate equivalent knowledge and skills.

Guidance Information

1English Language (EL) refers to the acquisition of English as an additional language.

2This unit standard can be awarded with an Achieved, Merit, or Excellence grade. For the Achieved grade to be awarded, the outcome must be achieved as specified in the outcome statement. For Merit grade to be awarded, the candidate must meet the Achieved and Merit criteria. For Excellence grade to be awarded, the candidate must meet the Achieved, Merit and Excellence criteria.

3This unit standard is at a level comparable to the Common European Framework of Reference B2.

4This unit standard may contribute to the New Zealand Certificate in English Language (Level 4) [Ref:1883]for the general, workplace and academic qualifiers. Assessment of the academic qualifier will also require assessment against English for Academic Purposes Level 4 unit standards, in the subfield Languages. These unit standards can be accessed at

5All assessment activities must be conducted in English, which must not be the candidate’s first language.

6It is recommended that:

ithe outcomes are assessed as part of an integrated unit of work, relevant to the learning context of the candidate;

iiassessment be conducted in conjunction with assessment against other English Language unit standards at this level.

7Candidates need to be given time to read the questions before the listening task. Clarification of task instructions may be requested by the candidate, as long as this does not lead the candidate to the correct answer.

8Each spoken interaction for this unit standard:

imust be a minimum of five minutes;

iimust include at least two speakers; a minimum of one text must include more than two speakers;

iiimay include interviews, discussions, meetings, problematic transactions, complex instructional interactions;

ivmust be appropriate to the spoken mode, or a text which is designed for oral delivery;

vmust be delivered in clear and comprehensible speech.

9Spoken texts may be repeated once only. They can be listened to face-to-face in audio or audio-visual format. If audio-visual materials are used, these must not include large amounts of written text.

10The assessor must be satisfied that the candidate can independently demonstrate competence against the unit standard.

11Candidate’s responses may be oral or written. If responses are oral, they must not be heard or observed by other candidates. Responses may contain some minor textual or linguistic inaccuracies, which do not obscure meaning. This standard assesses listening skills, not spoken, reading or written skills.

12Assessment support material for English Language unit standards can be found at


Additional details refer to expansion and exemplification.

Implied meaning refers to meaning which is indicated or suggested, without being explicitly stated.

Viewpoint(s) refers to opinion or attitude of the speaker and may include abstract ideas, arguments and description.

Outcomes and Performance criteria

Outcome 1

Demonstrate understanding of complex spoken interaction (EL).

Rangeminimum of two spoken interactions by different individual speakers, each on different topics and types of interaction, assessed on separate occasions;

minimum of three main pointsfor each text;

minimum of eight pieces of specific details for each text.

Performance criteria

1.1Understanding of spoken interaction is demonstrated by identifying main points, specific details and the overall purpose of the interaction.

Replacement information / This unit standard, unit standard 28053, and unit standard 28055 were replaced by unit standard 30992.

This unit standard is expiring. Assessment against the standard must take place by the last date for assessment set out below.

Status information and last date for assessment for superseded versions

Process / Version / Date / Last Date for Assessment
Registration / 1 / 17 October 2013 / 31 December 2019
Rollover and Revision / 2 / 21 May 2015 / 31 December 2019
Review / 3 / 29 March 2018 / 31 December 2019
Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) reference / 0226

This CMR can be accessed at

NZQA National Qualifications Services
SSB Code 130301 / New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2018 / / New Zealand Qualifications Aut