Durham Middle School
Advanced Content Course Placement Criteria
AC Language Arts / Both criteria
≥ 85%ile LA
≥ 85%ile Reading
Iowa National Percentile Rank (5th Grade)
/ 2 of 3 Criteria
85%ile LA and/or 85%ile Reading
on Iowa National Percentile Rank
(5th Grade)
Average of ≥ 90% in 6th Grade LA
/ Both criteria
≥ 85%ile LA
≥ 85%ile Reading
Iowa National Percentile Rank(7th Grade)
AC Social Studies / Both criteria
≥ 85%ile SS
≥ 85%ile Reading
Iowa National Percentile Rank(5th Grade)
/ 2 of 3 Criteria
85%ile SS and/or 85%ile Reading
on Iowa National Percentile Rank
(5th Grade)
Average of ≥ 90% in 6th Grade SS
/ Both criteria
≥ 85% SS
≥ 85% Reading
Iowa National Percentile Rank(7th Grade)
AC Science / Both criteria
≥ 85%ile Science
≥ 85% Math
Iowa National Percentile Rank(5th Grade)
/ 2 of 3 Criteria
85%ile Science and/or 85%ile Math
on Iowa National Percentile Rank
(5th Grade)
Average of ≥ 90% in 6th Grade Science
/ *High school credit course
Both criteria
≥ 85%ile Science|
≥ 85% Math
Iowa National Percentile Rank(7th Grade)
AC Reading / Both criteria
≥ 85%ile Reading
≥ 85% LA
Iowa National Percentile Rank(5th Grade)
/ 2 of 3 Criteria
85%ile Reading and/or 85%ile LA
on Iowa National Percentile Rank
(5th Grade)
Average of ≥ 90% in 6th Grade Reading
/ NA
Spanish / NA / NA / *High school credit course
Taken in place of Reading/Origins
≥ 70% on Reading Iowa National Percentile Rank (7th grade)
Math 6 / 1 of 2 Criteria
75%ile - 84%ile Math
Iowa National Percentile Rank (5th grade)
75% - 84% on Math Placement Test
/ NA / NA
Math 6/7 / 1 of 2 Criteria
≥ 85%ile Math
Iowa National Percentile Rank (5th Grade)
≥85% on Math Placement Test
/ NA / NA
Math 7 / NA / Both criteria
Must successfully complete
Math 6 with a test average of 85% AND
75-85%ile Iowa Nat’l Percentile Rank(5thGrade)
Must successfully complete Math 6/7 with a
test average of ≤ 80%
/ NA
Math 7/8 / NA / Must successfully complete Math 6/7
with unit test average of ≥80%
/ NA
Coordinate Algebra / NA / NA / *High school credit course
Must successfully complete Math 7/8
Coordinate Algebra/ Analytic Geometry A / NA / NA / *High school credit course
Must successfully complete Math 7/8 with unit test average ≥90%
- All gifted identified students will receive services inAC classes.
- The above criteria cannot be waived for placement into a course; however, a parent may choose to opt out of a course where a student is placed.
- 7th grade only – In order to provide an additional opportunity to qualify rising 7th grade students because the Iowa is not taken in 6th grade, students may be placed in AC classes if 2 out of 3 criteria are earned, as outlined above. Academic class averages reflect fall 2014 semester grades.