A Meeting of Tilford Parish Council held on Thursday 19th October 2017 at 7.30pm
At Tilford Village Institute (Centenary Room)
Cllrs Relf (Chair), Mack (Vice Chair), Warr, Lee, Harmer (SCC), Adams (WBC) R Audsley (Clerk) and 4 members of the public
1. Apologies Cllr Shams and Cllr Tahir whose reasons were accepted
Photographing, recording, broadcasting or transmitting the proceedings of a meeting by any means is not permitted without the Council’s prior written consent.
Councillors are reminded of their responsibility to declare any disclosable pecuniary interest which they may have in any item of business on the agenda no later than when that item is reached. Unless dispensation has been granted, you may not participate in any discussion of, or vote on, or discharge any function related to any matter in which you have a pecuniary interest as defined by regulations made by the Secretary of State under the Localism Act 2011. You must withdraw from the room when the meeting discusses and votes on the matter.
Cllr Relf proposed the minutes of the meeting of 6th September 2017 were a true and accurate record of proceedings. This was unanimously agreed and the minutes were signed.
Clerk advised that WBC would like £600 per annum for removal of waste for proposed resurrection of bin in Shepherds Way. Veolia quoted £84.00 per annum for a bi weekly collection. Parish Council will look to purchase bins.
Cllr Harmer provided an update to SCC financial situation.
Due to legislation change it became difficult for County Councillors to issue Member Allocation Funding. A motion has been passed to rectify this and further update available in due course.
Cllr Adams confirmed car park charge increase including blue badges to create revenue. The general revenue grant has been cut by 15%this year which is supposed to be partially offset against new homes. The Government is cutting back, therefore WBC has set up an investment team to look at alternative sources of income. There are plans to progress East Street which will give a long term return which is our approach to get over Government cut backs. WBC has maintained grants to all our organization we have SLA with, Hoppa, Maltings, Day Centre and Citizens Advice. Appeals this year cost just under £500,000.
Cllr Lee asked how much it cost to modify for disabled charges. Cllr Adams confirmed a £16k one off cost.
Recent Planning Applications
WA/2017/ 1846 Aspen, Greenhills, Tilford Road, Tilford, GU10 2DZ
Erection of extension to workshop unit.
Cllr Relf proposed no objection, Cllr Warr seconded, no objection from any councilor.
WA/2017/1808 The Rural Life Centre, The Reeds Road,Tilford GU10 2DL
Erection of a toilet block.
Tilford PC has no objections
WA/2017/1640 Hazelbank Lodge, Tilford Street, Tilford GU10 2AA Erection of a single storey extension.
TPC Recognise the staircase has been moved and feel it should be looked into by enforcement given the roof lights were placed without permission as stated in the application. We would ask that a condition that roof space not be used for habitable condition and velux window should be removed.
Ground floor extension not an issue, but determine the proposed increment is in fact 26% and not 15% as stated
WA/2017/1588 Abbots Lodge Coach House, Tilford Road Tilford, GU10 2EA
Alterations to existing garage and ground floor attached outbuildings to form additional habitable accommodation in association with Abbots Lodge Coach House.
Already passed.
WA/2017/1586 Waverley Abbey Church Of England Junior School, Tilford Street,
Tilford GU10 2AE
Application under Section 73A to vary Condition 3 of WA/2016/1722 (requirement to demolish existing buildings within three months of completion of new classroom block) to extend the time allowed for demolition to August 2018.
Tilford PC has no objections
Openwood – full approval 6th October no information in order to review in time for meeting.
Recent Planning Decisions
WA/2017/1326 Tilhill House, Squires Hill Lane, Tilford GU10 2AD
Change of use of land to equestrian along with the construction of a Sand School. FULL PERMISSION
Cllr Adams will investigate if two separate sand schools or if the original has been removed.
WA/2017/1358 Overwey, Whitmead Lane, Tilford GU10 2BS
Application under Section 73 to vary Condition 1 of WA/2016/1042 (approved plans) to allow alterations to elevations/design FULL PERMISSION
WA/2017/1363 9 Shepherds Way, Tilford GU10 2AB
Erection of extensions and alterations to existing dwelling to form 2 dwellings and provision of a new vehicular access. FULL PERMISSION
WA/2017/1486 West Wey House, Whitmead Road, Tilford GU10 2AU
Certificate of Lawfulness under Section 192 for infill extension. GRANTED
WA/2017/1415 Maple House, Tilford Street, Tilford GU10 2AL
Formation of a new vehicular access and driveway with the erection of entrance gates
Cllr Adams to look into progression, particularly the lights.
CA/2017/0106 Car Park East Of Tilford Green Tilford Street Tilford Farnham
Works to a Poplar tree. GRANTED
CA/2017/0105 Tilford Common Tilford Road Tilford Farnham
Works to Oak tree in southern corner of Tilford Green. T1 Oak - Crown lift current crown height by 1.5m, to a finished height of approximately 2m. GRANTED
WA/2017/1515 Waverley Abbey Church Of England Junior School, Tilford Street, Tilford GU10 2AE
Application under Section 73A to vary Condition 4 of WA/2016/1439 (modular building temporary period expiring 31/08/2017) to allow extension of temporary period to August 2020 FULL PERMISSION
WA/2017/1472 The Timber Yard, Grange Road, Tilford GU10 2DG
Change of Use to alternate unfettered Use Class B1C (light industrial)/B2 or B8 (Storage/Distribution), together with alterations to elevations of buildings and construction of mezzanine floor in buildings A and B. PENDING
Cllr Adams to follow up further to TPC letter
CA/2017/0121 Bridge Farm, Tilford Street, Tilford Farnham GU10 2BN
Tree identification in accordance with submitted annotated plan. T1 Willow - Pollard tree to a height of approximately 6m. GRANTED
WA2017/1194 Tilford Garage.
Application was changed from 2 to 3 bed, and was unable to stop so why is it still pending. Probably due to Infrastructure funding S106 as now increase funding.
Cllr Adams to look into.
8.1 Proposed Superfast Broadband Discussion forum 27th November
It was decided to host a specific meeting on SFBB to encourage anyone suffering from poor BB to come and join this meeting. This will be advertised in Tilford Life and Poster to be produced ACTION Cllrs Lee and Warr
8.2 Parking Review update
Cllr Lee updated there will be new white lines just before you go over the bridge and ‘ H bar’ white lines at three points between Barley Mow and start of East Bridge that will in turn create passing spaces.
8.3 Licensing proposal Weyfest
Proposal for current additional 5000 participants per day to increase overall numbers to 7500. Rural Life confirmed that there is no change to the numbers and the application is to move the Friday evening under their own licence rather than Rural Life’s licence.
Cllr Relf stated that if as it reads7500 it’s a disproportionate jump and would like clarification. Rural life will check numbers and advise accordingly.
9.1 Payments made 22nd August to 21st September
Date / Reference / PAYEE / Net / VAT / Total23rd August / 101486 / Imprint Colour Ltd – Tilford Life / 309.00
5th September / 101489 / T Freeborn – Warden Payment / 350.50
5th September / 101492 / R Audsley – Clerk Salary August / 585.00
7th September / 101490 / A Key Fencing- Stonehills / 1328.26
12th September / 101494 / JF Garden Services Groundworks August / 400.00
12th September / 101495 / R Audsley – Warden Payment / 200.00
13th September / 101493 / S Chaumeton – Warden Payment / 348.50
18th September / 101491 / BDO LLP Auditor / 396.00
20th September / 101496 / Imprint Colour Ltd – Tilford Life / 309.00
9.2 Bank Account balances
£28,020.36 Current
£19, 76791 Deposit
9.3 S.137 Poppy Wreath approval
All unanimously agree to donate £30 to the British Legion for poppy wreath for the war memorial.
9.4 Draft budget review
Clerk to get quotation for joining Hampshire Association of Local Councils.
It was agreed to raise Capital Projects and make no change to precept amount.
10.1 Land to left of Barley Mow update. Ongoing
10.2 Agreement of 2018 meeting dates
Previously circulated proposed 2018 dates were circulated and agreed.
10.3 WBC Ground Maintenance Review
Following previously circulated information from WBC, it was agreed the Parish Council would continue as we are.
10.4 Review of Grant Policy
It was agreed not to alter the current policy other than to change some wording to read “Grant are not usually given, but will be considered on an individual basis according to funds available at the time”
10.5 Raising kerb stones at Riverside car park
Cllr Relf to write to Cllr Harmer with regard to potential funding request. Clerk to arrange a meeting with Cllr Relf and Poulsoms for quotation.
10.6 Local Plan Part 2 review of boundaries
It was agreed following a request from WBC for a meeting to discuss LPP2 to suggest Friday 3rd November
10.7 Review of quotation for replacement Parish Council noticeboard outside Village Shop
Clerk to obtain further quotes for comparison
A list of correspondence received since the last meeting had previously been circulated to councillors
Clerk to resend letter re: Trees at Shepherds way playground
Cllr Lee attending training on 8th November re: Planning if anyone would like to join
Meeting closes at 22.50
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Signed ______Dated 7th December 2017