Seminar World: The Monarchs of Europe

Refer to Chapter 18 in your text. Explain the significance of each as it relates to history.

1.  Absolute Monarch –

2.  Divine Right –


3.  Charles V –

4.  Peace of Augsburg –

5.  Phillip II –

6.  El Greco –

7.  Spanish Armada –


8.  Hugenot –

9.  Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacre –

10.  Edict of Nantes –

11.  Cardinal Richelieu –

12.  Louis XIV –

13.  Palace of Versailles –

14.  War of Spanish Succession –

15.  Treaty of Utrecht –


16.  James I –

17.  Puritans –

18.  Charles I –

19.  English Civil War –

20.  Royalists –

21.  Oliver Cromwell –

22.  Commonwealth –

23.  Restoration –

24.  Charles II –

25.  James II –

26.  William & Mary –

27.  Glorious Revolution –

28.  English Bill of Rights –

29.  Constitutional Monarchy –


30.  Boyars –

31.  Czar –

32.  Ivan IV –

33.  Ivan the Terrible –

34.  Peter the Great –

35.  Westernization –

36.  St. Petersburg –

37.  Catherine the Great –

Central Europe

38.  Thirty Years War –

39.  Treaty of Westphalia –

40.  Maria Theresa –

41.  Frederick the Great –

Short Answers

1.  Why might a historian title a book about Spain from 1550 to 1650 A Glorious Failure?

2.  Why was the revocation the Edict of Nantes a problem for more people than just the Huguenots?

3.  The English monarchy developed in a very different direction than did the monarchies of Spain and France. How did it differ?

4.  What were the two sides in the English Civil War, and who tended to support each side? Explain what the outcome meant for England.

5.  What were some of the high points and low points of Peter the Great’s rule?

6.  Why was the Thirty Years’ War one of the worst disasters in German history?