James Hamblin School

Policy Guide


Welcome To James Hamblin School

This We Believe!

Each of our students is special, and each brings to our school unique skills, abilities, and needs. By actively listening to our students, by working cooperatively with them, by modelling what we believe, by working pro-actively with parents and with our community, and by providing a safe, caring, and orderly school climate, we believe we can positively influence the lives of our students.

The Staff of James Hamblin School

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Our Vision

As partners, we share in a community which fosters a commitment to communication, to caring, and to positive attitudes, inspiring and empowering one another.

Our Mission

James Hamblin School, a caring community, where children and their needs, as learners are priorities. Leadership in learning and life is emphasized.

Belief Statements

We believe in building a climate of community and of care in our school.

We believe that all students achieve in many different ways, and we need to strongly

promote those practicesand multiple Intelligences which maximize student achievement.

We believe in promoting activities which will increase positive interactions among our students, staff,parents, caregivers and our larger community.

We believe in exhibiting positive attitudes and behaviors and in modeling our school’s rules and expectations.

We believe in advocating a zero tolerance toward prejudice, racism, or any other form of abuse against anyindividual or group, while promoting an understanding of and empathy for the differences in how and whatpeople learn, think, and believe.

We believe in fostering regular and meaningful communication within our school and withthe parents,caregivers and larger community our school serves.

We believe in developing leadership skills within our students and in encouraging them to practice fair anddemocratic practices.

We believe we need to seek professional development, and, in particular as professional

development relates to meeting the goals of our school.

We believe in generating, among the students and staff, a commitment to our beliefs, to our school, and to ourlarger community.

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James Hamblin School

Our Staff 2013 - 2014

Braden, Pat...... Principal

Bennett, Cory ...... Educational Assistant

Carnochan, Gaylene ...... Elementary Teacher – Homeroom - Grade 1/2

Ciortan, Charlene...... Administrative Assistant

Geremia, Laurie...... Library Assistant

Lerat, Jessica...... Educational Assistant

Lenzen, Syndey...... Elementary Teacher- Homeroom - Grade 3/4

Radwanski, Tim...... Elementary/Middle Years Teacher – Homeroom – Grade 7/8/9

Sandberg, Stacy (Day 1, 3, 5)...... Band Teacher

Stecyk, Amanda...... Elementary/Middle Years Teacher- Homeroom – Grade 5/6

Switzer, Leslie...... Teacher Librarian

Tessier, Neal...... Custodian

Winter, Jenna...... Student Support Teacher and Homeroom - Kindergarten

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Absences and Lates

The safety of our students is very important; therefore, communication between the home and school is essential. We ask that the parent or caregiver contact JHS if their child/ren will not be in school. If we do not receive word of an absence, our office will attempt to make contact with parents at home, at work or through emergency contacts. As well, students who are late are asked to report to the office upon their arrival.

Attendance Procedures - General

Because student attendance is strongly correlated with academic achievement and because it is the duty of pupils to attend regularly, the attendance of students is carefully monitored at JHS. If absences exceed25% of a month or if attendance concerns have been deemed to adversely be affecting student work or deemed excessive, a letter communicating this concern will be sent home. Non-compliance to improve attendance will be handed over to P.V.S.D. to address.

Attendance is taken by homerooms each a.m. and p.m.

Bicycles and Scooters

To protect our students and their property, students are requested to:

  • place bicycles and scooters into the racks provided
  • secure bikes and scooters into the bike/scooter stand with a good lock and chain ● Key locks are not recommended
  • respect the rules of bicycle safety when driving bikes and scooters. Please, keep to the right side of the road, ride in single-file on the road, ride one person per bike, signal turns, check both ways before crossing intersections, do not ride on the sidewalks in front of the school or leading to it, and, please, do not ride your bike or scooter through the bus loading zone.
  • skateboards and rollerblades are not allowed at school.

Bullying and Harassment: Our Belief and Position

The community of James Hamblin School will not tolerate bullying or harassment in any form. All members of our school community including staff, students, parents, and caregivers must be committed to establishing a safe and caring environment which promotes positive growth and happiness for all.

Bullying and Harassment: Our Definition

At James Hamblin School bullying means any act of aggression causing pain, discomfort, or embarrassment to another. Bullying can take a number of forms including: physical, verbal, gesture, extortion, exclusion, and/or cyber. Bullying is an abuse of power where a more powerful individual or group causes hurt or suffering to a less powerful individual or group. Bullying can be planned and organized, or it may be unintentional.

Harassment includes behaviours that are sexual orientated, demeaning to racial/ethnic background or religious beliefs and practices, or abusive or humiliating to individuals.

The Rights of Students and Staff and of all Community Members with Respect to Bullyingor Harassment:

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James Hamblin School agrees with Rigby (1998) that the right to be safe and left alone is the right most valued by all people. A major goal of our school is to make our environment safe and caring and to protect our students and staff from the aggressive and harmful intent and actions of others. Our school community will do whatever it can to prevent bullying and harassmentand to assist those students who have either suffered physical or psychological harm.

Examples of BullyingorHarassment:

  • any form of physical violence including hitting, pushing, hair pulling, pinching, threatening, or spitting on others
  • interfering with another’s property including stealing, hiding, damaging, or destroying it using offensive names, gestures, body language, weapons, teasing, spreading rumours about others or their families
  • using put-downs, belittling others’ abilities and achievements
  • writing offensive notes or graffiti about others
  • making degrading comments about another’s culture or race, religion, social background, or sexuality
  • hurtfully excluding others from a group
  • sexually orientated comments, jokes, looks, gestures, suggestions or proposals
  • ridiculing another’s appearance or clothing
  • forcing others to act against their wills
  • spreading hurtful rumours about a person(s)

(Rigby, 1998, pp. 38-39)

The Results of Being Bullied orHarassedAre:

  • As students, we feel: sad, hurt, upset or angry, like getting revenge, frightened, unwanted, like quitting school, unpretty, like turning to drugs or alcohol, our self-esteem is lowered, like not eating, suicidal, taken advantage of, confused, intimidated, worried.

What Our School Community Will Do to Prevent Bullyingor Harassment:

As a caring school community, we will not allow cases of bullying to go unreported. It is every person’s responsibility to stop or to report bullying.

This will require students to:

  • serve as positive role models and refuse to be involved in any bullying situations and to be advocates against bullyingor harassment;
  • send an “I” message to the bully and ask the bully to stop or take some other form of preventative action;
  • if we cannot help the victim(s), report the incident to a staff member as soon as possible;
  • serve as a mediator or encourage others to solve their disagreements through mediation or other peaceful means.
  • report any incidences of bullying or harassment.

This will require parents and caregivers to:

ii)listen actively to their children’s concerns about bullyingor harassment and to watch for signs of stress in their children;

iii)report incidents of bullying or harassmentat school or to and from school to the staff or administration

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iv)support our children who are bulliedor harassment;

v)take an interest in their children’s friends, social life, and peers;

vi)not encourage retaliation;

vii)encourage their children to report incidents of bullying or harassmentto the school staff

This will require that staff:

i)be role models in word and in action i.e., send I messages and not use put-downs;

ii)be vigilant of signs of distress or suspected incidents of bullyingor harassment;

iii)make efforts to remove occasions for bullying or harassmentby actively patrolling during supervision and at all other times whether or not we are on active supervision or not;

iv)arrive at class on time and not leave our classrooms unnecessarily;

v)take steps to help victims and remove sources of distress from them without placing the victim at further risk;

vi)report incidents of bullying and harassmentto the school’s administration and to other staff members;

vii)take all reported incidents of bullying and harassmentgiven to us by parents and students seriously and non-judgmentally.

(Rigby, 1998, pp. 28-40)

with inclusions by JHS Staff

What Our School Will Do To Counter Bullying:

The staff of James Hamblin School will do everything it can to prevent and stop bullying. As well, the staff will encourage parents, caregivers, and students to assist them in bullying or harassmentprevention. The staff will also collect accurate data on the occurrences of bullyingor harassmentin our school and use this data to make changes in our practice and in our supervision.

Cell Phones & Listening Devices

The use and wearing of personal listening devices during school hours is not allowed (an

exception will be student owned devices used for sensory needs, at the teachers discretion). However, followingset conditions, JHS will allow the use of personal listening devices during the noon hour. Upon entry into our building, students are asked to remove their listening devices. Also, because monitoring the type of music students listen to is difficult, sharing of devices is prohibited. Furthermore, we ask that parents monitor the music their children are listening to and that students, if choosing to listen to music during the school noon hour, listen to school appropriate music.

In respect of and in protection of privacy, and unless approved by classroom teachers, cell phones, cameras and video usage will not be allowed on school property. Students who bring such devises to school must store them securely in their lockers.

During school hours, listening devices, cell phones, cameras and recording devices must be stored securely in lockers to protect them from damage or theft, and, accordingly, the school will not be responsible for any loss, damage or theft. Failure to comply with the policy may result in a student being prohibited from bringing his/her electronic device to school.

Cell phones are NOT to be used during class times, breaks or recess.

Cell phones that are confiscated for inappropriate use will be turned into the office and parents will be notified and will be required to retrieve it from the principal.

Taking photos and videos is NOT PERMITTED AT ANY TIME.


Parents, Teachers, and the School’s Administration

James Hamblin School strongly promotes positive dialogue among parents, teachers, and the school’s administration. The staff and administration cordially invite all parents to discuss issues relevant to the well-being of our students. If you wish to speak with our staff, please call the school to arrange an appointment.

Computer Usage:

As a caring school community we believe it is everyone’s responsibility to protect each other from those individuals or groups who would use the Internet or E-mail to harm us. As well, we believe that it is everyone’s responsibility to use the Internet and E-mail fairly and responsibly and in a manner which does not discredit ourselves or our school. In short, all of us must do the right thing.

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Jointly written by students and staff, following, are guidelines for the use of the Internet and E-mail at James Hamblin School:

  • All computer usage is to be supervised by staff members.
  • All computers will be limited to project work and on-line research.
  • Students are to immediately report to a staff member all inappropriate sites which appear on their computer screens. This report will be logged by the staff member so that a student will not be unfairly accused of visiting improper Internet sites.
  • If a staff member believes that the student is visiting inappropriate sites or sending inappropriate E-mail, he/she or the school’s administration, acting upon reasonable grounds, will have the right to access a student’s computer file. In this situation, a student will be allowed due process and the opportunity to explain his/her actions, and the student will be present when the file is opened.
  • E-mail usage will only be approved with direct staff supervision.
  • In general, the computers in each classroom are to be used only by the homebase’s students. However, if teacher permission is granted, and provided that the usage is for research or assignments, these computers may then be used by other students. Once again, all computer usage must be supervised.
  • All chat lines, chat rooms and unapproved blogs are off limits at all times.
  • An individual’s password is the account holder’s responsibility to keep confidential. Do Not Share Your Password!Individuals aware of an unsecure password must immediately report to a staff member so that it may be changed.Everything that happens on a student account will be that student’s responsibility.
  • It is recommended that each student purchase a portable USB port to transfer their files from home to school.
  • School members who choose to visit inappropriate sites, who choose to send inappropriate E-mail, or who choose not to abide by these guidelines, will have their computer privileges suspended indefinitely.

Dress Policy

Students are reminded that neat, clean, and tidy dress is expected of everyone and that suitable clothing and footwear, appropriate for the season, are required. Staff discretion will be used to determine dress which is appropriate and suitable. Furthermore, following are some guidelines created with our school’s SLC.

T-shirts, hats, etc. which contain profane, offensive, sexist, or racial slogans are not allowed.

Outdoor headwear has been deemed as inappropriate attire in JHS. Upon entry into our building we ask that hats, caps and bandanas be removed. Other seasonal headwear should be removed at lockers.

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All members of JHS shall wear clothing that does not expose an inappropriate amount of bare skin most notably the chest, stomach, and legs.

Pyjama pants are not appropriate school attire. School members are asked to refrain from wearing them. Exceptions would be dress down Fridays or special events days. Also, undergarments should not be visable. Furthermore, as a safe measure, we ask that all students have clean footwear to wear within our school.

Those who choose to breech the policy will be asked to reverse, remove or cover up the inappropriate attire. In extreme cases, clothing will be provided by the school.

Emergency Billets

All parents are required to supply the school’s office with an emergency billet which resides in the town of Qu’Appelle for their children. This allows the school to protect our students if there is an emergency school closure or if a child becomes ill or injured. This information must be supplied upon registration and if changes occur, the school should be notified immediately.

Extra-Curricular Activities

James Hamblin School offers a wide range of extra-curricular activities. All students are encouraged to participate in the exciting and varied extra-curricular activities offered by our school. We believe in inclusion in all school activities. A contract for participation in extra curricular must be signed by students and parents or caregivers. Student commitment and dedication are expected, and group attendance policies adhered to. Current students and former graduates are invited to participate in extra curricular activities outside of regular school hours, with staff approval.

Grievance Procedure

James Hamblin School believes that all staff members, students and parents are entitled to due process. In the event that a complaint or grievance arises, and in accordance with P.V.S.D. Administrative Procedure No. 408, students and parents are advised that:

  • A parent or caregiver, on behalf of a pupil, should first contact the staff member at school and during school hours, to discuss any complaint or grievance. Please attempt to garner fair and accurate information before making any judgements.
  • Should an understanding not be reached between the parent or caregiver and the staff member, a parent or caregiver, on behalf of a pupil, may then contact the principal to discuss the complaint or grievance. The discussion of a grievance will occur after an appointment has been made with the staff member or principal and the discussion will occur outside of the regular school hours.
  • If a complaint cannot be resolved with the principal, the student or parent may contact the Director of Education to seek a resolution.

Gym Clothing and Student Responsibilities

During gym class, students are reminded to:

  • wear suitable gym wear and wear runners, designated for indoor use, with non-marking soles;

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  • not bring food or drink into the gym;
  • ensure that valuables are properly stored into lockers which are locked for safekeeping;
  • help to keep the gym safe and tidy by returning equipment properly.
  • use the gym’s equipment safely and as instructed.
  • at the end of gym class, change out of gym wear and store gym wear adequately.
  • students are reminded that it is their responsibility to bring suitable gym wear to each gym class. Those students who habitually choose not to bring gym wear may expect reasonable and fair consequences.

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