Newsletter 20
( 031 – 262 1630
13th June 2017
Dear Parents and Pupils,
This week we have so much to celebrate and be grateful for. Exams and Tests are over and we have a short busy week ahead. We congratulate our Art prize winners ; have our School Photographs taken ; enjoy Civvies Day with “Go nuts with a Donut” ; Celebrate Youth Day with a long weekend and Celebrate Fathers Day! WOW!!!
We would like to congratulate all our pupils whose art was submitted into the Pinetown / Highway Art Competition.
We received the most wonderful thank you letter from Pinetown Girls’ High School Art Teacher and Principal, and although a lengthy letter, we would like to share a portion of the lovely, complimentary letter.
“What a privilege to walk into the school hall and be greeted with brilliant art work. Indeed the theme was “All things bright and beautiful!”
Your work is always so beautifully presented. The speeding cyclist … one can feel the wind as he whizzes by … the work is most effective and windswept!! The colourful musicians … one can hear the MOODS MUSIC that they are playing! The lovely sunsets, some in totally unrelated colours are beautiful. The portraits that are filled with expressive eyes and other interesting features are colourful and alive! The work we received was of a very high standard!”
The judges said it was very difficult to select the prize winners as the standard of work becomes better and better each year. Well done Wendon Academy pupils, we are very proud of you and your achievements in your art work!
We would like to make mention of the following pupils who were awarded prizes:
1st Place Chummy Mthalane
2nd Place Andiswa Simelane
3rd Place Jacqueline Hancock
Highly Commended were :
Samia Abid, Brandon Botha, Sameerah Desai, Umtha Mkosi, Buhle Ngcobo, Robert Edmonds, Stirling Proctor, Andiswa Simelane x2, Siya Mthemba, Yusuf Bassa, Chummy Mthalane, Sharné Simms, Sabelo Magudulela, Sarah Done
Parents, you will view your child’s art that was chosen at our magnificent Wendon Art Expo on 13th October 2017.
Just a reminder that our photographs will be taken tomorrow Wednesday, 14th June. Please ensure your child is dressed correctly, his or her hair is neat and shoes are polished.
Primary School
· Girls to wear white short socks, skirts and white shirt.
· Boys to wear either black shorts or long pants and white short sleeved shirt.
If it is cold they may wear their jerseys and tracksuit tops to school.
High School
· Full Winter Uniform. Grade 12 to wear school blazers only.
“Go Nuts with a Donut”
Exams and tests will be finished and a time to destress. Pupils come dressed in civvies and receive a tasty, freshly baked Donut! For catering purposes please complete the reply slip below and return to school.
Youth Day on 16 June is a public holiday in South Africa and commemorates a protest which resulted in a wave of protests across the country known as the Soweto uprising of 1976. It came in response to multiple issues with the Bantu Education Act and the government edict in 1974.
Fathers are wonderful peopleFathers are wonderful people,
too little understood,
And we do not sing their praises
as often as we should,
For Father struggles daily
to live up to his image
As protector and provider
and hero of the scrimmage,
/ And perhaps that is the reason
we sometimes get the notion
That fathers are not subject
to the thing we call emotion.
But if you look inside Dad's heart,
where no one else can see,
You'll find he's sentimental
and soft as he can be.
Fathers are just wonderful
in a million different ways,
And they merit loving compliments
and accolades of praise. / For the only reason Dad aspires
to fortune and success
Is to make the family proud of him
and bring them happiness.
And like our heavenly Father,
he's a guardian and a guide,
Someone we can count on
to be always on our side.
[Author Unknown]
Happy Father’s Day for Sunday, 18th June
Primary SchoolMrs McPherson
Juniors / Atiya Bobat
- Improved counting skills
Miss Horn
Intermediates / Carter Thomas
- Very good maths work
Mrs Smith
Seniors / Robert Edmunds & Yenziwe Shabane
- Very good work in Geometry
Mrs Perold
Computer / Oliver Haley-Roberts
- For very good work in Readers R Leaders
Calling all “Master Chef Tasters!”
Last day of school!!!
Let’s celebrate end of term with a tasty Chicken Mayo Roll. Grade 9’s will be working hard to produce the freshest & tastiest Chicken Mayo Rolls ever and they want to beat all the grades in raising the most funds. R20 will get you the spot to be a “Master Chef Taster”. For catering purposes please complete the reply slip below and return to school.
Moms, thank you for your generous donations of flowers to brighten up our foyer.
Term 212th June / Luke Pedler Gr 9
19th June / Yusra Motala Gr 3
Change For Charity / Bread Tags
This ongoing collection of “small change” will benefit our fundraising project. Please “raid” your purses and get rid of any unwanted change. / Please collect the small plastic bread bag tags and send these to school. The money raised from recycling the tags is used to buy wheelchairs for disabled people.
Due to the availability of our choreographer we have had to change the date for the annual Wendon Academy concert to Thursday, 31st August & Friday, 1st September.
Parent Report Back Meetings
To all our parents, whether your child is in Primary School or High School, please make every effort to come through to the school for your allocated times. Notices have been sent out regarding dates and times. Feedback on your child’s progress will be discussed with the various teachers. It is important that you are made aware of all the successes or areas of concern that need to be discussed.
Wednesday 14th / School Photographs - Prestige / Make sure you have the correct uniform for your photographsThursday, 15th / “Go nuts with a Donut” Civvies Day / Get your last minute orders in … only R20
Friday, 16th / Youth Day – Public Holiday
Sunday, 18th / Father’s Day / Wishing all our Dads a wonderful Father’s Day
Tuesday 20th to Wednesday 21st / PS Parent Report Back
Thursday 22nd to Friday 23rd / HS Parent Report Back
Thursday 29th / Grade 9 Chicken Mayo Roll Fundraiser
End of Term 2 Normal School day / R20
***This Calendar of Events may change from time to time, so please be sure to check it out each week for any updates or amendments***
/ Westville SuperSpar donates all the food to Wendon Academy for our fundraisers.If you need to order for dinners, party platters or sushi, please give them a ring on 031 2661209 and speak to Shenny, she will certainly give you the best service.
To see their specials, please follow them on Facebook.
Have a peaceful and wonderful week.
Kind regards
Mrs Wendy Hicks
Managing Director
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“Go Nuts With a Donut” Civvies Day – Thursday, 15th June - R20 –LAST CHANCE TO ORDER!
Name: ______Grade: ______
I would like to wear civvies and enjoy a donut on Thursday, 15th June
I have enclosed R______
“Master Chef” Chicken Mayonaise Rolls – Thursday, 29th June - R20
Name: ______Grade: ______
I would like to be a “Master Chef Taster” and order a Chicken Mayo Roll on Thursday, 29th June
I have enclosed R______
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LUNCHES – Wednesday 21st June (Last orders for this term)
Name: ______Grade: ______
I would like to order:
______x Wholewheat Chicken Salad Rolls – R18 ______x Wholewheat Chicken Rolls – R18
______x Pies (Chicken & Mushroom) – R12 ______x Pies (Mutton Curry) – R12
______Pizza Slice R10
Samoosas ______x Mince ______x Potato ______x Corn @ R3.00 each
I have enclosed R______.
…………..This order is for Wednesday 21st June, orders by Thursday, 15th June ………...
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A simple way to raise funds for the school without costing us a cent – Its MONEY for JAM!!!. If you do not have a card, complete the reply slip below and we will send a form home with your child. Please remember to return the form and we will submit it for you.
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Name: ______Grade:______
Please could you send me a form to complete.
Signature: ______