ITEE-CDA travel award – Acceptance and Response to Offer


I accept the offer of a ITEE-CDA travel award from the School of Information Technology & Electrical Engineering (School of ITEE). I agree and accept the following terms and conditions:

·  To undertake the approved research travel as specified in my CDA application.

·  Seek approval from the School of ITEE for any changes to the research travel dates within 1 month of being awarded the ITEE-CDA travel award. Proposed new departure dates can be no more than 9 months from the date the ITEE-CDA award was granted and travel must not be after the Thesis Review milestone.

·  If I do not use the ITEE-CDA travel award for the purpose outlined in my application, I agree to repay the School of ITEE the value of the approved award in full. In addition, if I do not use the award for the full period I was funded for, I agree to repay the School any unspent funds.

·  Depart within 9 months of the date of being awarded the ITEE-CDA award and return before the due date of any candidature milestones.

·  Submit a Report on Research Travel, and a reconciled budget with scanned copies of airfare and accommodation receipts to the School of ITEE within one month of return from travel.

·  Retain copies of all receipts and present them to the School of ITEE should I be selected for auditing.

·  Publications which arise as a result of my approved research travel must contain an explicit statement that the research was supported by the School of ITEE’s ITEE-CDA travel award.

·  Comply with University policy on restricted areas and travel insurance as detailed in UQ Policy & Procedures document 9.45.05 Travel and seek written approval prior to departure from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International) for travel to countries where the highest two warning levels exist.

·  Comply with UQResearch Scholarship General Conditions where applicable.

Name: ______

Signature: ______Date: ______

Please submit the signed ITEE-CDA travel award Acceptance & Response to Offer form and a Method of Personal Payment form to the below address – (scanned copies are accepted)

School of ITEE RHD Office, Room 412, Building 78 (GP South), UQ St Lucia

Email: [email protected]