Camp Thorpe, Inc.

Special Meeting

February 11, 2006

A special meeting of the Trustees of Camp Thorpe, Inc. was held on Saturday, February 11, 2006at 1:00 PM at the Middlebury Inn for the purpose of determining the process for using the Peyton report.

Present for the meeting were: Brett Peltzer, Joyce Heath, Martha Heath, Holly Hitchcock, Ernie Miner, Lyle Jepson, Richard Giard and Elizabeth Giard.

Missing from the meeting were: Betsy Clewley, Ralph Hathaway and Jill Corliss.

The meeting was called to order at 1:15 pm by Martha Heath. Brett Peltzer arrived at 1:30 pm.

Holly Hitchcock declined the office of Vice-President out of concern for possible conflict of interest with her connection to the Alma Gibbs Donchian Foundation.

  1. Determine a process for using the Peyton report - Lyle distributed a recommendation plan summary from the Peyton report, including a time line and individuals responsible for specific items.
  1. Review the Peyton report and determine next steps - Lyle suggested that the Trustees

review this document and email comments and suggestions to Brett. Lyle pointed out that the timeline was intended to accomplish the Peyton recommendations in the times suggested by Anne. It was agreed that the timeline was too aggressive to accomplish but is a good place to begin the discussion. Lyle emphasized the need to, early on the process, create a procedures handbook, as well as a policy handbook. He also noted the need to develop a short-term marketing plan for this year.

  1. Other –
  • Annual Appeal, Fundraising, Brett is concerned about trying to do the Annual Appeal, connected to the 80th Anniversary due to time constraints. Brett would like to see the Board involved in areas such as writing thank you letters to donors. Brett expressed the need for a marketing plan. He suggested phone calls to the donors before the Annual Appeal letters are mailed. Brett would like to see a more personal approach to donors. In order to do this properly, Joyce suggested we wait to celebrate the 80th Anniversary in 2007, which is the anniversary of when the first campers came. Brett agreed that this would allow us more time to do it in a more planful manner.
  • Brett suggested drafting a code of conduct and Conflict of Interest policy in order for the Board to sign off on.
  • Annie Peyton will be in attendance at the next meeting on March 25th.
  • Ernie was concerned about how to draw the line between service for pay and volunteer service. One suggestion was for Ernie to send a bill for services and donate the money back into Camp. This will be clarified with Anne Peyton.
  • Wally Taffia, Accountant, has a copy of the 2005 Annual Report and is reviewing it to determine the type of audit he would recommend for the Camp.
  • Brett reported that the Rabbi Trust Fund cannot be easily incorporated back into the endowment without legal implications. It will be necessary to budget for Joyce’s retirement in the future.
  • Brett also reported that attorney, Jack Beasley, is reviewing the Articles of Association.
  • Brett is concerned about the deed, and how it reads. It is good to have 3 Heaths on the Board for the sake of history, but the issue must be resolved about where the money goes if the camp were to dissolve. Frank Bunting, lawyer, will be contacted by Lyle and asked to review the status of the deed.
  • Minutes need to be sent to the Executive Director as soon as possible for review before the meeting. Brett will set the time frame for this to be done.
  • Bookkeeping Position – Two people have been interviewed, Sue Potter and Ann Moulton. Lyle is concerned that we have a bookkeeper who will maintain the finances in a format that is familiar to all, in the event that it needs to be transferred to another. Lyle will be taking a course in QuickBooks to familiarize himself with the format requested. Joyce did a comparison and Ann Moulton seems to be the most knowledgeable, accommodating and flexible. Lyle will call her. Joyce will call the bank to authorize Ann to pick up the statements at the bank. Lyle questioned the need for a checks and balances policy. He feels that in the long term, the person ordering products should not be the same person writing the checks.
  • Suggested Agenda for 3-25-06:

a)Approval of the revised By-laws

b)Overview of report from Anne Peyton and questions.

c)Review the summery timeline for implanting the Peyton Plan recommendations. (It was agreed that only the summary review would be offered to the Corporators.)

d)Discuss revisions to the Articles of Association

e)Legal analysis and implicationsof the Deed

f)Discuss outcome of Bookkeeper search

Lyle asked the Trustees to review the summary timeline of Anne Peyton’s report and respond to himby March 6thwith questions and comments.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:45 pm.

The Next meeting will be on Saturday, March 25th at 9:00 a.m. at the Middlebury Inn.