PTO Meeting 8-18-15
Start time 6:05pm
Board members not present: Leslie Dukes Tislow, Darcy Spees & Amanda Pickett
- President Report – Tara Burmis Twigg: welcomed everyone to the meeting and offered snacks to the groups that PTO members brought. It was explained to everyone the grant process and how teachers can apply for grants, then the board members vote and the teachers are then notified with in a week.
Butter Braids came to the meeting to share what they can offer as a fundraiser for RB. They brought 3 samples for everyone to sample also.
- The breads come frozen and they are good for 6 months
- There are 10 flavor offerings
- The will delivery before Christmas, may be a good offerings to families
- Takes about 2 weeks to sell, and then 2 weeks later they will deliver the product
- There is a 3 hour window for drop off and pickup
- Money should be collected at order and then group payment with large order
Grant presentations then were presented:
- Ms. Jacobs: asking $279.05 for Sensory and Self-Regulation tools for classrooms. Fidget bags will help students K-4th with short sensory experiences throughout the school day. This will help address sensory needs.
- Ms. Shrewbury (1st grade): asking $250.00 for Marcy Cook Math Task Cards. These cards will help to improve math awareness as well as their problem solving skills. Students will work on their own manipulative as teacher leads, they are able to work at their own pace.
- Ms. Alexander: asking $104.98 for math activities from Lake Shore Learning. This can be used every year for her classroom. This will also include 3D shapes to help with learning.
Icebreaker was then done to help introduce everyone that came to the meeting.
President then explained the different offices for the PTO and how anyone can help.
- Fundraising – Jen Ford and Crista Moore: Discover Indy Books will be sold at $25 and PTO will get 50% of profits. Cookie dough from Otis Spunkmeyer PTO will get 40% of the profits. There is a 3-hour window for the delivery, so the communication for pick up will be very important. Packets will be sent home by Monday the 24th to start selling both items. These items will sell for 2 weeks. Once the cookie dough order is completed the ETA on delivery will be known. This is the PTO’s biggest fundraising event of the year.
Question was asked – is this the only income for the year?
Answer – no, there is other income that is generated such as corporate promotions, box tops and Target Red cards being two of the bigger incomes for promotions. Target red card since started has generated around $3,000 plus. Kroger, Meijer, Marsh, and Amazon now all offered ways to give back to the school too. All the codes and links to these are listed on the PTO link on RB’s web site.
More fundraising information will be coming up. Anyone with questions or wanting to help please contact at any time and help will be great.
- Treasurer’s report – Katie Richman: Budget is on track for the year. Each teacher was given their $50 check to help buy anything needed for his or her rooms. PTO insurance was also paid.
Question asked on status of extra EPI school supplies.
Answer - EPI has to verify the number of boxes and contents before they approve to have them picked up. Process takes several days.
- Helping Hands – Tara shared information on behalf of Leslie Dukes Tislow: information has been entered into signup genius for volunteers. Please check junk mail if you have not gotten e-mail yet. Media hours are filling up, thank you. Still working on filling up afternoon help on Thursdays.
- Activities – Julie Doss and Renea Marsh Johnson – Ice Cream Social went great! Over 600 ice creams were pre-scooped and we still ran out. Ice cream run was made during the event, thank you Katie for getting more! Suggestion was made for next year to get/request 6 buckets of ice cream.
Skate Night is set for November the 2nd, no school the next day will hopefully help families to stay out a little later on week day night.
Upcoming events that have not been assigned dates and times are Pacers Game and Game Night. Anyone that would like to help please let them know, any help would be great.
- Corporate Promotions – Tara filled in for Amanda Pickett: Reviewed what was shared in the beginning of the meeting on what corporate promotions is/does.
- Secretary’s Report – Rebecca Robinson: asked that any information that is wanted in the newsletter be e-mailed in word by Friday after PTO meeting. President shared that she would also post the minutes within two weeks of the meetings.
- Principal Report – Mr. Kingery: Thanked the PTO and all the parents for their support.
- Ag Day – New to River Birch this year. A group of farmers will come out and share farming as a profession and what they do. This is a free educational day for the school. 20 plus farmers will come out on this day, with 20 plus stations for the students to stop and learn about different things. News maybe coming out to cover the event. River Birch will provide lunch to the farmers from Chick–Fil-A.
- Reviewed a new lunch system. Getting volunteers to help and teachers get a 30 minutes lunch break, this is much needed for the teachers and it’s been very appreciated. This also allows the teachers to be out and help with recess.
- Staffing – Mr. Miller has resigned because he is taking a position in Lebanon. River Birch is looking for a teacher to fill his position at this time. The requirements include, must have 5 plus years of teaching experience and with high ability classes. River Birch is also looking for a special ED assistant and Technology assistant.
- 2nd-4th grade has moved to a RBAVON schedule to help with specials. So far this system has been great. The new section implemented is Dream. This is for designers, arts and helps with team building and communication skills.
- Transportation is getting better now. The process of the communication is working better too. The new GPS app seems to be helping families.
- Back to school ball will take place this Thursday 8-20. There will be a red carpet, photo both, food trucks, and a DJ. It’s free to students on the VIP list, and only $1 for all other to help offset the DJ fee.
Ballot was shared with group on the board members being voted in, Katie Richman for Treasurer, Julie Doss for Activities, and Jen Ford, Crista Moore & Darcy Spees for Fundraising. The ballot was passed.
Please like River Birch PTO on face book for upcoming information.
Next meeting will be September the 8th at 6pm, and October 6th at 10:30.
Meeting concluded at 7:10pm