FAQs – Goods and Services Tax (GST)Integrated Phone Service
Q1 What is the operating hours of Goods and Services Tax Integrated Phone Service?
The Goods and Services Tax Integrated Phone Service is a 24-hours service. However, if you need to speak with a tax officer, you may call us during office hours from Monday to Friday (excluding public holiday) between 8am and 5pm.
Q2 Can I listen to the instructions in Mandarin?
The Goods and Services Tax Integrated Phone Service is available in both English and Mandarin version. For Mandarin instructions, please press "2" after you are connected to the Integrated Phone Service.
Q3 What services are available from the integrated phone service?
The following services are available:
Ø Enquiry on GST refund status;
Ø Enquiry on GST GIRO status;
Ø Enquiry on GST registration or de- registration status; and
Ø Speak with a tax officer.
Q4 Is there any limit to the number of transactions I can perform in the integrated phone service?
No, there is no limit.
Q5 Do I need a password to access the integrated phone services?
A password is not necessary. However, you will need to enter your tax reference number to access the services.
Q6 What is a tax reference number?
For companies, partnerships, and businesses registered with Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA), it is your UEN number. For sole-proprietors, it is your NRIC number. For others, it is your GST number.
Q7 I have keyed in the UEN number when prompted to do so. However, I received an error message saying that the number is not valid. What should I do?
You should only key in the tax reference numbers without the alphabets. E.g. if the UEN number is 200401234A, you should only key in 200401234.
Q8 I have used the GST Tax Integrated Phone Service to check my company’s refund status. Can I continue to check the company’s GIRO status?
Yes. When you have completed your enquiry for a particular service (e.g. refund status), please press ‘9’ to return to the main menu and select the option for another service (e.g. GIRO status).