updated Nov. 24, 2011
College Park Court
defence of Anna-Marie Goralczyk
444 Yonge St.Toronto Rm #505
to be heard Oct. 04 & 25, & Nov. 23, 2011
Motion to Court &
Legal Aid Appeal Client # CLT#1115257#ANN – CASE#1970090# - FT#1#1 Nov. 01, 2001
Re-Sending Nov. 16, 20211 Issue of Legal Aid: This matter of change of counsel is of exceptional circumstances & is not a mere breakdown in the lawyer client relationship. It is a matter of criminal organization whereas there is individuals who agree in allegiance to be connected for use and purpose of crime and Maureen Elena Addie is a member of this group. It is the pedophile ring of Ontario of which crimes include much more then just pedophilia & include murder. Maureen Addie was never my counsel as she has agreed to be in contact with me to thwart my defence & therefore there was never an intent on her part to be my defence counsel. She clearly stands in fraud of intent and purpose of defence counsel. It is clearly illegal for Legal Aid to enforce a member of criminal organization against a clients will & best interest. If this magnitude of criminal organization & risk of harm is not enough to change counsel then it is convincing that the persons making the decisions at Legal Aid are also in conflict of interest in some way to be the deciding factors opposed to the right to be fully informed in Canada Legal is keeping anonymous who the decision makers are in their correspondences of refusals in this matter. It is reasonable that a person should not be forced to have representation by a person who represents a pedophile ring that has violated the clients family.
Note: To the public: I need help with these issues I’m facing in the criminal court system in downtown Toronto. My life is surrounded by a ring of criminally organized persons working for the pedophile ring of Ontario & also in position of public service causing me harm and false arrests. These officials appear connected to persons that have sexually molested my children and have been stalking me to cause harm for more then 20 years & I have not found any methods of relief. The officials involved are criminally organized with persons who are posing as general neighbors that are used as third party stalkers instructed to cause harm. I am a witness that this criminal organization wants destroyed to hide their crimes of pedophilia, property extortion & murder in their ring going back generations against true Canadians. The instructing members of the ring are politicians, police officers, judges etc. that are supposed to respond when you need protection from such, so the system is being used for an opposite purpose by this gang in this particular case.
How can you help? You can help me by reading these articles and the others that overlap and consider the evidence provided and send any information you know or may have access to that could help make a more complete view of the facts for my defence & to prove criminal organization and send it to me at . Further, by reading and understanding this material you will have a better knowledge of what the Canadian justice system is really doing, which is the opposite of what it was contracted to do so you can be in a better position with your true neighbors to push for positive change. The rights are swiftly being erased & eroded by criminals in position of authority and the only way to stop that downward spiral is for true citizens to volunteer to investigation and expose the problems and share evidence to lead to law changes that add protection instead of remove it, arrests and removal of the culprits in position of authority who commit crime in organized groups. Pedophilia & the crimes that go with it, is a must bigger problem then what it appears on the surfacewhereas it is almost unimaginable if you have not experienced & studied it, yet. This false appearance of minority of the problem is going to leave most victims caught off guard when they are attacked. By exposing who the attackers are and how they operate, we can eventually come up with legal ways to defend ourselves and our families. What you help me expose today will also protect your family tomorrow & that is how the strength in unity works in a country. It is voluntary public policing & assistance measures.
Legal Aid Conflicts of Interest: Helen Carboni, Al Schoenborn, Heather Robertson
Requests to the court & Legal Aid:
1. a) remove Maureen Addie’s name from my Legal Aid certificate,
b) stop her from drawing from funding that is intended to represent me, a general citizen, as the instructing client, &
c) to allow the defence as unrepresented, until new counsel can be brought on board, to speak for herself in court while Maureen Addie speaks for the court as a separate party in the matter.
2. To grant reasonable time to
a) prepare for pretrial; & to
b) get an actively defending counsel onto my Legal Aid Certificate.
3. I request that the prosecutor & court
a) reserve to me personally the disclosure given to Maureen Addie from the onset; & to
b) serve myself & Maureen Addie as separate parties from now on.
4. I ask the court to direct me on what are the proper steps to take to dispute Dr. Ian Swayze’s report, that I do not have a mental disorder & am fully capable of instructing counsel but do have an “externally caused disability”, while I am in process of clearing Ms. Addie’s name from illegally appearing on my Legal Aid certificate.
5. I ask that J.P. Them no longer preside order these matters.
6. Some of the problems I see so far with disclosure needing to be resolved are:
i. The email attachment called “My Affidavit” has been illegally tampered with to present in the disclosure & needs to be served in the exact condition that it was allegedly emailed to John Tanouye.
ii. Notes of officer Erin Carter of May 30, 2011 & May 31, 2011 are missing concerning her physical presence at 7 Homewood Ave.416 Dundas St. E, Toronto & concerning a phone call between Erin Carter & myself the accused.
iii. Notes of officer Erin Carter of Jun. 10, 2011 are largely not ledgible.
iv. email proof of the Character Facts Charts that was emailed to John Tanouye in May 2011 is missing.
v. notes of officer David Hinchcliffe dated Jun. 10, 2011 is not ledgible.
vi. The exact times & dates of the alleged harrassing phone calls Irene Santos claims she received are missing as well as any audio recordings.
7. I request that the court confirm or verify to me that Crown Brandeis is not in conflict of interest to be prosecuting this matter due to biological relations or connections to persons committing crime against me in organized affiliation.
8. I request that the court overturn the pre-trial decision of Judge F. Bahbah dated Nov. 23, 2011 at College Park Courts Toronto & withdraw these charges as no basis to be laid.
These exhibits & this motion are posted on facebook as “public exhibits of evidence” in freedom of access and continual updates can be viewed by going to Anna Goralczyk at .
exhibit 01, 02 & 03, responses X3 (including 2 Addendums) to Dr. Swayze’s 2 reports included by fax
exhibit 04, Position of PM Stephen Harper called “Harper & High Treason”
exhibit 05, Abduction of Annie Jr.,
exhibit 06, Child Abduction Laws,
exhibit 07, Find Annie
exhibit 08, Jack the Ripper, conflicts of interest of authorities in this matter:
i. crown: Piznar to Walter & Rick Siwek, my uncle’s to Angela to Brangiel, Daniel Brandeis to Aviado & Addie,
ii. J. of the Peace: Mr.Them to Matthews to Joseph Anthony Goralczyk who was my acting father,
iii. court counsel: Eddowes to Adam & Sarah Addesso, my niece & nephew & James & Cathy
likely involved in forced confinement of child ongoing to Maureen Addie
iv. Complainant:Irene Santos to De Sart to Anthony & Tanouye to Stuart to Davies & Stewart to
Granger to Aviado to Matthews
v. Legal Aid:Heather Robertson, Helen? Carboni & Al Schoenborn murders to Leather Apron / Heagle /
Heather Eagle – Obber / Rob to Dobson to Tona Robis & MacCarone to Mackovski / Robert Davis & Chlebonski
exhibit 09, DeLong on Welwyn, James Tompkins overlapping Siwek, Selwyn, Swenson, Swanson
exhibit 10, Allen Theoret fatality, location & parties overlapping Gary O’Neill to Brongiel to Siwek to Angela Signorile & Robis
exhibit 11, Obstruct Justice, stalking me, Carter / Sowavy / Dobravsky / Conway / Swayze leading to false arrest Jun. 2011
(more details of daily events of risk in affidavit posted in account below)
exhibit 12, officer Ryan Russell Fatality – Piznar + Bynes + Hill = Hylkema /
Rhema / Ryner / Helen / Erin / Henry Baynes / Hryn / Kmiec / Klymciw
exhibit 13, My affidavit, I was unable to get my notes in a clean manner in time to submit this Appeal to Legal Aid
in the 15 day time frame provided but the affidavit is posted, in choppy condition in the account
called a safe copy listed next. In 2010 there is a record of many attempts to cause me serious
harm in the community by the organized members mentioned throughout this submission.
There are deeper studies leading from these articles, into pertinent characters of apparent organized crime & their victims in the public account called and use pass code asafecopy as one word to enter inbox and save documents on your USB stick or disk. If account says temporary block, click line that says “skip this for now” & account will open.
Grounds overlap each other in reason.
1. To remove Maureen Addie’s ... drawing from my funding ...
a) I need my certificate available for a true Canadian lawyer that will act in defence & respecting me as the instructing client.
b) Ms. Addie is not following my instructions, has no intention of actively defending me & I’m left unrepresented while she “falsely appears as defence counsel” & barring my use of the certificate by herself fraudulently using it for alternate purposes in my place in violation of sec. 247. ccc. The court should finance Ms. Addie because she is representing the court & the judge presiding & other, over generations, long standing criminally organized silent parties. Officials seem to be acting as separate parties rather then unbiased facilitators, by doing of J.P. Them. See 2 page instructions to Ms. Addie, in the prosecutors brief, written when I falsely believed she was independant counsel approaching me for a contract.
--- Elliott Name Meaning and History: English: Middle English, Elyat, Elyt. represents at least 2 Old English names which have fallen together: the male name A{dh}elgeat (composed of the elements a{dh}el ‘noble’ + Geat, a tribal name; see Jocelyn), the female name A{dh}elg¯{dh} (composed of the elements a{dh}el ‘noble’ + g¯{dh} ‘battle’). name seems also to have absorbed various other personal names of Old English or Continental Germanic origin, likeÆlfweald (see Ellwood).English: from a pet form of Ellis.Scottish: Anglicized form of the originally distinct Gaelic surname Elloch, Eloth, a topographic name from Gaelic eileach ‘dam’, ‘mound’, ‘bank’. Compare Eliot.it may be derived from a French form of Elias, which is itself derived from the biblical name "Elijah". sources claim the Scottish surnames (Eliott, Elliot) originate from the Ellot Scottish border-clan, from a transformation of the name Elwold. records in the Domesday Book of the name spelled "Ailiet", thought to originate from an old English name "Adthelgeat" (meaning "noble gate") and leading to the English and Scottish given name speller "Elyat", which in turn leads to the modern alternative spelling of the name "Elyot". (Q?s: Geta / Gita Dessner withGeorgina Elliott / Pam Eliot – Mary Jocelyn Aviado / ellyol / elliot / Ely / Eli Lilly – Addello / Addesso / Adelaide – Maureen Addie– Ellen Keating – Michael Platt – Fiat - Teale / Atwood / Eddowes – Book of Enoch – Roth – Rowe / Roble / Noble / Dona / Donna Ellis / O’Donnell / Bonnell – Good Shepherd, Patricia Kelly to O’Ceallaigh / Adelaide / O’Coillean to Collings / Tim Collins, ll to m, Tim from Elliott – Irene Van Dam – Theona / Chloe & Chleo to Jocelyn - Chlores / Chleb / Cloris Leachman – Elisobet – Aviado / Dessner / Eddesso – Claggett to Danforth – Gleason / Cleator / Creal / Greasley / McCleggon – Natalie Aiello?)
c) I did not sign the certificate Maureen Addie submitted in a manner without my acknowledgement or consent as “court appointed”. It is offence that Ms. Addie usurp funds intended for independant defence & in return refuse to function as defence. Ms. Addie is Amicus a.k.a. Court Appointed, representing the court & impersonating a defence counsel in violation of sec.’s 403. & 404. & 408. (a)(b)(i)(ii)(iii) & 247. ccc.
d) I was told by a lawyer that it is “illegal” that the court have counsel represent itself on my certificate & in a manner blocking that I cannot remove her from my certificate to higher active counsel. A defendant would have the right to change counsel’s if a current counsel was intentionally failing to defend, as Maureen Addie is, as the bare & raw purpose of having a defence counsel.
e) I have witnessed that Maureen Addie did not know law in areas that she ought to have & attempted to misdirect me in what the law is to attempt to cause me to make decisions to my own prejudice. I can’t trust advice from her in result & proven to me to be malicious in my defence. Defence advise must come from an independant true Canadian counsel.
f) Notes of Maureen Addie Jun. 13, 2011, during meeting with me in the cells, while falifying to be an independant counsel accepting Legal Aid, were later delivered to me as disclosure against me, breaking confidentiality if she were to be viewed as defending my rights in any way. In these notes Maureen wrote things not exactly the way I said it & made herself into a malicious witness.
g) i. I need a lawyer who can take the appropriate steps in my defence in the matters of reporting criminal organization so that the attempts against my life in the community will stop,
ii. I need a lawyer that will actively defend false accusations of crime or health concerning made against me
iii. my daughter is a third affected party to health accusations as she is swindled by criminal organization of pedophiles. Maureen Addie is unable to do anything because her intent is psychotic to cause me harm with any trick she can pull. I believe this is happening because she is a member organized crime. Maureen Addie will never defend me and will always try to cause me harm as a machine with no off switch as shown to me. It is misuse of legal aid funding for a pedophile ring to use the funds to criminally attack families and children. She must be removed as her enforcement on my certificate is multiple criminal offences and is war crime against the true Canadian public. See some of the criminal problems I need defence from within these false charges against me as follows:
Who is Det. Harold Morris, the lead investigator with officer Erin Carter? See connections to my grandmother Angela Siwek & my uncle Rick Siwek and again back to the Jack the Ripper case through Walter Siwek:
Mauritius Name: i/məˈrɪʃəs/ Manitius (Mauritian Creole: Moris; French: Maurice, pronounced: [mɔˈʁis]), officially the Republic of Mauritius (Mauritian Creole: Republik Moris; French: République de Maurice) is an island nation off the southeast coast of the African continent in the southwest Indian Ocean, about 900 kilometres (560 mi) east of Madagascar, includes the islands of Cargados Carajos, Rodrigues and the Agalega Islands. MauritiusIsland is part of the Mascarene Islands, with the French island of Réunion200 km (120 mi) to the southwest and the island of Rodrigues 570 km (350 mi) to the northeast. The area of Mauritius is 2040 km2; its capital city is Port Louis. (Q?s: Maurita Sinclair, children’s aid social worker with James Goralczykwho was my son who originally complained to a friend of mine that he had been molested in the Collings foster home / a lot of eividence surrounding was collected in 1980’s – Dr. Manitius was my aunt in Oshawa 1960-7? / Kristal L. Manitius with Maureen Elena Addie, Chris HynesCynthia Fromstein are all defence counsels that have done damage to my my life the past – Somers Ave / Dave Morris at 111 Wellesley St. E. Det. Harold Morris, false testimony Jun. 2011 – crown Margaret Creal / Cleator / Collings – Lyric – Mary – Marion / Mariott / Elliott / Mercieca – James Goralczyk to Sarah & Adam Addesso likely in Guelph Ont. ?)
Judge P. Hryn,
In these matters previously?
Henry Baynes Alstrom,
Who is Henry Baynes Alstrom who is meeting me quite frequently apparently at random in Sep. & Oct. 2011, Also see Baynes of Henry Baynes Alstrom (Q?s: Judge Ormstron – Austrog / Ostrog – Henrietta – Arietta – Henderson – Michael Byrnes same time period - Hryn – Rhynas – Kenedy Rhema issues of stalking just before my arrest Jun. 2011 – Ian Swayze / Marci Ien / Hien Huynh stalking me 2009-10 – Hryn / Erin Carter / See Erin Carter connected to Dobson of abducted child, Dobravsky of 416 whom I believe made the phone calls to Santos to lay this charge, De Sart to Irene Santos the complainant, Dr. Sumeeta Chatterjee with Dr. Ian Swayze to Baynes, Harold Morris, Helen Carboni of Legal Aid - Al Schoen – Anna Ashston?)
--- (1974) In 1974 my Grandparents Angela & Stephen Siwek lived at 188 Montrave Ave., in the basement appt. was their son Rick Siwek & his wife Jackie(Jacqueline / Jackson?) Others on the street were J.W. Knight 62, Robert Boucher 64, E. McCutcheon 68, S. Gilroy 70, C. McColl 74, D.A. Holdsworth 76, B. Johnson 82, George Moss 86, C.E. Flewwelling 94, John Little 98, A. Armitage 100, Jas A. Gall 106, A.H. Lagace 116, Donald Lee 118, V. Ruttle 122, E. Holdas 130, T. Vollick 160, M. Graham 160, R.A. Wilson 166, T. Wannan 168, Evald Juuram 172, C.N. Heath 176, R.G. Moffatt182, Jos Zastawa 192, Peter Rowe 196, D.J. Foran 202, Jos Klimek 208, at 212 #1 is D.D. Gray and #2 is E. Tendam,Ivan Klymciw 218,Anthony Gren 224, S. Dickinson 228, Spero Regas 51, John Black 51, W.W. Baker 61, M. Mahaney 65, M. Humphries 67, D. & Haley P. Stone 67, A.G. Williams 73, R. Fraser 79, O. Weeks 85, L. McDonald 89, L.S. Bigwood 97, H.T. Gillard 101, G.C. Gutsole, 103, A.J. Irwin 109, H. DeVries 117, L. Irving117, H. Walker 227 #2, H. Braund 305, George J. Clark 453, L. Parker 457, J.E. Langley 461, T.W. Hughes 465, P. Vankemp 473, Wendall Ford, C. Arsenault, R.R. Boswell, J. McKeerier 563, Plowrightat 450, A. Hockett 452, J.A. Broadbent 456, E.M. Stoneman 458, M.J. Clements 462, D.J. Garrett, E.M. Adams, S. M. Mitchell 472, Frank Locke 476, M. Cavallari 532, R. Gravelle 536, R. MacDuff 540, E. Langley 548, L. McDiarmid 556, Frank Whitcroft 560, John Graham 564, G.L. Wilson 598, N.E. Mantle 628, Arnold Woods 634, John Hall 634, Hutka 481, M. Stefaniak 485, J. Hurst 515, M. Goodson 515, J. Vankemp at 519. (Q?s: McCall - Bechthold – Duty Counsel Devry with J.P. Them in Jun. 2011 over my matters – Roworth / Amy Rowe Bonnell, mothers maiden Stone - Danylkiw - Ross – Fleming – Flemming – Lalla – Gall in Keswick – John W. Gace – Lee / Winfrey - Shuttle + Worth = Shuttleworth - Holden Mah – Vokey / Dobson & Graham – Winnik - Juuram – uur – Arthuursdottir - Watt – Officer Kmieciak – Robert, Ryan & Reece Gay – Ernest Tadman / Tendam – Regis – Blaker – Maloney – Lagesson / dotter to Stride to Arvid / Arpad Szabo / Aviado – Al Humphries – Bigelow – Gutman – Layton Irving – Braun – John Kromkamp – Van Dam – Ford, new crown at 361 Univ. Court Tor. Nov. 06, 2008 – John Arsenault – Bowes – Kinnear – Kearnan - Wright – Hackett – Weeks / Wycks – Kleator / Cleator - Broadcasting + Bentley = Broadbent - Stone – Locke / Murray – Judge Bruno Cavion / Cavallari – Gupka - Aviado / Gissell - Shirley & Ida MacDuff / Mike - White + Kraft = Whitcroft - Woods is Walker / Winfrey - Stefanson – Goodman – Kromkamp – Van Dam - Klimek + Stefanson = Kliemiak - I believe my grandfather built some of the appt. buildings and remained landlord ?)(Q?s: see Karyn Louise Ann Ross / Judge P. Hryn / Henry Baynes / officer John Kmieciak - Kathy Klym on Dr. Michael Ho commercial to Christina Pablos w. Christine Edwards to Arlene Walker / Mr. Ho of 19 Ross St. was Joanne Aikenhead’s landlord when I met her / Jaime Edwards of 416 Drop In Center to Ian Gary Swayze - just after I split up with Joanne I met Edwards & Pablos - Sieveking – Sieveright - Lewis – Svi – Angela Siwek is my grandmother – Jos Klimek?)