Year 9 History Homework Projects

/ Why did the British Empire collapse?
Concept: Causation
a)  Choose two of Britain’s colonies. Investigate why and when they became independent. Present this information as a fact file.
b)  Explain what these countries did to become independent
c)  Using ideas from your examples and from your research, in detail explain why the British Empire collapsed. / How has the Empire changed British society?
Concept: Change and Continuity
a)  Choose two countries that used to be part of Britain’s Empire. Research why and when these people first moved to Britain. Present your findings as a factfile.
b)  Investigate the new ideas, jobs, food, music, culture etc these people brought to Britain
c)  Plan a carnival to celebrate the contributions of these people to British society. Present this as a poster advertising the event. / How did people experience Victorian England?
Concept: Diversity
a)  Research one of the following aspects of Victorian Britain: The Poor Law, Public Health or Industrialisation.
b)  Find out how different people were affected by your chosen aspect of society. Focus on the poor, Immigrants, the aristocracy and present your information as a factfile.
c)  Make a collage of pictures to show what life was like in Victorian Britain. / Empire and Reform / Level:
/ War poetry
Concept: Significance/ evidence
a)  List three First World War poets.
b)  Produce a brief biography (history) of the poet and include a copy of one of their poems. You will need to annotate this to draw out the meaning of what they are saying.
c)  Answer the following question: How has the poetry of World War One shaped our view of this event? / How did people in Britain deal with the Second World War
Concept: Diversity
a)  Create a factfile on rationing and evacuation.
b)  If you have a surviving relative who lived through/fought in the war record an interview with them asking about their experiences.
c)  Find a recipe from the war and cook something from it. Write up how this tasted.
Answer the following question. ‘The Second World War brought the people of Britain together’ How far do you agree? You will need arguments for and against. / What did you do in the War? Family history.
Concept: Diversity/Evidence
a)  Ask your parent/s or grandparent/s about anyone in your family who fought in either World War One or World War Two.
b)  If you have a relative surviving who lived through/fought in the war record an interview with them asking about their experiences.
d)  If you had a relative who died in the war, go on the Commonwealth war graves commission. Find out their regiment and the battle that they died in. Look up what happened to other soldiers from this regiment. Present your findings as a factfile and two minute presentation to the class. / World Wars / Level:
/ Understanding our place in the world – oral history.
Concept: Evidential understanding
a)  Pick one of the following events – The fall of the Berlin Wall, The 1960s, the collapse of Communism, The first man on the moon, Britain in the 1980s.
b)  Record interviews with three or four people about the event. What are their memories? You will need to pre plan some key questions first.
c)  How useful do you think oral history is for finding out about the past? Think of the pros and cons. / Freedom fighters in the 20th Century.
Black History and the struggle for equality
Concept: Significance/ Change
a)  Research either, Martin Luther King, or Nelson Mandela.
b)  What was the situation in their countries before their campaigns? What changed and what was their role in the change? Do this as a presentation or a piece of extended writing.
c)  Why are either King or Mandela considered significant? Try to find out what other people have said about them and explain why they think that / Sound track to the 1960s
Concept: significance
a)  Produce a CD of the 1960s. This should have a playlist that reflects the changing, social and political nature of this period.
b)  Design a cover and explain this design.
c)  Write linear notes for the CD explaining your choice of music, how it fits into the period and reflect events of the 1960s. / 20th Century New World / Level: