Casey Willenbrock (636) 464-4400 ext. 4899

Prep Periods: Monday-Friday 7:35 a.m. -8:20 a.m. Website:

Family Health


Class Description:

This course takes a broad look at the physical, mental/emotional and social health concerns of Americans today. Classroom discussions about personal health and wellness should help the student understand the importance of making their health a priority.

Unit Objectives:

o  Unit 1: Define health and the three main areas of wellness.

o  Unit 2: Characterize the key aspects of maintaining ones physical health.

o  Unit 3: Discuss the impact mental/emotional health has on our overall wellness.

o  Unit 4: Identify healthy characteristics of familial and friend relationships.

o  Unit 5: Discuss the impact of the decisions I make today on my future health.

Materials Needed by Friday 01/16:

Binder Paper Pens/Pencils Dividers/Tabs (Minimum of 5)


Class work/Homework: 25% Projects/ Quizzes/ Tests: 75%

Late Work:

All Assignments-Are due on time for full credit! Late assignments will be accepted for deducted points (To be determined by the teacher and will be based upon individual circumstances). All assignments and make up quizzes MUST be turned in by the end of that Unit. If the Unit test has been taken, late work and quizzes will not be accepted for credit.

First Binder Check: January 16th (next Friday)

Binders and dividers will be due no later than Friday January 16th. At this time there will a letter sent home in need of a parent/guardian signature. This will discuss classroom rules and regulations.

Family Health Course Outline

Unit 1: What is Health?

·  Lesson 1: Health and Wellness

·  Lesson 2: Making Healthy Choices

Unit 2: Physical Health

·  Lesson 3: Physical Fitness and Activity

·  Lesson 4: Food and Weight Management

Part 1: Food Choices & Nutrition

Part 2: Managing Weight & Eating Behaviors

·  Lesson 5 : Reproductive System

·  Lesson 6: Human Development

Unit 3: Mental/Emotional Health

·  Lesson 7: Mental and Emotional Health

·  Lesson 8: Managing Stress

·  Lesson 9: Mental and Emotional Health Concerns

Unit 4: Family and Social Health

·  Lesson 10: Roles and Relationships

·  Lesson 11: Identifying Healthy Relationships

·  Lesson 12: Developing Responsible Relationships

Unit 5: Drugs

·  Lesson 13: Medicines & Drugs

·  Lesson 14: Tobacco & Alcohol

·  Lesson 15: Illegal Drugs

Unit 6: Providing First Aid and Handling Emergency*

·  Lesson 16: Your Safety and Wellbeing

·  Lesson 17: Providing First Aid and Handling Emergencies

*This topic will be discussed if there is time

remaining in the end of the semester.