International Safe Community 2016-06-17

Certifying Centre

Presentation of the Safe Community Program (To the web version)

Name of the Community: Mashhad

Kind of Community[1]: Samen District Municipality

Country: Iran

Number of inhabitants in the community: 21000 in Year 2015

Safe Community Program started year/month: December 1th of 2014

International Safe Communities Network Membership: Designation year (only for re-certification application):

Name of Certifier:

Name of Co-certifier:

Name of the Safe Community Support Centre:

Info address on www for the Safe Community Program:

For further information, please contact

Name: Dr. Mahmood Eidi

E- mail:

Phone: +985133687006

Photo of contact person1:

Title: District mayor and director of the strategic committee of Samen safe community municipality and member of policy making committee of Mashhad safe community

Address: Samen District Municipality, Navab Safavi 2, Mashhad, Iran

Name: Seyed Mohsen Rahnamaei

Title: Deputy director of the strategic committee of Samen safe community municipality and head of district urban services

Address: Samen District Municipality, Navab Safavi 2, Mashhad, Iran


Phone: 985133685551+

Name: Mohammad Javad Mirshamsi

Title: Secretary of the strategic committee of Samen safe community municipality

Address: Samen District Urban services, Vahdat 19, Mashhad, Iran


Phone: +985133685551

Name: Payman Azizi

Title: Samen district safe community specialist

Address: Samen District Municipality, Navab Safavi 2, Mashhad, Iran


Phone: +985133685551

Name: Mohsen Kamkar Delakeh

Title: Samen district safe community specialist

Address: Samen District Municipality, Navab Safavi 2, Mashhad, Iran


Phone: +985133685551

Community Overview – (suggested maximum 1 page) (To the web version)

·  Briefly describe the community, it’s history and development

Mashhad a metropolitan city with an area of 560 square kilometers located in northeastern Iran is the capital of Khorasan Razavi province. Due to certain geographic location, economic, social, and the holy shrine of the eighth Imam of the Shia has the highest annual rate of vehicles traffic in the country of Iran. Each year Mashhad hosts more than 27 million people from all over the country out of which about 2 million come from foreign countries. On the other hand, bordering Afghanistan, Turkmenistan and … the city attracts a big number of people.

The municipality of Mashhad is divided into 13 districts. Samen district is divided into 4 neighborhoods. Its area is about 3.24 million square meters excluding the area of the Holy Shrine. 21 thousand people live in this district. Geographically Samen district is located in the very center of Mashhad linking other districts together. Samen district enjoys 71 thousand square meters of green area out of which 34 thousand square meters are public parks. A daily average of more than 146 thousand travels are taken place in this district, citizens periodically make use of educational and medical services benefiting huge malls and shopping centers located in this district.

Describe the Safe Community work so far – (suggested maximum 3 pages) (To the web version):

·  What are the political visions on safety?

Based on decisions made and designations by the policy making council and strategic steering committee for safe community mayor of Mashhad has been assigned as vice president of Mashhad safe community policy making council and mayor of Samen district (where the plan is being implemented) has been designated as president of Samen district safe community steering committee. Both gentlemen oversee the process of safe community implementation plan and executive committee meetings while technical work groups supervise the how-to of the project operations. The representative of municipality who is member of steering committee is labeled as the president of intersectional.

·  Why is the community interested in being a member of the International Safe Community network?

Based on what has been resolved in 2004 in the 20-years perspective document for city of Mashhad-also known as the spiritual capital of Iran- health and safety are of outmost importance among other issues of this metropolitan city with annual domestic visitors of more than 25 million and about 2 million foreign pilgrims and travellers. The issue has been rectified in essential 4 of the foretold document under the title of “Projects based on all the Present Evidences” which the related parts of it is appended at the end of this request.

There are several reasons why we decided to ask for joining the international network of safe community after district one of Mashhad municipality:

a)  The existence of the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza absorbs a huge number of people then a huge number of people populate the vicinities of the Holy Shrine most of the times

b)  The district buildings and common areas are mostly old and effete

c)  The streets and pass ways have a good width for improvements

d)  The people living and/or having business in this district are mostly prosperous

Hence the municipality of Mashhad Samen district to address the health and safety issues for its residents decided to join the safe community network to be able to:

a)  Attract the cooperation of people, NGOs and health & safety organizations

b)  Modernize, rehabilitate and construct roads and standard sidewalks for pedestrians

c)  Geometrically correct streets and motorized passages

d)  Hold national and local conferences for introduction of safe community to people

e)  Construct local public sport and recreation spaces

f)  Set up neighborhood psychology counseling centers

g)  Hold conferences and celebration sessions in neighborhood parks

h)  Propaganda the merits of observing health and safety regulations in different places and for different gender and age groups.

·  Are there any unique injury prevention effort/s in the community? If so describe them briefly. (See specifications about Good Examples!)

Yes. In addition to the implementation of outlined activates in preceding question and for reconstruction and rehabilitation of areas in the vicinity of the Holy Shrine, the Samen district is building 50 meter streets such as Sharestan Razavi and 30 meter streets radially around the Holy Shrine. This project not only makes the traffic safer with much lower rate of accidents and injury but it better enhances the aesthetic view of the area.

·  Advantages already found as a result of the Safe Community work

a)  Reduction of traffic and urban pollution by construction of radial street, Sharestan Razavi, around the Holy Shrine

b)  Reconstruction and rehabilitation of the area around the Holy Shrine by complete implementation of resolved project

c)  Increase of sidewalks

d)  Decrease of micro lithic structures (reducing minor building blocks)

e)  Better access for First Aid

·  Are you facing any difficulties for implementing any safety promotion work in your community? If yes please describe briefly!

a)  Lack of unified urban management

b)  Parallel and island activities in each section

c)  Lack of unified statistics for accidents and injuries

·  How much staff and monetary resources are used for this Safe Community program? If possible provide a budget description. If voluntary services are used, please mention that also!

Two specialists and one direct responsible authority positions and more than 50 indirect specialists are working for Samen district safe community.

Our direct budget is about more than 30 thousand US dollars. However, safety expenses are counted for indirectly as the first priority in our current and construction activities.

Basics/Fundaments about the Safe Community work at the Executive level[2] – (suggested maximum 4 pages) (To the web version)

·  Injury risk overview in the community (summary from Indicator 5)

Essential 5: existence of a plan to document and register the causes and number of accidents and injuries.

The existence of old structures in area and possibility of irreversible damage in case of earthquake, storm, flood, …

There are limitations about laws and regulations for communication of information of accidents and damages, not having access to unified statistics leading to lack of clarity and exact analysis of the causes of accidents which results in lack of suitable and scientific review of priorities thus mistake in budgeting.

Low rate of public participation due to different reasons such as breaking law, malpractice of regulations regarding safety and accidents prevention, people’s low awareness about their civil rights and safety regulations in all aspects, need for increase in support of lawful execution of safety rules.

Increase in the number of substance abusers and addicts especially those dependants on industrial substances such as crystal which has drastically grown compared to previous year

Decrease in addiction age

Increase in HIV patients compared to previous year

Decrease in people’s purchase power compared to the previous year resulting in lack of proper and on time treatment

·  Which objectives are formulated for governing the Safe Community work?

a)  Formation of safety and prevention committee in cooperation of HSE as advisor

b)  Odd and even week days’ division to control traffic and air pollution

c)  Organization of traders’ boards

d)  Building shared energy tunnel

e)  Operation of drilling set

f)  Organization of urban trades and businesses

g)  Making laws and regulations for constructions and enforcing need for helicopter pads in some of the projects

h)  Construction of public toilets and bath houses

i)  Construction of access to parks and green areas

j)  Construction of Sharestan to break down the traffic

k)  Operation of sidewalk clearance

l)  Parks electrical safety

m)  Reconstruction of sidewalks

·  How is safety prioritized in the community budgets[3] since the program started?

We make benefit from economic evaluations as one of the most important elements of problem explanation to people and to the authorities for our projects. By doing so we can show in numbers to all that for example by expending A Dollars and B days for education or execution of a project we can save E dollars and F person/day damage in our community.

·  Are economic incentives[4] used in order to increase safety? If so, describe these incentives!

Although it is important to have economic incentives to attract the cooperation of people, because this a rather new plan in our community we have not succeeded to do so. However, in some school building projects s supervised by municipality we have sessions for workers to encourage and enhance the level of safety

·  Beside your national regulation, are there any local regulations in the community, in order to increase safety introduced as a result of the program? If so, describe these local regulations!

We do have some more or less effective regulations. However, we need to make use of the experts in making better rules with for safety increase. At the time beings we are making use of safety estimates and execute punishments for those who do not observe the safety rules in their projects.

·  Please attach an organizational chart for the Safe Community program at the political and administrative level based on their responsibilities

Crisis management department of Mashhad municipality is in direct charge of implementation and supervision of projects.

Political governor who is the highest ranked political authority in city participates in policy making council as the head of assembly and is direct responsible person for implementation and supervision of projects.

Launch of Safety Committee in region in form of working groups on the regional level in the old context and development activities

·  Describe the continuous improvements since designation (for re-certification application only)

Indicator 1 (suggested maximum 3 pages) (To the web version)

“An infrastructure based on partnership and collaborations, governed by a cross-sector group that is responsible for safety promotion in their community“

1.  Describe the cross-sector group for collaboration[5], managing, coordinating and planning the Safe Community program

The cross-sector collaborating in the project consists of 17 government organizations each represented by one individual expert in safety. The representatives bring the suggestions of their organizations to the safe community administration in our district.

a.  List membership organizations and which sector they represent

a)  Deputy Attorney for Samen district

b)  The organization for development of the vicinity of the Holy Razavi Shrine

c)  Deputy for pilgrims and blessed areas

d)  Mashhad Red Crescent

e)  Police Command headquarters

f)  Department of Environment

g)  Fire department

h)  Health Centre

i)  Neighborhood Islamic Councils

j)  Department of Education

k)  Emergency and medical aids

l)  Electric power department

m)  Water and sewage department

n)  Gas company

o)  Telecom

p)  Administration of cultural Heritage and tourism

q)  Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting: TV Radio

b.  How are the mayor, the executive committee and the chief executive officers (or similar functions of the community) involved in the program?

The mayor as the head of the steering committee for the safe community along with his deputies supervise the execution of safe community principals.

c.  Who is chairing the cross-sector group?

The mayor

2.  Describe the inter-sectorial group for collaboration[6], managing, coordinating and planning the Safe Community program

a.  List membership organizations from the public sector

7 inter-sectorial groups each having one representative collaborate in this project:

a)  Department of urban development

b)  Department of urban services

c)  Department of technical services

d)  Department of cultural affairs

e)  Department of public relations

f)  Young counsellors group

g)  NGOs and volunteer groups

h)  Neighbourhood social assembly

b.  Who is chairing the inter-sectorial group?

The district mayor.

3.  How are the non-governmental organizations (NGO) (examples - Red Cross, pensioners organizations, sport organizations, parents and school organizations etc.) involved in the Safe Community work?

At present the Red Crescent and sport deputy of education department have representatives in the policy making and steering committee this gives them a chance to directly suggest and/or follow their concerns. Other non-governmental organizations can introduce their representatives to register their projects in accordance to the safety. We will prioritise their membership as per the importance of their suggested projects. Our website is open for registration of all the problems, issues and/or incidents by people or NGOs.