Prashant Kumar Trivedi, Ph D

Current Position: Associate Professor, Giri Institute of Development Studies, Lucknow

Research Experience as Faculty

  • Assistant Professor at GIDS since 14 February 2013 to date
  • Associate Fellow (Assistant Professor) at the Council for Social Development, New Delhi from 11 December 2006 to 15 July 2012
  • Fellow (Associate Professor) at the Council for Social Development, New Delhi from 16 July 2012 to 13 February 2013

Teaching Experience

  • Faculty for P G Diploma in Development Studies (Ambedkar University Delhi in collaboration with the Council for Social Development) for session 2008-09

Editorial Experience

  • As Book Review Editor of Social Change from January 2008 to December 2013

Select Publications


1.  Trivedi, Prashant Kumar (ed), The Globalisation Turbulance: Emerging Tensions in Indian Society, 2011, Rawat Publications, Jaipur

2.  Mohanty, Manoranjan, K. B. Saxena, Gilbert Sebastian, Prashant K Trivedi, Weapon of the Oppressed- An Inventory of People’s Rights in India, 2011, Daanish Books, New Delhi

3.  Trivedi, Prashant K (ed), Land to the Tiller-Revisiting the Unfinished Land Reforms Agenda, 2016, Books for Change, Bangaluru

4.  Political Economy of India: Issues and Challenges, Aakar Publications (with Prof Surinder Kumar and Dr C S Verma) (forthcoming)

Publications in Journals

1.  Does Untouchability Exist Among Muslims- Evidence from a household survey in Uttar Pradesh, Economic and Political Weekly, vol 51 no 15, pp 32-36 (coauthored with Srinivas Goli, Fahimuddin and Surinder Kumar)

2.  Fallacies of a Supreme Court Judgement-Section 498A and the Dynamics of Acquittals, Economic and Political Weekly, vol XLIX no 52, December 27, 2014, pp 90-97 (coauthored with Smriti Singh)

3.  Reversal of Land Reforms Agenda: The New Revenue Code of Uttar Pradesh, Economic and Political Weekly, vol XLVIII no 48, November 30, 2013, pp 26-28

4.  Sociology of Land Reforms and Dalits in Uttar Pradesh- Reflections on World Bank’s Report on Land Policies, Social Change, 40(2): 213-219, June 2010

5.  Violence and Atrocities against Dalit Women in Rural Uttar Pradesh, Journal of Indian School of Political Economy, 19(1&2): 65-92, January-June 2007

6.  Structural Challenges, Development Goals and Concerns for Equity: A Case of Caste in India, Social Change, 37(3) : 53-77, September 2007

7.  From Hierarchy to Democracy : Rural Transformation and Political Empowerment of Dalit Women Vikas Vani Journal( A XIDCOM Publication), 1 (3): 1-15, July-September 2007

8.  Disparity and Development in Uttar Pradesh, Social Change, 37(1) : 162-178, March 2007

9.  Caste Violence and Development-Inputs from Uttar Pradesh with special reference to Dalit Women, VNSGU Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(1): 95-115 January-June 2009

10.  Revisiting Senapur - Reflections on Agrarian Changes in North India, Journal of Indian School of Political Economy (forthcoming)

Book Chapters

1.  Land Reforms in Uttar Pradesh and Dalits: Some Reflections, in A K Singh and Santosh Mehrotra, eds, Land Policies for Equity and Growth-Transforming the Agrarian Structure in Uttar Pradesh, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2014, pp 107-123

2.  Changing Agrarian Scene: Sociology of Land, Wages and Indebtness, in Manoranjan Mohanty(ed) India Social Development Report-2010-The Land and the Marginalized, Oxford University Press, January 2011, pp 243-256

3.  Rural Power Structure, State Initiatives and the Muslims: Divergent Experiences in Four States in India Social Development Report-2012-Minorities at the Margins, Oxford University Press, September 2013, pp 222-243

4.  Economic and Social Backwardness of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar-Some Issues That Need Further Investigation, in Manoranjan Mohanty, K. B. Saxena and Sumit Chakravarty (eds), A Fistful of Dry Rice-Land, Equity and Democracy, Aakaar Books, New Delhi, pp 285-313 (Co- authored with Kurian, N.J)

5.  When Neo-liberal Agenda Negotiates Dalit Agenda: The Case of BSP in Uttar Pradesh, in Trivedi, Prashant Kumar (ed), The Globalisation Turbulance: Emerging Tensions in Indian Society, Rawat Publications, pp 268-288

6.  Panchayti Raj, Women’s reservation and participation of Dalit Women- A case study of Bakshi ka Talab Block of Lucknow, in Sujit Kumar Chattopadhyay and Santiram Mondal (ed) 'Politics of Discrimination and Problem of Democratic Governance: Issues, Challenges and Experiences’, International Book Trust, Kolkata, 2009, pp 114-123

7.  Issues and Challenges of Land Dependents-The Case of Dalits in Uttar Pradesh, Varsha Ganguly, ed, Challenges of Land Rights in India, Routledge, 2016

Book Reviews

1.  Review of Azra Khanam, Muslim Backward Classes- A Sociological Perspective, New Delhi, Sage Publications, 2013, Social Change, 44 (3), 2014, 473-475

2.  Review of The Andre Beteille Omnibus, New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2011, Social Change, vol 42: 146, 2012

3.  Review of Nandu Ram, ed., ‘Dalits in Contemporary India’ vol1-Discrimination and Discontent, New Delhi, Siddhant Publications, Social Change, vol 38 no 2, June 2008, pp 332-335

Seminar and Conference Papers

International Seminars

1.  Economic and Social Backwardness of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar-Some Issues That Need Further Investigation, presented at International Seminar on Economic, Political and Social Transformation in India since 1857 with special reference to Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, 28-29 March 2007, Giri Institute of Development Studies, Lucknow, sponsored by Indian Council for Social Science Research(Co- authored with Kurian, N.J)

2.  Political Economy of Development and Identity Politics in Uttar Pradesh, presented at International Conference on Social Development, Social Movements and the Marginalised- Perspectives and Concerns, February 16-19, 2008, organised by Indira Gandhi Open University(IGNOU)

National Seminars

1.  Dalit Movement and Political Change in Uttar Pradesh presented in XXXI Social Science Congress, 27-31 December 2007, SNDT University Mumbai

2.  Cognitive Blackout in Development Thinking: A case of Dalit Women in India, presented at XII National Silver Jubilee Conference of Indian Association for Women’s Studies on “Feminism, Education and Transformation of Knowledges: Processes and Institutions” at University of Lucknow, February 7-10, 2008

3.  Land Reforms and Dalits in Uttar Pradesh: Some Reflections, presented at National Seminar on Land Reforms in Uttar Pradesh: Retrospect and Prospects, August 12-13, 2008, organized by Giri Institute of Development Studies, Lucknow, supported by Planning Commission, Government of India and Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India

4.  Dalits and Development, presented at National Seminar on Human Rights and the Marginalised: Towards a New Agenda, November 6 and 7, 2008, in collaboration with India International Centre

5.  Caste Violence and Development-Inputs from Uttar Pradesh with special reference to Dalit Women, presented at National Seminar on Women, Violence and Society: Challenges for Restoration of Space, 20-21 February 2009 organised by Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Department of Sociology, Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat

6.  State and Religion: Non-interventionery and Non-discriminatory Relations presented at National Seminar on Religion and National Integration organized by Dept of Sociology, S.P.G.College,Lucknow, 2006

7.  Panchayti Raj, Women’s reservation and participation of Dalit Women: A case study of Bakshi ka Talab Block of Lucknow’ presented at National Seminar on ‘Reflections of Dalit issues in Social Sciences’ organized by Dept of Sociology, University of Lucknow in collaboration with IASSI, 2006

8.  Redistributive Land Reforms Vs Market-led Reforms-Reflections on Land Policy in Neoliberal Era, paper presented at 17th Indian Political Economy Association, School of Economics, University of Hyderabad, 9-10 November 2013

9.  Land Rights of Women a Mirage? : A Feminist Critique of the Neoliberal Discourse on Land Reforms in India (co-authored with Arathi P M), paper presented at 18th Annual Conference of the Indian Political Economy Association, Giri Institute of Development Studies, 15, 16 November 2014

10.  Political Economy of Social Movements-Dalit Movement and Neoliberal Globalisation, 19th Annual Conference of the Indian Political Economy Association, 4-5 December 2015, Goa University

11.  Land Reforms and Dalits in Two States: Different States, Similar Stories, National Conference on“Caste and Social Exclusion: Issues and Challenges in Haryana”19-21 January, 2016.Chaudhry Ranbir Singh Institute of Social and Economic Change, M.D. University, Rohtak, Haryana

Completed Projects

1.  Status of Social Sciences in India- Social Science Research Output with Reference to Various Themes, supported by Indian Council for Social Science Research, 2016

2.  A Study of Nari Adalats of MS, sponsored by Mahila Samakhya ( A Scheme of GoI), 2015

3.  Rural Transformation in Uttar Pradesh, funded by Indian Council for Social Science Research, 2013

4.  Formulation of ‘Operation and Maintenance Policy for Piped Water Schemes of Rural UP’, Water Supply and Sanitation Organisation, State Water and Sanitation Mission, Department of Rural Development, Government of Uttar Pradesh.

5.  Newer Technologies and Farmers in India-Socio-economic Impact Assessment Survey of TEGRATM Technology in Rice Cultivation in Selected Districts of Tamil Nadu, funded by Syngenta India Limited, January 2013

6.  Matrimonial Cruelty and Legal Provisions: A study of 498A, funded by Oxfam India, January 2013

7.  Land Reforms in Uttar Pradesh: A View from the Field, funded by Action Aid, January 2013

8.  Homesteadlessness and State Intervention in Bihar- A Study of ‘Mahadalit Awas Bhoomi Yojana, funded by Rural Development Institute, Seattle, November 2011

9.  Socio-economic Status of Muslims in India: A study of four states, funded by the Council for Social Development, June 2012

10.  Land Acquisition in Green revolution areas and perceptions of farmers- A study of dynamics of land acquisition process in Western Uttar Pradesh, funded by the Council for Social Development, February 2011

11.  Social Development, Land Rights and Marginalised-A study of Dalits in Uttar Pradesh, funded by Ford Foundation, July 2009

Ongoing Projects

1.  Coordinating ‘Social and Educational Status of Muslim OBCs and Dalits’, ICSSR

2.  Emerging Agrarian Relations and Agricultural Labour in North India: An Investigation in Uttar Pradesh, ICSSR

Seminars and Conferences Convened

1.  National Seminar on Structural Transformation and Developmental Politics in Post-Liberalization India, 24-25 January 2008, India International Centre, funded by Ford Foundation

2.  International Seminar On The Centenary Of Hind Swaraj-Social Development and The Human Civilisation In The 21st Century, 12-14 February 2009, India International Centre, New Delhi

3.  CSD-ICS-RIS-IIC International Seminar on India and China: Issues in Social Development, 25 February 2008

4.  National Seminar on Human Rights and the Marginalised: Towards a New Agenda, 6-7 November 2008, India International Centre, Funded by Ford Foundation

5.  National Seminar on Social Movements in Contemporary India, 15, 16 July 2010, India International Centre, New Delhi, Funded by Ford Foundation

6.  18th Annual Conference of the Indian Political Economy Association, 15, 16 November 2014, Giri Institute of Development Studies (co-convened with Surinder Kumar and C S Verma)

Education and Training

●High School, U P Board, 1989

●Intermediate, U P Board, 1991

●B.Sc, University of Lucknow, Lucknow with Physics, Maths and Geology as major subjects, 1994

●M.A Sociology, University of Lucknow, Lucknow , 1997

● Qualified NET conducted by University Grants Commission, June1998

●Ph D from Department of Sociology, University of Lucknow on Dalit Women and Social Development in India: A sociological study of Lucknow District of Uttar Pradesh, 2006.

Personal Information:

Date of birth: 14 June 1974

Nationality: Indian

Contact Details:


Postal Address: Giri Institute of Development Studies

Sector ‘O’, Aliganj, Lucknow

Tel: : 91-522-2321860 (off)
: 91-522-2745958 (res)
: 91-9415215593(mobile)


(Prashant Kumar Trivedi)