HRM Online 1-17, 31 January 2017 3
Welcome to the 2017 school year.
HRM Online is a newsletter emailed regularly to principals, business managers and HR administrators. HRM Online provides news and information concerning human resources policy, administration matters and the operation and use of eduPay and Recruitment Online.
HR policy and procedures are available on our website – HRWeb. Answers to many queries and issues can be found by using the extensive A-Z Topic Index and reviewing relevant webpages or associated documents. HRM Online items regularly refer you to the policy, procedures or further help on HRWeb.
For quick and easy access, save HRWeb into your internet browser favourites. HRWeb is available at:
Feedback or suggestions for topics to be covered in HRM Online are welcome at any time. Send your comments or suggestions to .
2016 Performance and Development
Salary Progression
In accordance with the item Performance and Development notification 2016-2017 cycle in the School Update of 31 January, principals are requested to advise any employee who may not satisfy the requirements for salary progression in writing before 1 March 2017.
Principals should note that eduPay will automatically calculate eligibility and process salary progression for all eligible employees effective from 1 May 2017. No action is required by schools for the processing of salary progression for employees on eduPay.
Action: Advise employees who may not satisfy the requirements for progression in writing before 1 March 2017.
Teaching Experience during Leave Without Pay
Principals are asked to email the name and employee ID of any teacher seeking to include teaching experience undertaken during leave without pay as service for progression purposes to no later than 31 March 2017. A Statement of Service is to be provided at the same time.
Action: Principals are requested to:
· Email details of employees seeking to include teaching experience for salary progression purposes to
2017 Performance and Development
The 2017 Performance Development Plan (PDP) process for school-based staff is now online and accessible through Employee Self Service (ESS > Performance and Development > Create Document).
All school staff, including principals, teachers and education support staff, can complete their 2017 PDPs online. Delegated staff can also review and approve others’ PDPs online.
The PDP template remains the same as in previous years, as does the timing of the performance and development cycle. As part of the cycle, plans need to be developed by the end of February, and added into the online system by the end of April.
Staff who have already begun drafting their PDP goals for 2017 can easily cut and paste them into the online template.
Schools who have their own online PDP systems in place will be able to continue using that system in 2017. The Department wants to keep in touch with these schools to make sure they receive appropriate training opportunities and information. If your school will be using another online system in 2017, email
The online system will default the reviewer role to the principal and HR Administrator for all other staff. It is recommended that the principal (or HR Administrator on advice from the principal) delegates reviewer access to relevant members of their leadership team in line with current performance and development processes within their school. This is completed through Manager Self Service in eduPay (MSS > Performance and Development > Assign Reviewers).
Additional information and support
A range of training materials and quick reference guides on how to use the online PDP system, including the allocation of different reviewers, are available at: Performance and Development in Victorian Government Schools.
For additional help and queries relating to the online PDP system that cannot be resolved at the school level, phone: 1800 641 943 and follow the menu options to Schools HR.
For PDP policy-related queries, contact:
Actions: Start developing PDPs during term 1. All staff should draft their PDP using the online system in Employee Self Service.
Allocate reviewer access (if required) in line with the school’s performance and development process.
Information Sheets for Casual Employees
Information sheets are available on HRWeb for schools to provide to casual employees employed by school councils. These information sheets outline the terms and conditions that apply to casual school council employees including where to access the Fair Work Information Statement. It is strongly recommended that the relevant information sheet be provided at least once a year to each person employed on a casual basis by the school council. Principals are asked to bring this to the attention of the school council.
Three information sheets are available as follows:
· Casual Relief Teachers (CRT)
· Casual education support class employees
· Casual employees other than education support class employees.
The information sheets are available on HRWeb at: School Council Employment and Casual Relief Teachers (for CRTs).
The information sheets apply to employees on CASES21 and School Local Payroll where the school has been transitioned to eduPay.
Changing Standard Hours or days worked
HR Administrators are asked to follow the steps in the Work Schedule User guide when entering or amending an employee’s time fraction or hours worked on a particular day to ensure the new change of hours or work pattern is recorded correctly.
Remember to ADD a new row with the revised hours or work pattern. Normally an hours change is not retrospective therefore check carefully that you have entered 2017 as the year in the effective date. DO NOT overwrite any previous work schedule row as this will result in large under or overpayments or previously valid leave entries may become invalid.
eduPay Training
The eduPay training database is currently being upgraded and therefore eduPay training is not available until March 2017 (at the earliest). The following modules will be available in 2017:
· A new introduction to eduPay
· eduPay Workshop
· Workers’ Compensation Workshop (run by Gallagher Bassett – the Department’s Workers Compensation provider)
· Leave Workshop
· Reports Workshop
· eduPay intermediate module – The next steps
· School Local Payroll Workshop
· Recruitment Online (ROL)
The eduPay Workshop, Workers’ Compensation Workshop and ROL will be available during Term 1, 2017. Schools will be notified when additional eduPay training is available.
HRWeb Updates
HRWeb is regularly updated therefore it is important that principals and HR Administrators ensure they are accessing the latest policy, procedural information and forms as required. The following updates have been made recently:
§ Travel and Personal Expenses - Public Service HRWeb page and policy to take account of changed arrangements for student services staff.
§ Pay Day calendars have been updated to include school vacations to 2025.
§ Fixed Term Ready Reckoner – updated following publication of school vacations to 2025
eduPay Hints & Tips
Taxation Records – when to update
Hiring an employee? Make sure new employees are paid by entering their tax information from the Tax File Number declaration form they have provided to you. The tax record must have the same effective date as their HIRE row. Without this tax record eduPay will not calculate their pay.
Rehiring an employee? Where a person is rehired following a break in employment, the ATO requires that a new Tax File Number declaration form is to be provided. Check this form against the employee’s current tax record on eduPay. You only need to update eduPay if the tax details have changed. Where the details have changed, ADD a new row and use the effective date of the rehire and reflect the new tax details.
Current employee who requires a tax change? Where a current employee wishes to change their tax details, ADD a new row with an effective date from the start of the next available pay period. Do not overwrite taxation data rows or make retrospective changes to tax records.
Need more help? Refer to the eduPay Tax Details User Guide available on eduGate. If your school has transitioned to SLP on eduPay also refer to the SLP Taxation Details Guide on eduGate to ensure the SLP tax entries are recorded correctly.
Start of Term Checklist
Payroll reminders
q Entering Dates – Check you have entered the correct date with 2017 where appropriate – be especially careful on work schedule changes and deduction start/end dates.
q Avoid incorrect pays for returning employees – Check employees who are scheduled to return from unpaid leave that
o (a) they have actually resumed and
o (b) they will be paid correctly.
q Avoid Overpayments. Ensure leave is approved and recorded for employees who are to commence unpaid leave.
q Banking, Tax and Superannuation. Enter banking and tax details. Do not overwrite banking or tax data or change the effective date – ADD a new row with the correct effective date and new information. Send Choice of Superannuation form to or have employee update superannuation information through Employee Self Service.
q Higher Duties and other Allowances. Complete any higher duties assignments commencing this term and other eligible allowances that have been approved by the Principal. Place details on the employee’s personnel file.
q Ceasing Employees. For employees who may cease employment this week, confirm with them their wishes regarding payment of unused long service leave. Also, ensure a copy of the employee’s written notice of cessation of employment which has been accepted by the principal is placed on the personnel file.
q Payroll Validation and Certification – validate and certify any outstanding pay periods.
Leave reminders
q Record/process leave for employees commencing or extending unpaid or half pay leave. Ensure 539LWOPAPPRV is used for Leave Without Pay entries where leave has been approved by the principal. Encourage employees to apply for leave using Employee Self Service wherever possible.
Recruitment Reminders
q VIT Registration. A teacher cannot undertake teaching duties without current, valid VIT registration. For each teacher, principals are to ensure all VIT cards show current and valid registration status. Review the employee’s card or check registration details on the public register or the My School portal on the VIT website.
A current employee can record and update their VIT Registration details through ESS and the HR Administrator then validates this entry on the Suitability for Employment page.
q WWCC Check. It is an employment requirement for education support class employees (ESC) to hold a valid Working With Children (WWC) Check. It is also an offence for a person to be engaged in child related work in a school without a valid WWC Check. As a result, eduPay will not allow the employment of the person without valid WWCC data entered. Prior to employing any ESC or other non-teaching employee ensure they have a valid and current employee type WWCC card and the card details are recorded on eduPay at the time of their hire/rehire.
A current employee can record their renewed or new card details through Employee Self Service (ESS) and the HR Administrator then validates this entry on the Suitability for Employment page.
q Principal Class appointments, promotions or transfers. Principal and Assistant Principal appointments, promotions or transfers are completed by central staff on return of the signed Contract of Employment. School operators do not complete Job Data transactions for principal class employees.
q Employment Offers. Ensure all employment offers for this year have been accepted in writing and the school’s copy of the employment offer is placed on the employee’s personnel file.
q Complete the Hire/Rehire of staff as appropriate – after completing the Hire/Rehire of an employee, remember to include the banking and taxation details. For fixed term teacher positions ensure the correct end date is used on eduPay – refer to the Fixed Term Teacher Vacancy Ready Reckoner on HRWeb. The Employment Task List should be used to assist in the hire/rehire process, available on HRWeb at: Recruitment in Schools
q Promotion and Transfer of teachers and ESC employees. Ensure any promotions and transfers of ongoing employees have been processed and any documentation in relation to the promotion or transfer is placed on the personnel file.
Other Reminders
q WWCC and Volunteers. Ensure all Volunteers have a valid WWCC card in accordance with your school’s visitor policy. An employee card can be used to volunteer but a volunteer card cannot be used for paid employment.
q WWCC and Contractors. Ensure the assessment of the suitability of contractors to be on school premises is consistent with the Department’s Suitability for Employment Policy and your school policy. Contact the Employee Conduct Branch if advice is required.
q Personnel Files. For previous employees who transfer to or are rehired at your school, request the personnel file from their previous school. Where another school requests the personnel file for a previous employee, make sure all documentation has been securely included and send it to the new school by registered mail.
Need Further help? Have a question? – People Services Enquiry Information
If your query is not addressed by the information available on HRWeb use the following table to determine the correct area/team to enable your enquiry to be dealt with quickly and efficiently.
Topic / Area/Team / ContacteduPay transactions / General enquiries
Salary and allowances
Entitlements on termination of employment
Principal Class contract renewal / Schools People Services / Service Gateway: Select Log a Request, Human Resources, SPS – Schools People Services (remember to select your region)
Email: Schools HR – (region name) in the Global Address list
Fax: (03) 9637 3418
Phone: 1800 641 943, select options for Schools People Services and your regional area
School Local Payroll on eduPay enquiries
(only for schools who have transitioned to SLP on eduPay) / SLP on eduPay / Email:
Phone: 1800 641 943, select options for employee category, SLP and Region
Recruitment Online
Amendment to Termination Dates
Principal Class Appointments/Promotions
Excess or Redeployment employees
Compassionate transfers
Recruitment programs
VIT issues / Schools Recruitment Unit / Service Gateway: Select Log a Request, Human Resources, SRU – Schools Recruitment
Fax: (03) 9637 3418
Phone: 1800 641 943 select the relevant option for Recruitment and your regional area
Superannuation – Choice of Fund forms
PAYG Payment Summaries
Cancellation of Direct Credit (recall) forms
SLP Superannuation spreadsheets (email only) / People Systems and Services / Email:
Fax: (03) 9637 2850
Salary Mischarge (fix charging on eduPay first)
Leave Replacement (STLR and Long Term leave must be entered in eduPay first)
Fortnightly transaction report / School Resources Management (in Financial Services Division) / Service Gateway: Select Log a Service Call, Student Resource Package, SRP Student Resource Package
When telephoning Schools People Services and Schools Recruitment, ensure you have available the employee ID of the person you are calling about. For all areas/teams, when you log a service call, include the Employee ID and name of the person you are enquiring about with a clear description of the enquiry. Include the vacancy number, if applicable, for enquiries to the Schools Recruitment Unit.
School Local Payroll (SLP) on eduPay
Updated Service Centre queue for School Local Payroll (SLP) on eduPay enquiries
For support in relation to SLP on eduPay, please contact the DET Service Desk on 1800 641 943 and select relevant option from: