Babworth Parish Council

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the parish council held on Tuesday 15th March 2016in the Ranby village hall at 7.30pm.

160301Councillors Present: -, Mr A Howard, Mr R Ashton, Clerk A Lilley, Mr G Fridlington, Mrs H Gajos, Mrs L Howard,Mr S Crawley, Mrs L Yates,Mrs C Irvine, Mr Chris Thomas and Mr J Green BDC

160302Apologies for absence: -None

160303Minutes of the previous meeting held on 19thJanuary 2016 – The minutes were Proposed by Mr G Fridlington and seconded by Mr S Crawley – Mr A Howard duly signed them.

160304Members of the public. – None present

160305Declarations of interest. –To be declared as and when one arises

160306Matters arising.

  1. Grantscape – all successful applicants have been informed. - It was noted that funds had not yet been released but that it would be given on receipt of proof of expenditure.


  1. Authorisation of cheques;-

BKVGrass cutting£636.70Chq. No. 101202

Foljambe EstatesRent£5.00Chq. No. 101203

A P MooreHedgecutting£84.00Chq. No. 101204

NCCGrit Bin£150.00Chq. No. 101205

A Lilley Wages£207.98 Chq. No. 101206

HMR&CPaye£104.20Chq. No. 101207

A LilleyExpenses£12.40Chq. No. 101208

Ranby Village HallGrant£5000.00Chq. No. 101209

Ranby Village Hall2nd Half precept£675.00Chq. No. 101210

Babworth P.C.C.2nd Half precept£275.00Chq. No. 101211

All cheques were approved and signed by Mr R Ashton and Mr A Howard

160308Plans. Application; :-

  1. Proposed Base station upgrade – Botany Farm, Tiln Lane Farm Ltd – no comments

160309Plans. Decisions :-none

160310Fun Field - ongoing

160311Parish matters and maintenance;-

  1. Grass Cutting Ranby Village2016–as per last year
  2. Apleyhead Access. – on going
  3. Neighbourhood Plan- Mr J Green attended the meeting to give an overview of the procedures to design and implement a neighbourhood plan. The councillors were asked to give some consideration to this and discuss at a later meeting.
  4. Fracking – Mr G Fridlington gave a report on the meetings he had attended concerning Tinker Hill – He advised that a community liaison group had been set up which is an independent organisation set up to represent the local community, the group included representatives from various groups and meetings are held every two weeks in case anyone else wished to attend these.
  5. Broadband – Mr A Howard reported that N3 had come across a technical hitch which could mean that a further £7470 will need to be found to get broadband into the village. A Lilley stated that the parish were limited to how much they could give under S137 Monies. It was stated that if the broadband does not go ahead then the Parish council would have to ask for the grant money back. Mr A Howard to discuss in more detail with N3 and report back at the next meeting.

160312Parish security.

160313 Correspondence.


  1. Notts CC – Validation of Planning applications - noted
  2. Chesterfield Canal Trust E Newsletter - noted
  3. Ranby Traffic Calming - noted
  4. Central Bassetlaw Forum agenda - noted
  5. Changes to Neighbourhood policing inspectors - noted
  6. Street party information - noted
  7. Petition for Parish Councils to appeal planning decisions - noted
  8. Non NCC Funding - noted
  9. Tinker Lane CLG - noted
  10. Notts Minerals Local Plan- noted
  11. Local Government finance settlement - noted
  12. The BEAT - noted
  13. Roadworks advance bulletin - noted
  14. Police crime figures. – February report - correspondence

160315Items for the next agenda;- - the next meeting will be the AGM

160316Date of next meeting. –Tuesday 17thMay 2016- 7PM Start

Signed………………………………………………….. Date…………..

A.Howard (Chairman to Babworth P.C.)