PreK Supply List
sandwich size Ziploc bags
Hand Sanitizer – XLarge pump
boxBaby wipes
Plastic Utensils
gallon Ziploc bags
large paper plates (cheap for crafts)
roll of paper towels
Washable Crayola markers
construction paper (Costco has a great pack)
card stock
masking tape
Pipe cleaners
Back pack* (Must hold folder, jacket*, lunchbox*, change of clothes*, and spot for water bottle*)
Water color set
Elmers glue (not glue stick)
4 Glue Sticks – Fat Purple kind preferred
1 box 24 count Crayola Crayons
2 thin black EXPO markers
Playdough set
Bring a small healthy snack every day.
Bring a sports water bottle (spill proof lid) with your name on it every day.
Office Supplies:
5 reams copy paper
3 boxes tissues
3 pack of Clorox wipes
Wear Velcro tennis shoes every day. Please keep a change of uniform clothes*, in a Ziploc, in the backpack in case of accidents, including clean socks. Fitted Crib Sheet for Rest Time*, blanket*, & pillow* if desired. Please place in a bag with your name on it. These will be sent home each Friday.
* Please write your child’s name on all starred* items as well as lunch boxes and jackets/sweaters.
In keeping with the philosophy avoiding cultural distractions, the Academy asks parents to help us when purchasing backpacks, lunchboxes, binders, jackets, or any other school items. Please do not purchase items for the school that feature any cartoon, skulls, celebrity, or other cultural character.
Kindergarten Supply List
$6 toward pre-bought specific binders
googly eyes medium size
Hand Sanitizer – XLarge pump
Baby wipes
Crayola fat markers pack
gallon Ziploc bags
4 black, thin dry erase markers
roll of paper towels
glitter glue
1 pocket tab for binder
8 count Crayola markers
zipper pouch for binder (not plastic)
construction paper (Costco has a great pack)
bag of cotton balls
Headphones (not earbuds)
Colorful fat dry erase markers
blunt tip Fiskars scissors
2inch masking tape
1 ream card stock white, red, or green
1 full size back pack*(Must hold binder, jacket, lunchbox, change of clothes, and spot for water bottle)
1 plastic school box 8”x5” no handles or zippers*
6 fat Glue Sticks – Fat Purple kind preferred
2 boxes24 count Crayola Crayons
12 Sharpened Ticonderoga Pencils(open and sharpen if needed)
4 Red marking pencilswith eraser– sharpened (Ticonderoga preferred)
2 large pink eraser
Bring a small healthy snack every day.
Bring a sports water bottle (spill proof lid) with your name on it every day.
We suggest Velcro shoes for those unable to tie their shoes yet.
Please keep a change of uniform clothes, in a Ziploc, in the backpack in case of accidents.
Office Supplies:
5 reams copy paper
3 boxes tissues
3 pack of Clorox wipes
* Please write your child’s name on all starred* items as well as lunch boxes and jackets/sweaters.
In keeping with the philosophy avoiding cultural distractions, the Academy asks parents to help us when purchasing backpacks, lunchboxes, binders, jackets, or any other school items. Please do not purchase items for the school that feature any cartoon, skulls, celebrity, or other cultural character. God’s creatures (ie horses, butterflies, dinosaurs etc…) are welcomed.
1st Grade Supply List
$6 toward pre-bought specific binders
1 box of red pencils
1 box of gallon size Ziploc bags
1 roll of paper towels
1 pack construction paper (Costco has great set)
1 pack 12x18 white construction paper
1 pack of AA batteries
1 box of black thin expo marker
1 XL pump hand sanitizer
1 full size backpack
1 spill proof water bottle
2 zippered pencil pouch not plastic
1 highlighter
4 glue sticks- wide
1 box 24 count Crayola colored pencils
1 box 24 count Crayola crayons
8 Crayola Markers
8 tab dividers for binder
2 tab dividers with pockets for binders
2 dozen Ticonderoga pencils
1 large pink eraser
1 Crayola watercolor set
12 page protectors
1 pair Fiskars scissors
Office Supplies:
5 reams copy paper
3 boxes tissues
3 pack of Clorox
Extra helpful supplies: (not required)
Expo Board Cleaner
Manila file folders
Multicolored Expo Markers
CD players with headphones - Walkman
Post-it notes
Manila drawing paper
2nd Grade Supply List
Please do not write your child’s name on community supplies.
- $6 toward pre-bought specific binders
- 1 XL bottle of hand sanitizer
- 1 ream white cardstock
- Expo markers
- 1 ultra fine point sharpie
- 1 box of gallon size zip-lock bags
- 1Ream Colored cardstock (classic colors)
- Band-aides
- 3 dozen of Ticonderoga pencils
- 1 box of Ticonderoga red pencils
- 25 page protectors with 3 holes
- dozen cap erasers
- 2 large pink erasers
- 4 large glue sticks
- 1 Crayola watercolor set
- 1 ream wide ruled notebook paper
- 1 package tabbed dividers
- 1 composition book: wide-ruled, traditional black and white cover, no holes
- 1 packages of 12 colored pencils
- Box of 24 Crayola Crayons
- 8 tab dividers for binders
- 2 tab divers with pockets for binders
- 1 pair of scissors (child safe)
- 2 Pencil pouches, each with a zipper and three holes
- 1 dress code appropriate sweater or sweatshirt with name (navy, white, or red, and plain)
Office Supplies:
5 reams copy paper
3 boxes tissues
3 pack of Clorox
2nd Grade EXTRA HELPFUL CLASSROOM SUPPLIES These supplies are always appreciated, but not required.
- Books for our classroom library
- Classic, educational board games such as Scrabble
- Brown paper grocery bags or newspaper for desk covering
- Tempera paints in primary colors (red, yellow, blue, white, brown, black)
- Paint brushes- all kinds and sizes
- Paper plates and cups
- Manila paper for drawing
- Expo board cleaner
- Manila file folders
- 10mm giant paper clips
- Patterned Washy tape
- Fine tip wet erase markers
- Plaster of Paris
3rd Grade Supply List
$6 toward pre-bought specific binders
4 dozen pencilsticonderoga
24 red pencils with eraser
50 page protectors
24 cap erasers
2 pink erasers
Ruler with inches and cm
1 composition book
2 pencil pouches not plastic with holes for binder
5 packages wide ruled paper
8 Crayola Markers
8 tab dividers for binders
2 tab dividers with pockets for binders
6 glue sticks
2 pencil pouches not plastic
Crayola 24 count colored pencils
2 sharpies
package cardstock
box gallon size Ziploc bags
package construction paper (Costco has a great pack)
box quart size Ziploc bags
fat expo markers
thin expo markers
scotch tape
post-it note pad
hand sanitizer large pump bottle
20 sheet protectors
Office Supplies:
5 reams copy paper
3 boxes tissues
3 pack of Clorox
4th Grade Supply List
$6 toward pre-bought specific binders
1 box of cap erasers
2 large pink erasers
1 pack of 4 x 6 index cards
4 glue sticks
1 package of Expo markers
1 package of Sharpies
4 dozen Ticonderoga pencils
24 red pencils with eraser
8 Crayola Markers
1 composition book (any color)
2 zippered pencil pouches not plastic with holes for binder
24 page protectors
2 highlighters
1 ruler
package colored cardstock
8 tab dividersfor binder
2 tab dividers with pockets for binder
I package Crayola crayons
1 package colored pencils
4 reams of notebook paper
1 wide ruled spiral bound notebook
Office Supplies:
5 reams copy paper
3 boxes tissues
3 pack of Clorox
Extra helpful supplies: (not required)
manila file folders
multicolored Expo markers
books for class library
Post-it notes
Crayola watercolor sets
Paint brushes
Fine tip wet erase markers
5th Grade Supply List
$6 toward pre-bought specific binders
(1) Spiral bound notebook
(4) reams of wide-ruled notebook paper
(1) pack of white or ivory cardstock
(4) packs lined index cards (100 cards each)
(2) composition notebooks
(2) packs of dividers with tabs for binders – 8 tabs with pockets
(1) pack clear plastic page protectors
(2) large pink erasers
(1) pack of cap erasers
(1) pair of scissors
(1) 12 inch ruler with centimeters
(2) large pencil pouches with three rings (not plastic)
(1) pack Crayola Colored Pencils
(1) pack Crayola thin markers (labeled with child’s name)
(2) black Sharpies fine point
(1) yellow highlighter
(1) pack Low-Odor Expo whiteboard markers (colored)
(4) dozen Ticonderoga #2 pencils
(10 or more) Ticonderoga red pencils
(4) glue sticks
pack of tracing paper
box of quart size ziplocs
Office Supplies:
5 reams copy paper
3 boxes tissues
3 pack of Clorox wipes
6th Grade Supply List
$6 toward pre-bought specific binders
1pk tracing paper
4 dozen Ticonderoga#2 pencils
1Black Pearl eraser
1ream cardstock – white
1box gallon ziplocs
3pack of post it notes
1pk pens (blue or black only)
2pens (red)
4pksnotebook paper, loose leaf (college-ruled), NOT spiral bound
1Spiral notebook
4glue sticks
1pair of scissors
112 pack of colored pencils
18 pack or larger of markers
24pocket dividers
5pks3x5 note cards
1pksheet protectors (pack of 25)
2pencil pouch for binders (not plastic)
2Ultra-fine Sharpies (black)
10dry erase markers (black and colored, skinny and regular)
1pk Tape
Office Supplies:
5 reams copy paper
3 boxes tissues
3 pack of Clorox wipes
Optional: Mechanical Pencils
7th Grade Supply List
Omnibus, Rhetoric, and Bible- Hoffmann
- $10 toward pre-bought specific binders
- Dividers (3-hole punched)
- Pencils, pens (blue or black only), highlighters
- 500 sheets of loose leaf paper
- Box with 500 flashcards (preferably 3 colors)
- 10 Black Dry Erase Markers
- 3 Composition notebooks (Bible, Rhetoric, Omnibus Journals)
- ESV Bible:
- 1 spiral bound, college-ruled notebook
- #2 pencils (mechanical are fine)
- 12” ruler
- Red pencil
- Graph paper
- Comp notebook
Logic 7-Sheets
- Pens
- Pencils
- Paper
- Large (2 inch) Binder
- 1 pack of notebook dividers
- Dry Erase Markers
Latin 1-Lajeunesse
- 1” binder or a tab for Latin in general binder
- Tab dividers (if using separate binder for Latin)
- #2 pencils
- 600 index cards
Office Supplies:
5 reams copy paper
3 boxes tissues
3 pack of Clorox
- Project supplies (as needed):
Poster board
Colored pencils
- Study aides:
MLA Handbook
Study aides for individual titles
8th Grade Supply List
Omnibus, Rhetoric, and Bible-Hoffmann:
$10 toward pre-bought specific binders
- Dividers (3-hole punched)
- Pencils, pens (blue or black only), highlighters
- 500 sheets of loose leaf paper
- Box with 500 flashcards (preferably 3 colors)
- 10 Black Dry Erase Markers
- 3 Composition notebooks (Bible, Rhetoric, Omnibus Journals)
- ESV Bible
Algebra I- Schans
- 1 ½“ – 2” 3-Ring Binder
- 5 tab dividers
- #2 Pencils (7-9 mm lead mechanical pencil is also acceptable, but not provided by the school)
- 12” Ruler
- Notebook paper
- Loose Leaf Graph Paper
- Comp notebook
- Scientific or graphing calculator
Latin 2-Lajeunesse
- Pens
- Pencils
- Paper
- Large (2-3 inch) Binder
- 1 pack of notebook dividers
- Dry Erase Markers
- 500 Notecards
- Notecard Box
- Calculator
- nitrile gloves
- safety glasses
- a bound lab notebook.
Logic 8- Sheets
- Pens
- Pencils
- Paper
- Large (2 inch) Binder
- 1 pack of notebook dividers
- Dry Erase Markers
Office Supplies:
5 reams copy paper
3 boxes tissues
3 pack of Clorox wipes
- Project supplies (as needed)
Poster board
Colored pencils
- Study aides
MLA Handbook
Study aides for individual titles
Rhetoric School Supply List
Omnibus-Mr Kauffman/Mrs. Schaefer:
- Pens
- Pencils
- Paper
- Spiral Notebook
- $10 toward pre-bought specific binders
- 1 pack of notebook dividers
- 5 composition notebooks
- Dry Erase Markers
- Art Supplies for Art Projects (Not for class)
- ESV Bible
Algebra II, Geometry & Pre-Calculus-Miss Schans:
- 5 tab dividers
- #2 Pencils (7-9 mm lead mechanical pencil is also acceptable, but not provided by the school)
- 12” Ruler
- Notebook paper
- Loose Leaf Graph Paper
- Comp notebook
- Protractor (GEOMETRY ONLY)
- TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator (ALGEBRA II & PRE-CALC ONLY)
10th Grade Science-DrCrosswhite:
- Calculator
- nitrile gloves
- safety glasses
- a bound lab notebook
Latin 9-Mr Kauffman:
- Pens
- Pencils
- Paper
- 1 pack of notebook dividers
- Dry Erase Markers
- 500 Notecards
- Notecard Box
Office Supplies:
5 reams copy paper
3 boxes tissues
3 pack of Clorox wipes