Savannah Adventure Packing List

Packing Guidelines

Everyone is allowed one suitcase to be stored underneath the bus and one carry on (like a backpack) to keep things you want to have with you at all times.

What to pack in your suitcase:

·  1 comfortable outfit per day. You will be provided a shirt for two of the three days. Watch the Weather Channel for the forecast and pack accordingly

·  2 pairs of Comfortable shoes (in case one pair gets wet). We will be doing a lot of walking and comfortable shoes are a must!

·  Toiletries and other personal items

·  Plastic bag for damp clothes

What to pack in your backpack:

·  IPods, IPads and similar devices may be brought with the understanding that we will not be responsible for damaged or missing items. Games that require being connected to a television may not be brought because the hotel does not allow it.

·  Chargers for the above mention devices

·  Towel and flip flops for the beach (NO BATHING SUITS)

·  Books, magazines and other reading material

·  Avoid sending valuable cameras. Cell Phones can be used as a camera. * Disposable cameras are recommended!

·  Extra change for the vending machines at the rest stops only

·  Sunscreen

·  Bug spray

·  Raincoat or umbrella or poncho (remember that tours go on rain or shine!)

·  Warm coat or jacket

·  Any other items your teacher/chaperone has told you to bring

Snacks and Beverages:

·  Crackers and healthy snacks can help satisfy appetites between meals but please do not load up on candy or junk food. Please no gum, chocolate candy, energy drinks, peanut based products (due to high amount of food allergies) or milk based products on the buses

·  You can also bring water and soft drinks with screw tops. Do not bring energy drinks. Dairy products (ice cream, milk, yogurt, chocolate, etc) are not allowed on the bus at any time.

Spending Money: Once you board your coach, all expenses are covered except dinner on River Street and spending money (including such things as souvenirs and vending machines). The recommended maximum amount of money to bring is $50. Please avoid sending more than this because most students become focused on spending their money rather than learning from the planned activities. If your child has trouble budgeting money, this is a great time to teach that valuable life skill. Discuss ways of reserving money so that all of it is not spent after the first day. Who knows, maybe a few dollars will actually make it home!

A special note about medicines: All medicines (prescription or over-the-counter) must be labeled and placed in a Ziploc bag with instructions for how and when they are to be administered. A form (for each medication being sent) is provided for this purpose. Please tell your child’s chaperone if there are some critical instructions that have to be followed. GIVE ALL MEDICATIONS TO YOUR CHILD’S CHAPERONE WHEN YOU ARRIVE AT SCHOOL ON TUESDAY MORNING.