Blue Ridge Independent Living Center

Board Meeting Minutes

January 18, 2017

Present: D. Daniels, C. Harlow, B. Poe, K. Willis, T. Winborne

Absent: P. Pearl

Staff: K. Michalski

  1. The meeting was called to order.
  2. The audit report was presented by Mr. Joe Schaben and Ms. Latonya Miller. Motion by Mr. Winborne to accept the audit report. Second by Mr. Poe. Carried.
  3. Motion by Mr. Poe to approve the minutes of the November 16, 2016 Board of Directors meeting minutes as presented. Second by Mr. Winborne. Carried.

III.Executive Director’s Report

1.The Expenditure Report for December was reviewed.

2.Executive Director’s Reportfor November and December were reviewed.

3.Board advised that budget amendment to restore the $200,000 cut from CILs has been introduced. Additional information will be forthcoming.

4.Discussion ensued regarding a potential Board member. Motion by Mr. Winborne to appoint Mr. Garrett Brumfield to the Board to fill Ms. McCulloch’s term. Second by Ms. Willis. Carried.

5.Executive Director advised Board that with previous Board approval and based on State holiday schedule, she has added July 3 as an additional holiday for 2017.

6.The draft Personal Leave Policy was discussed. Motion by Mr. Winborne to accept the Personal Leave Policy as presented. Second by Mr. Poe. Carried.

7.Board advised that the Dept. of Health & Human Services has approved an Indirect Cost Rate for BRILC.

8.The Randolph Scott issue was discussed. There is no new information.

9.BRILC received a $1,000 donation from the J. Spencer and Joy Frantz Donor Advised Fund of Foundation for Roanoke Valley.

10.The short-term disability insurance increase will be a minimum of $384.84.

11.Becoming a pet-friendly workplace was discussed. The Board is not amenable to becoming a pet-friendly workplace.

12.Board advised that funding applications for $109,860 from CDBG and $23,550 from Roanoke County have been submitted. A funding application for $40,000 from the Human Services Committee is in process.

13.Board advised that Administration for Community Living (ACL) had advised that the ACLReporting database was ready for CILs to input data. Executive Director attempted to enter data today and was unable to save data or exit system. She has advised her ACL contact. Deadline for submitting the 704 Report is March 28.

14.Reports for Part B, the Human Services Committee and the Empowerment to Prevent Institutionalization Grant were presented.

15.Board advised that BRILC will receive $2,205 from the GAUF.

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

January 18, 2017

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16.Board received a Thank You card from Ms. McCulloch.

17.A note from a consumer was reviewed.

18.Board advised that BRILC is assisting a wheelchair basketball team. The team garnered three new players due to BRILC’s outreach activities. BRILC is currently assisting the team to locate a gym.

19.Board advised that BRILC has entered into a Partnership Plus Agreement Regarding the Social Security Administration Ticket to Work Program with DARS.

The meeting was adjourned.


Karen Willis, Secretary

