DIMENSION: SPACE FOCUS: Mapping and Location
VELS LEARNING FOCUS:1.5 ~ identification of main features on local maps
1.75 ~ construction of informal local maps
2.0 ~ specify location as a relative position, including left and right, and interpret simple networks, diagrams and maps involving a small number of points, objects or locations
2.25 ~ determination of approximate north by considering the position of the sun
2.5 ~use of a grid to refer to objects on a map
~ orientation of north, south, east and west from their own current position
2.75 ~ representation of an object by drawing its plan
3.0 ~locate and identify places on maps and diagrams give travel directions and describe positions using simple compass directions (for example, N for North) and grid references on a street directory.
3.25~ use of a graphical scale to determine actual size and distance from a map
~ interpretation of maps of their own immediate environment using various scales; for example, school ground, suburb, state, country
description of a path by a set of coordinates / VELS STANDARD - LEVEL 2
Students learn to construct and follow directions, informal maps, diagrams and routes to locations in the local environment.
They use grid references (for
example, A5 on a street directory) to specify location and compass bearings to describe directions. They use local and larger-scale maps to locate places and describe suitable routes between them.
Left, right, over, under, next to, behind, grid references, co-ordinates, between, north, south, east, west, forward, backward, compass, map.
COMMON ASSESSMENT TASKS (Including pre, during and post unit understandings)
Assessment FOR Learning / Assessment OF Learning / Assessment AS LearningProvide students with a blank grid and give the students a set of instructions. e.g. put a flower in D5, but a cloud in A1, put an asterix in C3, put a spider in F9, put a circle in E7, put your initials in G6.
Analyse work samples to group students in ability groups. / Pre
Portfolio Assessment of Treasure/Pirate Map
Track students’ growth by comparing pre and post test. / Student reflection
Student discussion
Analysing students work samples
Observational notes in cross checker
Lesson sequence / Warm Up Activity / Teaching and Learning OpportunitiesIncluding Introduction and Activity / Reflect and Share
Number of the day
An addition equation after the roll / Simon Says Game:
To review basic directional terminology. e.g. “Simon says put your right hand on your head” and “Simon says put your left hand on your right foot,” etc.
Maths on the Go- Book 2 (Vingerhoets) p.36. / Pre-test:
Oral and written on the board.
The Lost Treasure of Captain Bluerinsebeard.
High Interest Activities in Maths. p.37. / Turn and Talk (and use the terms). After the activity/lesson, ask the children to turn so that they are facing a partner. Now tell them that they have 3 minutes to talk to each other about what they did/found out in their maths lesson. Encourage the children to use the terms/language from their lesson. After 3 minutes choose 4 or 5 pairs of students to summarise what they discussed in their ‘turn and talk’. Encourage appropriate use of terminology, for example “ and what is it we call that again Maddie?”
Number of the day
A subtraction equation after the roll / Blind Tic-Tac-Toe
A B C As for regular tic-tac-toe,
1__/__/__ here 2 competitors cannot
2__/__/__ look at the board. Have to
3__/__/__ give grid references. E.G B2 / Grid References and Co-ordinates-
Below Level- partners/teacher
At Level- Grid References Sheet- Rigby-BLM 18
Above Level- Following Directions & Instructions. High Interest Activities in Maths. p.39-40. / See/Saw. In pairs, one person goes first (see) to state something that they learned/recall from today’s lesson/activity. The other person (Saw) then states something they gained from the session. Back to See’s turn. This continues until either See or Saw is unable to recall another fact or aspect of the lesson. Ensure you move among the pairs and encourage use of appropriate terminology. This share activity works very with about 5 minutes to go before recess time. Person with the last given fact goes out first!
Number of the day
A multiplication equation after the roll / Following Directions: Over and Under Obstacle Course-
Make your own obstacle course by going over 3 things, through 1 thing, under 1 thing and between 2 things.
Refer to teacher notes from Open Ended Maths Activities (Sullivan & Lilburn) p. 80-81- no. 1-6. / Treasure Island- Learning Solutions p.31.
Below Level- Name a single correct co-ordinate of the pictures.
At/Above- Name all co-ordinates covered by the pictures. / Rocket Writing. Inform the students that they have 4 minutes (3 minutes for grades 2 to 4) to write as much as they can about what they did/learned in their maths lesson today. Emphasise that there is only 4 minutes and that it must be about today’s lesson. I provide the children with some sentence starters to get them going. For example:
* Today I found out….* I really liked….* I’m still not too sure about…* Next time I would…* I could teach someone else to…* I discovered that…* The activity was…because…
Call for a 5 or 6 volunteers (don’t nominate) to read one of their sentences.
Number of the day
A division equation after the roll / Follow my directions
Ask a student to stand outside of the room. Now hide an object within the room. Student returns. Now, using clear directions such a right/left,quarter turn, forward/back, etc. Lead him/her to object
Maths on the Go- Book 2 (Vingerhoets) p.36. / Compass Activity-
Borrow the compasses- outdoor lesson- the function of the compass, locating north and then the other cardinal compass points.
Draw a compass rose into maths books. Label cardinal compass points. / See/Saw.In pairs, one person goes first (see) to state something that they learned/recall from today’s lesson/activity. The other person (Saw) then states something they gained from the session. Back to See’s turn. This continues until either See or Saw is unable to recall another fact or aspect of the lesson. Ensure you move among the pairs and encourage use of appropriate terminology. This share activity works very with about 5 minutes to go before recess time. Person with the last given fact goes out first!
Number of the day
A balanced equation after the roll / 5 moves to 100
A dice is rolled and they need to decide whether to put it in the ones or tens.
10s / 1s / Total
The person who get the closest to 100 is the winner
All groups adjust accordingly. Can add an extra column 100s or the third number is subtracted. / Create own treasure pirate Map with:
- Compass Rose
- BL- 5 items, AL-10 items, AL-15 items (co-ordinates given).
- Labelled axes with letters and numbers. / Rocket Writing. Inform the students that they have 4 minutes (3 minutes for grades 2 to 4) to write as much as they can about what they did/learned in their maths lesson today. Emphasise that there is only 4 minutes and that it must be about today’s lesson. I provide the children with some sentence starters to get them going. For example:
* Today I found out….* I really liked….* I’m still not too sure about…* Next time I would…* I could teach someone else to…* I discovered that…* The activity was…because…
Call for a 5 or 6 volunteers (don’t nominate) to read one of their sentences.
Number of the day
An addition equation after the roll / Speed counting
Give them a starting number.
Give them one minute to write from that number.
They may be required to count on by 2s, 5s extra
At the end of a minute children stand up and it is recorded on a list what they got to.
The child who goes the furthest loses 5 seconds off their time for next time. / Create own treasure pirate Map with:
- Compass Rose
- BL- 5 items, AL-10 items, AL-15 items (co-ordinates given).
Labelled axes with letters and numbers. / Turn and Talk (and use the terms). After the activity/lesson, ask the children to turn so that they are facing a partner. Now tell them that they have 3 minutes to talk to each other about what they did/found out in their maths lesson. Encourage the children to use the terms/language from their lesson. After 3 minutes choose 4 or 5 pairs of students to summarise what they discussed in their ‘turn and talk’. Encourage appropriate use of terminology, for example “ and what is it we call that again Maddie?”
Number of the day
A subtraction equation after the roll / Guess my number
100s chart. The teacher/person has a number in their head. The children ask yes/no questions. Numbers are eliminated as questions are asked until someone can work out the number that has been chosen. / Create own treasure pirate Map with:
- Compass Rose
- BL- 5 items, AL-10 items, AL-15 items (co-ordinates given).
Labelled axes with letters and numbers. / Students share their maps. Whole class decides if map needs more detail or if they are happy with it
Number of the day
A balanced equation after the roll / Make to 10
Put out 7 cards. Children take turns to take cards that total 10. Who ever has the most cards at the end wins. / Birds Eye View Concept:
Look at school map?
Look at house plans?
Look at the new building plans?
(Giving Directions)
Write and/or draw directions about how to get form point A to point B.
e.g. home to school.
Did you know?
Students work out how may paces/metres between points/locations in the school and display them. This encourages other students in the school to get active at recess and lunch and try it out for themselves. / Make a list to show everything you know about maps – refer to your map if you need to.
MAPPING & LOCATION Websites for Interactive Games: act/23ssedge.html (“Over the Edge Game” Go in through FUSE- compass point directions-needs sound).
Blank Grid with letters on the horizontal axis and numbers on the vertical axis
Map of school grounds
House Plans
New School Building Plans