Assessment form Bsc internshipfirst evaluator


First Evaluator


The Bachelor internship offers an extensive introduction into scientific research. The student will carry out a research project under (daily) supervision of a researcher. To conclude the internship a student will write a thesis and give an oral presentation about the research project. The supervisor will establish the final grade of the internship(which includes introductory discussion, implementation of research, thesis and concluding discussion) after consultation with a second evaluator.

During the Bachelor internship the student will be introduced to scientific research in a department associated with the Educational Institute Biosciences (RU) orthe Radboudumc.Alternative host institutes are allowed, but only after approval of the Examination Board prior to the start of the internship. It is the student’s responsibility to register in time at the department of choice. The exact procedure for bachelor internships can be found on Both student and internship department need to be aware of the content of both procedure and assessment forms.

During the internship a research projectis carried out, which must consist of the following components:

The research question of the study is described and some important references are cited. With theavailable information, the student has to make sure the background, experimental design and practical implementations of the proposed research are fully understood. This way students are prevented from just blindly following protocols and are forced to understand what is going on in the research at all times.

Introductory discussion

In the introductory discussion, student and supervisor agree on a realistic time schedule for the entire internship. They agree on allocation of tasks, end date ofpractical work and the hand-in date of the thesis. This will make it easier to finish the internship in the proposed timeframe. It is important the student understands the problem definitions beforehand. As supervisor you have the responsibility to check if the student understands these before starting practical work.

Practical work

This is the most important part of the internship. Here students will work in a research lab for the first time and be exposed to guidelines, materials, techniques and protocols that come with it. Per experiment it should be clear beforehand what the student is expected to do. A laboratory notebook is the best way to streamline this. Before starting an experiment the student should have the purpose and protocols for each experiment noted in his/hernotebook. Supervisors can correct and help with keeping track of the notebook. Students are expected to note all practical work in this notebook. The guidelines on how to use such a notebook can be found on the website of the educational institute of biosciences (in Dutch):

The internship will result in a thesis. Thisthesis will have the same form and will be bound by the same criteria used for experimental reports made throughout the whole bachelor programme Biology (Guidelines for making experimental reports can be found on the website of the educational institute biosciences (in Dutch):

It is compulsory for every student to give at least one oral presentation on his/her research (usually during a workmeeting at the department where the research was done). If this presentation was graded lower than a 5.5 a second presentation is compulsory.


The supervisor discusses the day-to-day experiences with the student on a regular basis. As soon as the student has produced a first draft of the thesis, it will be reviewed by the supervisor and the student will be supplied with feedback.After this, the student is expected to incorporate feedback in a final version of the thesis, which is then handed in to both the supervisor and the second evaluator.

Review & Examination
The assessment of the BScinternshipis made up of three components: practical work, report and oral presentation.The first evaluator will assess all three components using this assessment form.If one of the three components is not completed by the student, no final grade for the internship can be given. The exact procedure can be found on

If the thesis grade of the first and second evaluator deviate more than one point, and they cannot reach a consensus, the relevant examination board will make a decision. The evaluation by this board is definitive.

To be filled in by thestudent

Educational Bureau Biosciences
Radboud UniversityNijmegen
Assessment form BSc Internship
Student Name:
Student Address:
Minor (if applicable):
Internship department:
Type of work:
Supervisors/ evaluators (at least two):
3. / Affiliation:

To be filled in by the supervisor (first evaluator)

Practical work (Start up and performance)
(60% of final grade) / Grade each criterium 1 to 10 / Remarks
Acquiring information
General cognitive skills
Scientific knowledge and insight
Research methods:
problem definition & experimental design
Practical work
Research methods:
Analyses &
interpretation of results
Creativity & originality
Independent work attitude
Cooperation & interaction with team members
Practical work grade:

To be filled in by the supervisor (first evaluator)

(35% of final grade) / Grade each criterium 1 to 10 / Remarks
Materials & Methods
Discussion & references
Structure and consistency
Language use (grammar, consistency, scientific level, clarity, conciseness)
Thesis grade:

To be filled in by the supervisor (first evaluator)

Oral presentation
(5% of final grade) / Grade each criterium 1 to 10 / Remarks
Content (reasoning, consistency, clarity, depth)
Presentation skills (clarity, conciseness, time use, language)
Discussion and answering questions
Oral presentation grade:
Additional remarks (optional):

Calculation of final gradeto be filled in by the supervisor (first evaluator)

Practical work: Thesis: presentation
First evaluator:
Second evaluator: n.a. n.a.

Final grade:
(practical work x 0.6) + (avg.Thesis grade x 0.35) + (presentation x 0.05) =
Discussed with student:
Name supervisor:
Supervisor signature: / Discussed with student:
Student signature:

August 2016