The largest computers, used mainly for research, are called

  1. microcomputers. c. supercomputers.
  2. maxicomputers. d. mainframe computers

The raw material used to create information is called

  1. metaware. c. data.
  2. hardware. d.manuals / procedures.

The name for the kind of software that performs tasks like word processing or database management is

  1. DOS. c. Application software.
  2. System software. d. Operation software.

The most common input hardware for personal computers are

  1. a mouse and keyboard.
  2. a keyboard and a screen.
  3. a graphical user interface (GUI) and a mouse.

d. a printer and a monitor

The number of bits in a byte is

  1. 4
  2. 8
  3. 16
  4. 32
  5. not standard, it depends on the word size of the processor

Software used to interact between user programs and the computer is called

  1. Application software.
  2. System software.
  3. Operation software.
  4. Custom made software.

Temporary or volatile storage is also known as

  1. RAM. b.ROM.
  2. Megs. d.disk

The CPU refers to:

  1. Centralism Processor Unit.
  2. Control Processing Unit.
  3. Control Processor Unit.
  4. Central Processing Unit

The following is not an example of input units

  1. Keyboard b. Mouse
  2. Scanner d.Printer

The smallest computers, used mainly for personal use are called

  1. microcomputers.
  2. maxicomputers.
  3. supercomputers.

d. mainframe computers

The CPU consists of:

  1. ALU, CU, and RAM.
  2. ROM, ALU, and RAM.
  3. CU, PU, and ALU.
  4. ALU, Registers, and CU.

The sound blaster is

  1. An output unit only.
  2. An input unit only.
  3. Both of the above.

The smallest computers, used mainly for personal use are called

  1. microcomputers.
  2. maxicomputers.
  3. supercomputers.
  4. mainframe computers

RAM is part of the system's

  1. operating system b.hardware
  2. software c.none of above

Your computer may be infected with Virus by one of the following reasons

  1. Download files from internet.
  2. Using infected Disk.
  3. using Anti Virus
  4. Both (a) and (b).

When you double-click on an icon, you will______it.





You can change the background of desktop from.

a)Taskbar properties.

b)Add/Remove programs on control panel.

c)Display properties.

d)None of the above

How should you shut down your computer?

a)Press on the PC power button to be off.

b)From start menu choose shut down.

c)Unplug the wire from your PC.

d)None of the above.

Which of the following statements is correct about the Windows Taskbar?

a)The Taskbar can never be hidden.

b)The Taskbar cannot be moved or resized.

c)The Taskbar displays buttons representing computer programs currently running.

d)None of the above

To move a file from one folder to another,

a)You can use copy and paste.

b)You can use cut and paste.

c)You can use cut and copy.

d)b and c.

To change the appearance of your desktop,

a)You have to buy a new computer.

b)You can click the mouse right button on the desktop and select properties.

c)You can adjust the settings by choosing Accessories from the Start button.

d)You cannot change the properties of the desktop.

An operating system is a computer program which has many functions, one of these functions is:

a)It can link it self to other programs.

b)It can store huge amounts of data.

c)It Manages computer files.

d)It is used to store user programs and data.

You can change the background of desktop from.

a)Taskbar properties.

b)Add/Remove programs on control panel.

c)Display properties.

d)None of the above.

The Shutdown icon on start menu means:

a. Close all windows.

b. Close the current windows.

c. Close your computer.

d. None of the above.