Name______Roll No.____ Div.______

Grade: 4 DATE:9/10/2017

Q1.Answers the following questions: (10)

1. What is the most wonderful breathing machine?

2. Nam three food items which have protein in them?

3. Give two examples of internal and external organs?

4. What do you mean by sanitation?

5. Why should we take a bath daily?

6. What are the two features of the objects that exert pressure?

7. Why it is important to keep your hair and nails clean?

8. Mention any two characteristics of air?

9. Where does the digestion of food take place?

10. What is meant by food preservation?

Q2.Give one word answers: (8)

  1. The organ that tells the taste ______
  2. Helps us to inhale air______
  3. It helps us to smell and breath ______
  4. Circulates blood in our body ______
  5. It covers and protects our body ______
  6. They are the organs of vision ______
  7. Receives messages from our sense organs ______
  8. A doctor who looks after our teeth ______

Q3. Answer the following questions: (6)

  1. Why do we take food?
  2. What is pasteurisation?
  3. What is air? Name some gases found in air?
  4. Write the three important precautions to protect your eyes?

Q4. Write true or False: (2.5)

  1. Tongue is an organ of hearing ______
  2. We can see the air ______
  3. It is good to drink water from a river directly ______
  4. Air is present everywhere ______
  5. Brain is located in our head ______
  6. Our body has two parts ______
  7. Idli is cooked by frying ______
  8. Air has no weight ______
  9. We should not eat sweets and chocolates in between our meal ______
  10. We should never rub our eyes ______

Q5. Fill in the blanks : (10)

  1. The ______is a very large organ.
  2. Saliva changes starch into ______.
  3. Overcooking ______the taste of food.
  4. Distilled water is the ______form of water.
  5. Milk is ______to keep it germ free.
  6. Never insert your ______into the nose.
  7. Teeth give ______to the face.
  8. ______has weight.
  9. Moving air is called ______.
  10. Exposed food gets ______through air, dust and flies.

Q6. Write the correct answer: (2.5)

  1. Water has ______kinds of impurities

a. One b. Two c. Four

  1. Microbes are used in antibiotic medicines like

a. Penicillin b. Dettol c. Savlon

  1. Filires can be found in

a. Spinach b. Milk c. Salt

  1. Which of the following should be eaten raw?

a. Cereals b. Fruits c.

  1. Arteries have ______walls.

a. Thin b. Small c. Thick

Q7. Match the following: (5)


  1. Brain i. Found in peas and milk
  2. Fats ii. Give more energy then Carbohydrates.
  3. Liver III. Tuberculosis
  4. Bacteria iV. Pressure
  5. Air Exert V. Eyes
  6. Nose VI. Wind
  7. Fungi VII. Ringworms
  8. Protein VIII. Helps us to breathe
  9. Blow in air IX. Help in digestion

10.Vision X. Master Organ

Q8.Answers the following questions: (6)

1. What is the unique quality in the animals?

2. What are the diversities in birds and animals?