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(Occasional In-house News Bulletin of the MSSISW) Issue 4. September 2009

For private circulation only

Alternate technologies for social change

The PG Department of the Institute has decided to introduce interactive sessions with field practitioners, activists et al for MSW Part I and Part II students. The first such session organized by the PG Department was held on 26th Aug on the concept of ‘alternate technologies for social change’. The resource persons were representatives of a voluntary organization called ESAF (Ecumenical Social Action Forum). They presented the salient features of their initiative titled ‘Suryajyoti’ which focused on making solar energy lamps available for the residents of slums in an affordable manner. The project aimed at helping common people to save on their energy expenses while at the same time improving their quality of life by providing families in selected slum pockets and hawkers with energy efficient solar lamps. The ensuing discussion also recognized solar energy initiative as a rallying point foreffectively organizing communities. ESAF proposes to scale up the ‘Suryajyoti’ project, which is right now at the ‘Pilot Phase’ to cover all the un-notified slums of Nagpur, where there is no electricity connection, in the near future. Mr Prajosh Rajan lead the ESAF team in the interactive session. Ms Rashmi Babhulkar welcomed the guests while Dr John Menachery facilitated the interaction.

CHILDLINE Mobilises Educational Support

The number of calls Nagpur CHILDLINE receives from children who need support to continue their education has been increasing. Considering this fact, the CHILDLINE team under the guidance of Ms Neeti Goswami, the City Coordinator, has been making consistent efforts to mobilise educational support for these children. On 5th Sept, Teachers’ Day, a special programme was organized by the CHILDLINE team to distribute educational material kindly made available by Mr Pankaj Roshan of Roshan Real Estate and Mr Ashok Thakre of Maven Industries. Nagpur Police Commissioner Mr Praveen Dixit was among the dignitaries present who distributed educational kits to children. Such a timely intervention has brought kudos to Nagpur CHILDLINE.

Discussion on Rational Use of Medicines

“India has already become a dumping ground for harmful drug preparations that are banned in other sensible countries. What is worse is the fact that price control measures have failed miserably and drug companies are earning enormous margins crossing a whooping 1000 percent on sale of some the branded medicines. Besides this, bogus Indian drug companies are flooding the market with spurious medicines. The medical profession appears to be watching silently from the sidelines while unwanted medicines are being ruthlessly pushed by profiteering national and multinational drug manufacturers. Shockingly, some unscrupulous medical practitioners are aiding and abetting this loot by promoting irrational medication. The governmental mechanisms for drug control have long forgotten their mandate and appear to be falling at each other in their rush to tow the line drawn by drug companies. The government appears to be submissive and quietly plays along. All this is happening with scant respect for precious lives of average Indian citizens. The worst affected are women, children and the aged. It is high time that socially conscious citizens and professionals raise their voice against this life threatening menace”. This is the gist of a thought provoking presentation by Dr Vijay Thawani and Dr Kunda Gharpure from the Govt Medical College, Nagpur, on “Rational Use of Medicines (RUM)”. The programme was organized by our Post Graduate department on 12th Sept. The PG Department hopes to introduce students to more such cotemporary topics of significance to the social work profession.

Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect…

it only means that you have decided to look beyond imperfections!