Magruder High School Parking Application

Student: ______Grade: ______Student ID: ______

Last FirstMI

Address: ______Driver’s License #: ______

(Copy of License MUST be submitted)

Phone: Home _____-_____-______Emergency _____-_____-______

Type of Permit: ______Fall Semester ($37.50) ______Full Year ($75) ______Spring Semester ($37.50)

Vehicle Information
Make of Vehicle
Model and Year / State and
License Tag # / Color / Vehicle
Insured / Name of Insurance Company
(Copy of Insurance Card MUST be
submitted with application) / Name of Legal Owner of Car
Y / N

I hereby request permission for the above named student to drive a private vehicle to school. Iunderstand that there is a non-

refundable fee payable to Magruder HighSchool, upon approval of this request.Permission is requested for the following reason(s):

Reason: / Select one: / Additional Information
Necessary: / Required Signatures:
Disability or Health Problem / Attach medical documentation / N/A
SchoolWork Program/
Abbreviated Schedule / Location of Internship/job:
Scheduled school day ends at:
______/ Coordinator’s Signature:
Counselor’s Signature:
Activity (circle one): SGA, Class Officer, Band, Drama, JROTC, Newspaper, NHS, Yearbook / N/A / Sponsor’s Signature:
Varsity Athletics / Name of Sport(s):
______/ Coach’s Signature:
Other: Personal Use / N/A / N/A

I understand that violation of law and/or school regulations governing driving may cause revocation of this privilege. If privileges

are revoked, the parking fees are also forfeited. I further understand that owners or operators of vehicles might incur certain legal

responsibilities when other persons are transported as passengers. I also understand that if I need to drive another family automobile, I will register the car in the school office in order to park it on school grounds or be subject to towing at my expense.


Signature, Student Date Signature, Parent/Guardian Date

Approved: _____Fall Semester _____Full Year _____Spring Semester
___Not Approved: Reason:______
Signature, Asst. Principal Date

Vehicle Tag # : ______Parking Permit # Assigned:
Fee Paid: _____Cash ______Check ______/___/___
Initials Date

Student Parking Regulations

Students will lose parking privileges if they violate any of the rules listed below:

  • Driving recklessly
  • Driving off school grounds without permission
  • Disregarding parking lot signs, such as “Do Not Enter” and “Staff Parking Only”
  • Having five unexcused tardies or absences in any class
  • Returning to the vehicle at any time during the school day without written permission
  • Suspension/expulsion for use and/or possession of alcohol and/or drugs
  • Internship students taking non-Internship students with them

Students who are granted parking privileges are expected to obey all parking lot regulations, which will be strictly enforced. Please be sure your permit is placed facing the front and is clearly visible on the rearview mirror so the sticker number can be seen through the windshield. Violations of parking regulations will result in the loss of the parking privilege. The parking lots will be monitored on a routine basis for safety, valid permits, and proper display of permits. A warning sticker will be placed on any vehicle not displaying a permit. A first offense will result in the loss of the parking privilege for two weeks and a second offense results in the loss of the parking privilege for the rest of the semester. On the third offense, the car will be towed at the owner’s expense. County police may visit the lot and issue tickets to cars without permits. According to county policy, there will be no refund of fees when a parking privilege has been revoked.

I have read the rules above and I understand that violating the Student Parking Regulations as well as any other regulations that are posted in the lot will result in the loss of my parking permit.


Signature, Student Date

I have read the rules above and I understand that if my student abuses his/her parking privilege, thereby losing the parking permit, it is my responsibility to provide any necessary transportation to and from school.


Signature, Parent/Guardian Date