Course Outline

Spanish 2A/B (P)

Mr. Brafman

Room 217

Phone: 922-1305 x5217



Welcome to your Spanish course. This outline should give you a general understanding for what will be expected of you and what you should expect of the class. Keep this outline in your binder for the remainder of the year.

Course Materials: En Realidades

Personal Materials: 2 Spirals Notebook, Paper, Pen, Pencil

Course Title: Spanish 2A/B (P)

Spanish 2 is designated to build on the skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing that were learned in Spanish 1. Students will be able to understand the main ideas in short stories and oral conversations, without having to comprehend every single detail. Students will write in a simple style about their life and ideas. Students will study Latin American culture and its influence here in the United States as well as famous Latin American people. In order to provide evidence of what students know and are able to do, they will be making presentations in writing and verbally, writing briefly on specific topics, completing homework assignments, and participating in classroom activities.

LENGTH: Two Semesters

GRADE LEVEL: 1011&12

Requirements Fulfilled: A-G

HOMEWORK: Frequent

Grading Policy:

1st 6weeks 25%
2nd 6weks - 25%
3rd 6 weeks- 25%
Participation- 15%
Final/ -10%

Letter Grade %:

•90-96 A, 97- 100 A+

•80-86 B, 87- 89 B+

•70-76 C, 77-79 C+

•60-62 D-, 63-66 D, 67- 69 D+,

•0-59 F

School Rules, *Tardy Policy and Cheating Policy: (see Student Parent Handbook for more details.) Student caught cheating on an assignment will be given a zero for that assignment and will not be permitted to make up the assignment.

*Unless excused by the school, if students arrives late they will not get the stamp for the warm-up assignment.

Absences and Make-up Work: When you are absent make sure you check the website for all assignments we completed in class on the day(s) you were absent. You may call the classroom extension after 2:55pm if you would like to complete the work prior to your return. Warm-ups cannot be made up. Tests and quizzes can be made up at lunch or after school. Tests and quizzes can be retaken up to just prior to the end of each term and final score will be an average of the two scores.

Classroom Expectations:

  • Be in your seat when the bell rings. If you are late you will not get a stamp for the opener.
  • Bring textbooks, paper and writing instrument daily
  • Please do not eat, drink or chew gum in the classroom
  • Please do not ask for a pass to leave class unless urgent


(Student Name and Signature


(Parent Signature)