Joining Activ Procedure
Controlled Document
Activ offers a flexible process to cater to individual customer needs and preferences when gaining access to Activ services. This procedure provides guidance on how to provide a transparent and seamless process for Activ staff to use when supporting customers to join Activ.
This procedure is underpinned by Activ’s Person Centred Policy (AQuA 1969) and Service Access Policy (AQuA 26) and is to be completed for all prospective customers seeking Activ services.
Client Services Coordinator: / For the purpose of this document the Client Service Coordinator is the person liaising with the customer during the intake process. In country locations Client Services are not available, therefore Team Leaders and Employee Coordinators are authorised to act as Client Services Coordinators and conduct intakes.Funding Plan: / Quote and/or Service Contract depending on the funder. This may refer to: Individual Commission Funding and Service Section (ICFaSS), Plan Costing and Service Section (PCSS), Service Contract.
Customer: / A customer is defined as a person living with disability who receives disability support services from Activ.
Informed Decision: / Informed decision means that the customer has been provided with all the necessary information to enable a decision or choice to be made.
Activ: / Activ Foundation Inc.
Activ Services Process Compliance
1. Customer Enquiries
1.1. Customer enquiries regarding Activ services can be made by a person living with a disability or their representative.
1.2. Customer enquiries can be received by any staff at any site. If you receive an enquiry which you are unable to manage then you can refer the enquiry to Client Services 1800 622 351.
1.3. All Activ staff are responsible for receiving and recording customer enquiries on ActivLink Enquiry Node. If staff members receiving the enquiry do not have access to ActivLink then the Client Services Intake Form (AQuA 1613) is to be used to record a customer enquiry and then the form is to be forwarded to for recording on ActivLink Enquiry node within 24 hours. Instructions on lodging an enquiry on ActivLink are available here.
1.4. When you receive the enquiry (and are not in a Client Services role):
· Thank the person for their enquiry and;
· Inform the enquirer that a Client Services Coordinator will be in touch with them within 48 hours to arrange a meeting.
1.5. Client Services will generate a report every day listing any new enquiries lodged on ActivLink.
· It is expected that country services will conduct their own intakes. Any relevant enquiries will be sent to the Regional Team Manager or Site Manager by Client Services.
1.6. Client Services Coordinator/Regional Team will contact enquirers to provide further information and/or to arrange an intake meeting.
2. Customer Intake
2.1. Client Services Coordinator will arrange a meeting with the customer according to the customer’s preferred location, time and date. The customer has choice and control as to who is to attend the meeting.
· Customers under the age of 18 or under guardianship orders will have their parent or legal guardian determine the preferred location, time and date, as well as, determine who is to attend the meeting.
2.2. Client Services Coordinator will meet with the customer and complete the following forms:
· Customer Profile (AQuA 1767)
· Consent Form (AQuA 1990)
NB: the above Customer Intake forms are required to be completed for all Services. There may be several forms and processes that would require completion that are service specific as outlined in the section Service Commencement.
2.3. Where no service can be offered at this stage as there is no availability then the potential customer will be waitlisted. The wait list for services will be managed by Client Services.
2.4. Where the potential customer is not eligible for any Activ services due to the Activ overarching eligibility criteria then the customer will be exited from ActivLink by Client Services.
3. Request for Services (Referral to Services)
3.1. Client Services Coordinator will convert the enquiry into a customer in ActivLink and upload forms listed above.
3.2. Client Services Coordinator creates New Customer Enquiry workflow. Work instructions for workflow are available here.
3.3. Relevant Team Manager/Site Manager receives notification (email and in workflow) of new referral, reviews profile on ActivLink and indicates “Approve” or “Reject” as to whether a vacancy is available and the customer is a suitable fit. If the Team Manager/Site Manager does not respond within 3 days the request for services will be escalated to their Senior Manager.
NB: In some cases, particularly in accommodation, it may not be possible to give a definite answer at this stage. In these cases “Yes” can be used to indicate “further exploration required”. If this is the case please make a note in ActivLink.
3.4. If Approved, Client Services Coordinator records in ActivLink notes and intake continues.
3.5. If Rejected, Client Services Coordinator records in ActivLink notes and exits customer from ActivLink.
4. Service Commencement
The following Service Commencement processes outline the steps, responsibilities and actions to support customers joining Activ. The processes include steps for engaging and communicating with customers and key stakeholders at various stages throughout the process. Service commencement is primarily the responsibility of the Service; however, Client Services are available to support the process.
Client Services must be involved to determine appropriate funding levels.
Process Step / Responsibility / Details/ActionsAccommodation Team Manager / Advise Client Services of suitable vacancies to explore.
Client Services Coordinator and Accommodation Team Manager/ Team Leader / In metro regions Client Services Coordinator will case manage the intake and:
Maintain relationship with customer throughout the service commencement stage.
Arrange visits to houses
Complete Costing
Complete all intake documentation
Ascertain/negotiate funding level.
In country regions Client Services Coordinator will:
Complete Costing
Ascertain/negotiate funding level
The Country Team Leader will:
Maintain relationship with customer throughout the service commencement stage.
Arrange visits to houses
Complete all intake documentation
At least one meeting must have both Accommodation Team Manager and customer present so they can meet each other; they do not need to be present for the entire meeting but may choose to be.
In all regions, Team Leader to complete customer checklist. E.g. support plans and customer centric risk assessment (AQuA).
If Yes
Responsibility / Details/Actions
Accommodation Team Manager/ Team Leader / Inform customer as to the decision.
Complete new customer checklist.
Complete Activ Service Agreement (AQuA 2472), Accommodation Service Agreement (AQuA 2473) and any other relevant documents and upload to ActivLink.
Client Services Coordinator / Create interim funding plan to cover three month trial period, ensure funding plan is accurate and signed by all parties, then submit to funder.
Accommodation Team Manager and Team Leader / Review transition into accommodation at 6 week period and determine whether the placement has remained appropriate.
Client Services Coordinator / Complete long term funding plan. Ensure funding plan is accurate and signed by all parties, then submit to funder.
If No
Responsibility / Details/Actions
Accommodation Team Manager / Advise Client Services Coordinator of intent to end service.
Liaise with customer as to the reasons for not progressing with the service and gather their feedback and consultation.
Client Services Coordinator / Consider any other options available within Activ. Arrange meeting with customer to discuss possible options. If pursuing options within Activ return to 3.1 in this procedure (Request for Services).
Client Services Coordinator / If considering external options, advise Options Exploration Process team at Disability Services Commission (DSC) and assist customer where possible to contact other agencies. Arrange and attend meetings as required.
Process Step / Responsibility / Details/ActionsClient Services Coordinator / Liaise with Team Leader to arrange a site visit or meeting with Customer Coordinator (AIS).
Team Leader/Customer Coordinator / Meet the customer and answer any questions they may have regarding services.
Identify customer wants, needs and aspirations holistically. Team Leader advises Client Services whether services can be delivered.
If services are NOT suitable, Client Services notifies customer and, where possible, assists them to find alternative options.
Team Leader (with support from Client Services Coordinator as required) / Complete funding plan. Ensure funding plan is accurate and signed by all parties.
Complete relevant Service Agreements and upload to ActivLink.
Team Leader/Customer Coordinator / Complete AIS Offer and Acceptance Agreement, AIS Service Agreement and New Vendor Form (if required).
Team Leader / Advise family/carer/guardian of the outcome and proceed with planning for start date etc.
Process Step / Responsibility / Details/ActionsClient Services Coordinator
(Or Client Services Delegate in Country) / Meet with customer and complete:
· Application for Employment Form (AQuA 43)
· Arrange completion/collection of any required care plans (EG Mealtime Management Plan, Epilepsy Plan, Personal Care Plan)
· Provides information on additional Activ services
Upload all documents to ActivLink and return original documentation to Employee Coordinator.
Client Services Coordinator and/or Employee Coordinator / Refer the customer to the employee coordinator to organise a site visit. Provide information on the site, type of work and the vacancies available
Employee Coordinator / Conducts interview, reference checks and offers assistance to complete all items on Jobseeker Information Kit (AQuA 59) EG:
· DSS Client Consent Form (AQuA 2254)
· Tax File Declaration Form
· Employee Choice of Super Fund Form (AQuA 52)
· Banking and Emergency Contacts AQuA 733)
· DWU Application Form (AQuA 225)
· Centrelink Employ Reporting Consent
· Police Check form
· Activ Service Agreement (AQuA 2472)
· Employee Information Form (AQuA 58)
· Service Contract (for 13-week probation period)
Upload all information to ActivLink and advice Client Services
Employee Coordinator / Place all documentation on Employee’s file for Audit requirements.
As employee is commencing, complete:
· Letter to customer confirming position
· OSH Workplace Induction Checklist (AQuA 1677)
· Generic Induction Checklist (AQuA 57)
All / Please see section 4.4 below if Activ Transport is also required to get to work.
4.4. TRANSPORT (Bus Service)
Process Step / Responsibility / Details/ActionsPerson Receiving Enquiry / Be aware that Activ Transport only provides transport (bus service) to Activ employment sites.
Client Services Coordinator / When meeting with the customer for the initial intake complete/provide:
· Passenger Details Form (AQuA 805)
· Service Recipient Registration Form Transport Services (AQuA 2680)
· Transport Services Passenger Charges
· Transport Brochure
Upload all information to ActivLink
Client Services Coordinator / Lodge request for service with Transport via Enquiry Workflow
Transport / Advise Client Services Coordinator of availability and if available provide details of bus run via workflow
Client Services Coordinator / Liaise between Transport, Business Services and Customer to identify traveling pattern etc
Employee Coordinator / Assist customer to complete:
· Transport Service Agreement (AQuA 2471)
· Centrelink Form (This must be attached to the workflow when you submit)
Transport / Add customer and inform customer and Employee Coordinator of start date
Process Step / Responsibility / Details/ActionsClient Services Coordinator / Any customer/family enquiring about HACC must be directed to the Regional Assessment Service (RAS) on 1800 052 222. Inform the customer/family that HACC eligibility is determined externally and the assessor will refer them to an appropriate organisation if they are eligible.
HACC Team Leader / The RAS assessor makes direct contact with the HACC Team Leader/HACC Team in order to assess suitability for referral, availability of staff, services etc.
HACC Team Leader / Advise RAS whether Activ has the capacity to deliver the required service. The HACC Team Leader will then forward the link from RAS to Client Services so that they can contact the family to fill in required documentation.
Client Services Coordinator
(HACC Team Leader in Country) / Client Services Coordinator will contact the family to arrange an appointment to complete any required paperwork such as secondary assessments, consent forms, service agreement etc.
Once completed, Client Services will then update ActivLink with basic information.
Process Step / Responsibility / Details/ActionsClient Services Coordinator / Meet Customer and complete Customer Profile and Service Agreement
Recreation Officer / If there are vacancies:
Mail out application forms and Service Agreements to the customer.
If there are NO vacancies:
Place the customer on the waitlist and inform Client Services.
Client Services Coordinator / If there are NO vacancies:
Contact customer to inform them they are on the waitlist.
5. Person Centred Planning
All within three months of Customer commencing, Team Leader/EC (as defined by PCP prioritisation Flowchart) is to complete PCP including:
· One Page Profile (AQuA 2424)
· Goal Action Plan (AQuA 2283)
· Summary of Goal Setting Day (AQuA 2429)
6. New Customer Intake Form
The final stage of any intake is to complete the New Customer Intake Form. This workflow informs the relevant departments within Activ of the customer’s information. It is a vital step to ensuring Activ is paid correctly for services provided and that services are provided in line with the plan; no service should be provided until this workflow has been completed. It is the responsibility of the Team Leader/Employee Coordinator/AIS Coordinator to ensure this form is submitted. Details on how to complete the online form are available here; this should be completed in conjunction with the procedure below.
6.1. Team Leader/Employee Coordinator/AIS Coordinator creates “New Customer Intake Form”. The attachments required vary based on the funder and region you are in:
Funder/Region / Documents RequiredNational Disability and Insurance Agency (NDIA) (Swan, Kalamunda and Mundaring) and (Bayswater, Bassendean, Chittering, Toodyay, York and Northam from Jan 1st 2017) / Service Contract, NDIA Plan, 1712 Employee Commencement Advice (for Business Services)
West Australian National Disability and Insurance Scheme - WA NDIS My Way (Lower South West, Cockburn/ Kwinana) and (Armadale, Murray and Serpentine-Jarrahdale from 1st October 2016) / Dual Signed Plan Costing and Service Section (PCSS), My Way Plan
DSC Traditional
(All areas not covered above) / Dual Signed Individual Commission Funding and Service Section (ICFaSS)
Department of Social Services (DSS)
(All areas not covered above) / Employee Commencement Advice Form (AQuA 1712)
Home and Community Care (HACC)
(All areas not covered above) / No documentation required
Transport Services / Centrelink Form, Travelling Pattern
6.2. If Team Leader/Employee Coordinator/AIS Coordinator is missing information they should contact the Client Services Coordinator who handled the intake directly as soon as possible. Once documentation is attached submit form to Site Manager/Team Manager.