Moby Max Information Sheet

(T.OE.S Intervention Computer Program)

This year, we began a forty-five minute daily block that we use for intervention time. We call this WIN time - WIN stands for “What I Need.” During this time, targeted students (based on STAR test, Discovery Education assessment, and the district benchmark assessment -EASY CBM data) receive math and/or reading interventions to bridge the gaps in their learning. Each teacher in the building runs an intervention group.The students who qualify for subject-area specific interventions report to the intervention group that matches their needs. This time is critical for accelerating the learning of our students.

The program utilized during this intervention time is called, Moby Max. If you haven't checked out this website yet, go now! This is what our students use during our daily intervention time. Students take a pretest, and the program places them into lessons they need based on their pre-assessment results. Differentiation at its best! The teacher can also go in and add or take away lessons as needed. I often add lessons that go along with the curriculum that week, and/or give enrichment lessons to students ready for the challenge.

There are so many things I love about this program. Not only does it differentiate daily skill practice at school, but students can also log in from home for additional practice (parents love the ease of usingMoby Maxfor additional academic practice). Furthermore, there are so many ways to keep students accountable and engaged within the program.

Now students can also use Moby Fast Facts, Reading, Stories, Literature, Grammar, Language, Vocabulary, Test Prep and more! My class loves earning game minutes for the questions they complete correctly (we have random game days every few weeks for the students to cash in those minutes). They also love 'The Wall' where I post contests, polls and questions. While the students are working, they can send me messages with questions or comments. Students love that they continue to earn game minutes and contests points even from home. We are very pleased with this program and hope you implement this learning program at home, as well as, for additional reinforcement of your child’s academic learning needs.

Link to Moby Max:

School Code: TN2060