Olympiáda techniky Plzeň 2016 17. – 18.5. 2016


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(font size 12, bold, capitalletters, centre justify, onlyforunEnglisharticles, underthetitle free line 12 b)

Firstname SURNAME

(font size 12, centre justify, more authorsseparatewithcomma, underthename free line 12b)


font size 12, italic. Shortsummaryofthework and results in authors language.


font size 12, italic. Shortsummaryofthework and resuts in English.

EXORDIUM(font size 12 b, bold, capitalletters, leftjustification, undertheexordium free line 12 b)

Weacceptarticles in Czech, English, Slovak and Polishlanguagesworkedwith text editor MS Word, format A4. Maximum sizeofarticle are 5pagesinsludepictures, tables and graphs. The text mustbewrittenwith single spacing and blockjustification. Paper margine: top margine 3, bottom margine 2,5, right margine 2,5 and left margine 2,5 cm. Font Times New Roman, size 12 b, left margine on thefirst line 1 cm.

Try to use wholepage, pictures and photosload in compressedformat. The symposium proceedingswillbepublishedfromthegivenarticles.


Pictures, graphs, tables and diagramsmustbeintegrated to the text ofthearticlewithnumbering and wholedescription. Theequationsmustbecreated in theequation editor. Eacharticleshouldrespectfollowingstructure:

  • Exordium, goals
  • Methods, instruments
  • Results and discusion
  • Findings
  • Literature list
  • Contactsaddress

Itisnecessary to sendthearticles in electronicform to address 25.4. 2016atthelatest.

CONCLUSION (font size 12, bold, leftjustification, underthetitle free line 12b)

LITERATURE(font size 12, capitalletters, leftjustification)

Bibliographicalcitationswriteaccording ISO 690

  • KOPKA, J. Hrozny problémů ve školské matematice. Acta UniversitatisPurkynianae 40, Matematica I, Ústí nad Labem. 1999.
  • KOPKA, J. Jak sžáky opravdu tvořit matematiku? In Zborník príspevkov z 2. Konferencieučiteĺov matematiky na tému „Autentické vyučovanie a využitiemedzipredmetovýchvzťahovvo vyučovaní matematiky“. Banská Bystrica. 2000, s. 7 -14.

Write maximum 10 most importanttitles.

Contact person(font size 12, bold, leftjustification)

Name, surname, university degree, workplaceaddress, telephonenumber, fax, e-mail

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