18th January 2017

Reception Visit to Ash End Farm

Thursday 9th March Class RE and MrsReay’s Pink group

Friday 10th March Class RD and MrsAdlam’s Yellow Group

Dear Parents/Carers,

Next half term’s topic is called “Do Cows Drink Milk?” For their Memorable Experience, the children have been invited to visit Ash End Farm.

The children will have the chance to observe and handle a variety of farm animals and take part in topic related activities. They will also have the chance to play in an undercover play barn and will have their lunch in a cosy lunch room.

We will be travelling to Ash End Farm by coach. Children will arrive and leave school at the usual times. Children should wear their own clothes, please ensure that they are warm, comfortable and suitable for the weather and for climbing, exploring the play barn and surrounding farm area.

The cost of the trip will be £15.50and this must be paid by no later than Thursday 9th February. Payment needs to be made viaparent pay.(Please be advised that there is NO charge for the trip for Pupil Premium pupils).The children also have the opportunity to purchase a souvenir gift bag, (optional), which will cost an additional £2.50. Please send this money in a named sealed envelope to the class teacher. This money will be paid directly to the souvenir shop on arrival. All pupils need to pay for the gift bags.

All children are entitled to a free school meal. Please indicate on the form below if you will be providing your child with a packed lunch from home OR if they will be having a lunch provided by school. Please ensure that if you are providing a packed lunch from home, that it is in a clearly named, plastic bag and please remember we are a healthy eating school (no fizzy drinks).

Please return the slip below, the consent form and souvenir gift bag money to the class teacher by Thursday 9th February.

Many thanks,

Reception Staff

Reception Visit to Ash End Farm–Lunch Request form

Child’s name: Class:

I like to request a school packed lunch (cheese sandwich, fruit, drink and snack).

I will be sending my child with a home packed lunch.

Parent’s signature:

Blackheath Primary School, Rowley Regis, West Midlands, B65 9NF

Tel: 0121 559 1033 Fax:0121 559 9559