Learning Outcome:
AASL Standards for the 21st century learner
1.3.1 Respect copyright/intellectual property rights of creators and producers.
1.4.3 Monitor gathered information, and assess for gaps or weaknessess.
1.4.4 Seek appropriate help when it is needed.
3.3.4 Create products that apply to authentic, real-world contexts.
Practical Applications
Finish poster design.
LFL design contest
Background Information: N/A
Date: FebruarySubject/Grade: 4th/5th
Prerequisite Skills Needed for Learning: NA
Learning Resources:
Books / Props / Handout/ActivityFinish LFL posters! / posters.4teachers.org
Design a LFL / LFL design page
Design a LFL / LFL design page
Vote on LFL ! / Students vote online for best LFL!
Then comment on Ms. Harrison’s blog!
Day 1
Finish LFL poster!
McPherson USD 418 Lesson Plan Template
Learning Outcome:
1.4.3 Monitor gathered information, and assess for gaps or weaknessess.
1.4.4 Seek appropriate help when it is needed.
Background Information: n/a
Date: FebruarySubject/Grade: 4th/5th
Prerequisite Skills Needed for Learning: N/A
Learning Resources:
Book / Props / ActivityFinish LFL poster /
Opening -Prepare the Learner
Attention: How will I get the students’ attention?
1. Finish LFL poster
2. Self-Edit using checklist
3. Peer-Edit using checklist
Remind students that compliments are REQUIRED in peer editing! And so is being polite.
Walk through how to reframe these sentences.
Your spelling is bad.
I don’t like your picture, it’s ugly.
Your sentences are stupid and don’t make sense.
Read through the checklist briefly so kids know what they are doing and set them free.
Let them know that if they want to rewatch any videos about how to do advanced searching or how to make a poster they can go to my website.
Closing - Solidify the learning
--Review and Practice
--Celebrate : How will I affirm students’ efforts and learning ?
Day 2 and 3
Design and LFL !
McPherson USD 418 Lesson Plan Template
Learning Outcome:
3.3.4 Create products that apply to authentic, real-world contexts.
Date: FebruarySubject/Grade: 4th/5th
Learning Resources:
Pics of LFL’s / Props / Activityfrom google / design paper handout
pages 1 and 2 only!
Opening -Prepare the Learner
Attention: How will I get the students’ attention?
Show students the different Little Free Libraries. Tell students they are going to be designing a LFL for their school. Reinforce that the Library will be in the same SHAPE that we have on the paper. They could paint it or have a carved Sign for it.
Tell students that at the end of the month you will pick the best 5 or so and then they will vote on which one they want.
Questions: Do they want a Theme?
What would represent Roosevelt as a school?
Where will we put it?
Closing - Solidify the learning
--Review and Practice
--Celebrate : How will I affirm students’ efforts and learning ?
Day 4
McPherson USD 418 Lesson Plan Template
Learning Outcome:
AASL Standards for the 21st century learner
1.4.3 Monitor gathered information, and assess for gaps or weaknessess.
3.3.4 Create products that apply to authentic, real-world contexts.
Practical Applications
LFL design contest
Background Information:
Date: February Subject/Grade: 4th/5th
Prerequisite Skills Needed for Learning: n/a
Learning Resources:
Website!it’s all you need (well and computers!)
Opening -Prepare the Learner
Show students the different LFLs that you picked that had the best design.
Show students my website where I will have a place for them to vote on their LFL.
Once they have voted I will have a place for comments about our unit and what they liked and what they didn’t like.
Closing - Solidify the learning
--Review and Practice
--Celebrate : How will I affirm students’ efforts and learning