Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 5th May 2009

at 7:25pm in the Elizabeth Hall, Tisbury.

09.05.13 / Present: P.Cnllrs D. Carroll (Chairman), Ms J. Golder (until 9:05pm), J. Berkley-Matthews (RFO), Miss F. Corp, P. Coopman, R. Dearden, Mrs J. Amos, M. McGrath (until 8:55pm), R. Beattie (from 7:34pm) and D. Boxall (until 9:05pm) - 10.
Also in attendance: C.Cnllr. Mrs B. Wayman (until 8:30pm); Mrs S. Harry (Clerk);
2 members of the public.
09.05.14 / Apologies received and accepted: P.Cnllrs Mrs P. Chave.
09.05.15 / Declarations of Interest:
Mrs J. Amos - a personal & prejudicial interest with respect to item 9a., the possibility of merging Tisbury and West Tisbury Parish Councils.
(7:34pm) / Questions and /or statements from members of the public:
a.  The applicant spoke in support of S/2009/0551, assuring members that the refurbished and extended property was intended to be a family home
b.  Mr Pope re-iterated his views on the issue of the two Tisbury Parishes becoming one.
09.05.17 / Report from County Councillor Mrs Bridget Wayman:
Various issues were highlighted, including:
a.  A repeat WC road show would be held at Tisbury Sports Centre on May 12th between 4 pm and 7pm.
b.  The swimming pool had been due to open on 2nd May, but 1 of the pumps was broken.
c.  Roger Hooper, Chairman of Nadder Halls, would be looking at the layout of parking at the site.
09.05.18 / Report from Community Beat Officers:
Not present.
09.05.19 / Minutes of the previous meetings:
Full – 7th April 2009 - these were accepted and signed as a true record.
Proposed RD / seconded PeterC / unanimous of those present (7)
Planning – 21st April 2009 - these were accepted and signed as a true record.
Proposed RD / seconded JBM / unanimous of those present (7) / Clerk
09.05.20 / Consideration of Planning Applications:
S/2009/0548 – full – 73 Queen’s Road, Tisbury – first floor side extension
Cnllrs resolved to support the application.
Proposed JBM / seconded RD / unanimous
S/2009/0551 – full – Quarry Garden, Wardour – partial demolition of existing dwelling and the construction of a two storey extension with single storey lean-to along with the refurbishment of the existing dwelling
Cnllrs resolved to support the application.
Proposed JBM / seconded RD / unanimous / Clerk
09.05.21 / Applications Determined: Cnllrs were referred to the previously circulated list.
09.05.22 / Hindon Lane Development – progress consideration:
A revised s106 draft is currently with Anne Beard – Solicitor for WC; Jane Weston will be notified as soon as further consultation with the PC is required.
David L. has contacted both TPC and WTPC to arrange a visit to a CG Fry development in Mere – provisional date 1st June.
Cnllrs were informed of an informal meeting concerning the proposed development, attended by DC and RAB among other residents from the Tisbury area. Those at that meeting had been told the full application was due to be submitted in the Autumn 2009 and copies of the plans would be made available by CG Frys; also that a new architect would be working on the full application final design.
Finally, Cnllrs were reminded that although there was a lot of goodwill emanating from the developers, there were still outstanding issues of concern, e.g. position of bus stop, through route on the development, parking standards, lighting standards and house height / storeys.
09.05.23 / Clerk’s report
i.  LRG accident - The promised written confirmation from the insurers concerning the claim rebuttal had not yet been received.
ii.  Station opening hours – the follow up response from DfT has already been circulated. Robert Key has asked that Lord Adonis also consider the TPC letter and the response from Andrew Johnson and respond directly to him. RK’s meeting with Lord Adonis on 26th March concerned (in part) the dualling of the track west of Salisbury. The minister said that when the Axminster loop had been completed it would be logical to reconsider other stretches.
iii.  EA follow up inspections re tipping on the floodplain - a response is still awaited.
iv.  WC Development Control from 1st April - Surplus computer items would be assessed in the summer; Schools and Parish Councils would be able to bid for any surplus, but of the 190 + surplus laptops most are useable within WC as they are only 2 years old. There is currently no money available to provide any ICT equipment to PCs. / Clerk
09.05.24 / Clarence / Highway Issues
Concern was expressed about the number of larger potholes still waiting to be filled along with areas of potholes in the Tisbury area; this would be queried with Wiltshire Highways. / Clerk
09.05.25 / KGVth play area
i.  Jaki Farrell has been contacted to organize any remaining painting of equipment.
ii.  Mr White has been contacted to renovate the seats (including those in the LRG and by Stubbles) and Mr Orchard (Football Club) had offered advice relating to nets for the goal posts.
iii.  Mr Tully has submitted a quote to remove the moss – see later,
iv.  The carousel in the toddler area has a loose metal rim (attached to a rotting wooden base) and the technical data will be sourced to establish whether a suitable repair can be made. / Clerk
09.05.26 / Lower Recreation Ground
i.  Additional A4 signs should be available w/b 4th May.
ii.  Gate latch is being looked at by Mr White.
iii.  Alan Flippance of Banyards has agreed to clear the area between the play ground and the river and then strim regularly during the summer. Some spot weed spraying may also be necessary. Mr Flippance did not recommend any further works, such as grass seeding or turf laying until September. The quote will be tabled at the June meeting.
iv.  Banyards have indicated that they are able to do visual playground equipment inspections and/or playground maintenance, sourcing components competitively; further details would be supplied for comparison with other companies. / Clerk
09.05.27 / Footpaths - no report made.
09.05.28 / Community Composting – a new entrance sign should be available w/b 4th May. / Clerk
09.05.29 / Allotments – Following a short report on the current uptake of allotments, Cnllrs agreed that a policy was required for allocation of available plots. This would be tabled at the June meeting. Cnllrs decided not to have an interim policy to cover the period up to the June meeting.
It was noted that the Clerk would resume the issuing of allotment tenancies for the foreseeable future. / Clerk
(8:30pm) / TAPCAP EC meeting – the minutes had been previously noted, but the following points were of particular note:
i.  A ‘hub’ office was being considered for Tisbury, to provide facilities and resources for PCs, TAPCAP members and a potential TIC.
ii.  TISBUS and the Link Scheme were unlikely to amalgamate.
09.05.31 / Payments – The income and payments data previously circulated were approved.
Proposed MsJG /seconded RD/unanimous
09.05.32 / R2 monies – P.Cnllrs noted that the current balance available amounted to approx. £66,000, with some £60,000 provisionally allocated.
09.05.33 / Revised quotes for swimming pool covers – these are still awaited.
09.05.34 / Bowling Machine for Youth Cricket Team - Mr Arliss has asked whether R2 monies amounting to £1,600 could be made available to the Youth Cricket Team to fund a bowling machine. Cnllrs briefly discussed the request before resolving to grant the monies.
Proposed MsJG /seconded RAB/unanimous / Clerk
09.05.35 / Moss Removal at KGVth playarea
Mr Tully has indicated that he would be remove moss on the safety surfaces at the KGVth play area for £1,600 (no increase since last visit in 2007); however guidance was required on the use of proprietary products for the moss removal. Mr Tully would complete the work during the first week in June; water would be required and ‘Play ground closed during essential maintenance works’ would be posted.
Cnllrs resolved that the quote would be accepted and further advice would be sought on moss removal products.
Proposed RAB /seconded RD /unanimous / Clerk
09.05.36 / Additional payment to Clerk for excess hours worked
During January to March 2009, the Clerk worked an additional 17 hours on Wiltshire County and TAPCAP associated tasks for which money was included within the precept. Cnllrs resolved that the Clerk should be paid for these hours.
Proposed RAB /seconded RD /unanimous / Clerk
09.05.37 / Use of the LRG by the Carnival Committee on 1st August
Cnllrs discussed a request to use the LRG for a car boot/fete event on 1st August. Considerable concern was expressed about the potential for damage from the cars should the weather be very wet at this time. The Football would be approached for their view and the Carnival Committee would also be contacted. / Clerk
(9:05pm) / P.Cnllrs views on merging Tisbury and West Tisbury Parish Councils
Cnllrs agreed that West Tisbury PC be approached to nominate three or four members to join a similar number from TPC to explore the potential for further joint committee working. The initiative stemmed from a discussion on the possible merging of the two parish councils prompted by a public statement made by a Tisbury parish resident. TP.Cnllrs considered that there could be advantages to such a merger, especially with respect to creating a higher profile within Wiltshire; ensuring that Tisbury residents have a sound and authoritive voice. With this in mind, the potential for joint committees, working in a similar manner to the Joint Burial Committee and focussing on whole village issues (such as the Hindon Lane development and the Nadder complex) would seem particularly beneficial to everyone. / Clerk
09.05.39 / NOTICES: Meeting notices had been available with the correspondence file.
There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9:10pm.
Date and time of next meetings:
Planning (if required): Tuesday 19th May at 6:30pm
Annual Parish Meeting: Tuesday 19th May at 7pm
Full: Tuesday 2nd June 2009 at approx. 7pm

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