Short Service Assignment
Management & Promotion of Websites for Gender,Rights & Civic Engagement Section (GRaCE), DPP/UNICEF NYHQ
Terms of Reference
- Background
The three units within GRaCE Sectionof Division of Policy and Practice at UNICEF New York Headquarters – Adolescent Development and Participation (ADAP), Communication for Development (C4D), as well as the Gender and Rights Unit (GRU) - have developed the following sites (described below) over the past few years to enhance UNICEF knowledge acquisition, management and sharing. In order to ensure that these sites are current, informative, useful and synergized across the section, efforts to maintain, enhance, cross-link and promote them need to be continued.
In parallel, action to upgrade and promote the sites must be understood as part of efforts to develop a comprehensive Knowledge Management System for GRaCE that requires concentrated and harmonized action at the section level. Such approach will ensure that knowledge gathering, sharing, use and re-use is approached in a systematic and coordinated manner across respective units. This entails developing a coherent mix of strategic activities that includes HQ, RO, and CO; and extends to partners to gather and/or share knowledge.
For this, the services of a consultant with experience in managing web content; an understanding of GRaCE and Information Knowledge Management (IKM) needs and challenges in UNICEF; UNICEF IT and Division of Communications (DOC) systems, procedures and processes for website creation and maintenance; as well as the technical design, development and maintenance of websites are required for 200 days over a period of the next 11 months (from December 2010 to November 2011).
ADAP (Estimated number of working days required: 50)
(i)ADAP Intranet Site ( an internal site for all reference material and latest news, resources, tools and documents in relation to adolescent related programming, participation and other issues within UNICEF and beyond. The site is actively used by UNICEF staff members across the globe. The site needs regular maintenance and updating of content and features.
C4D:(Estimated number of working days required: 120)
(ii)C4D Intranet site( a repository of information on UNICEF documents, case studies, tools, guidelines, resources, upcoming training events, partner links, vacancies, and contact lists related to C4D for use by internal staff. The website allows for discussions and provides regular updates on new developments in this area. Web statistics and feedback since the launch indicate that the site’s usage and usefulness have been growing steadily. As the C4D function is being strengthened across the organisation, new ideas and information need to be shared across the organization quickly. Cross-references to and linkages with other MTSP areas need to be created and promoted actively. There is also a growing need to establish a virtual C4D Community of Practice based on the guidelines and protocols that the UNICEF IKM Unit at HQ has established.
(iii)C4D Internet site( ‘public face’ of C4D in UNICEF, this micro-site within the larger global UNICEF website aims to provide information about the C4D function and experiences within the organization, to external C4D practitioners, the general public and other interested parties. The site captures the approach, vision and mission of C4D within UNICEF. Key UNICEF resources and C4D case studies are referenced. Feedback from partners and associates so far has indicated that the site is useful and informative. However more C4D stories from the field and case studies need to be captured and showcased through this site. Some of these are already available on the intranet site however have to be vetted before public sharing.
(iv)Communicating with ChildrenWeb Blog &Siteis a site that has been developed as part of a larger project on the theme mentioned. The ‘communicating with children’ project is based on the experiencesof two well known experts in the area – Barbara KoluckiDafna Lemish. The project entails the development of guidelines and examples to develop effective, age-appropriate communication for children. The web site and blog supplements the main publication and contains a bank of communication resources – audio-visual and print communication materials for children- that have been identified as examples of good practice. The site also references the guiding principles and lessons learned that are presented in the main publication. The site is currently meant for UNICEF staff members and is in the process of being finalized.
(v)Trainer’s Toolbox( This site contains course content and resource materials to assist both UNICEF staff members and external C4D trainers and facilitators in designing and delivering C4D workshops for UN staff, counterparts and partners. The site has already over 35 members who interact regularly and contribute to content. The site is administered and managed by C4D HQs Unit.
GRU(Estimated number of working days required: 30)
(vi)Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women and Girls( is an internal UNICEF site on the intranet that provides information to staff members on gender equality related issues. The site needs a full restructuring and redesigning to more effectively meet the needs of gender focal points in particular and to follow up on the 2007 institutional evaluation of the UNICEF gender policy, including by ensuring that the organization’s policy, manuals and resources in relation to promoting gender equality are accessible to all staff. In this regard, the current content of the site needs to be organized and updated, eliminating redundancy and adding missing information and resources, with a layout and structure that allows for easy navigation. The site also needs to be publicized effectively within the organization, with linkages made, as relevant, to other internal sites.
- Purpose of Assignment:
- To manage and enhance content of all sites including collation/ revision/ uplinking of new content through coordination with country, regional and headquarters staff
- Revision and/or enhancement of site structures, features and functionality based on HQ, ROandCO needs,including the creation and management of potential new sites/micro-sites
- To regularly monitor and evaluate usage of all sites, including inputs from partners, to identify areas of improvement
- To contribute towards UNICEF GRaCE efforts in the area of information and knowledge management
- For C4D: To promote the sites and facilitate a C4D community of practice through the discussion forums, and responses to email queries and comments sent to
- Duty Station: UNICEF HQ (New York)
- Major tasks to be accomplished:
- To maintain all current sites:
- Ensure that existing content is correct, up-to-date and easily accessible by users across the globe
- Ensure that all features and functions operate normally
- To periodically review and update the site with relevant, new content from the field as well as new features
- To review and update web architecture and design. In this regard, to work with web based designers to improve appeal and usability of the websites
- To coordinate with UNICEF headquarters, regional and country offices including IKM peers as well as external experts/ resources/ institutions for cross-linkages; collation of data, case studies, products and materials; creation of and feedback on new content that is created; as well as promotion of the sites
- For ADAP site: To review and update current content, eliminating redundancy and identifying missing content in line with ADAP Global Strategic Framework; to initiate work on the site dedicated to the launch of State of the World of Children (SOWC), including uploading new documents and links to existing documents and sites and writing explanatory text as needed in cooperation with ADAP.
- For C4D sites: (i) To assess web-based C4D IKM needs across the organization and consult with the C4D team, Programme Division and other UNICEF colleagues on future growth and development of the sitesincluding need for new sites, additional features and functionality; (ii) to contribute towards the development of the web-based component of a C4D IKM strategy including a plan for the maintenance and updating of these sites that entails working procedures, schedules and budgets; and (iii) to facilitate web-based discussions and interactions between C4D practitioners in the field within UNICEF and outside
- For GRU site: To review current content of the gender equality and empowerment of women and girls intranet site, eliminating redundancy and identifying missing content; to create an information architecture, identifying key audiences, devising means of ensuring that information can be accessed easily and creating site maps; to design a new home page based on UNICEF design standards that allows for easy navigation; to build the intranet site, creating all necessary pages and design elements, uploading new documents and links to existing documents and sites and writing explanatory text as needed in cooperation with GRU; and to publicize the revised site in cooperation with GRU, working with DOC to feature the updated site and writing announcement messages.
- Deliverables:
- Monthly updated sites with new or revised content and features
- Monthly site statistics
- Any new sites/ micros-sites that may be created based on C4DIKM needs
- Duration/ Deadline:200daysbetween December 1, 2010 through October 31, 2011
- Qualifications and specialized knowledge, experience and skills required:
- At least first university degree
- At least 8 years of experience in content development and information management for web-based projects
- At least 4-6 years experiencein managing strategic creative design and creative production projects
- Understanding of and experience with information communication technologies that underpin UNICEF website production, specifically Lotus Notes, Reddot and TRIM.
- Strong understanding of or experience in managing GRaCE section - Adolescent Development & Participation, Gender and Rights, Communication for Development -related content
- Understanding of IKM/ MIS systems, platforms and processes within large organisations
- Proven experience in coordinating third party, specialist agencies, consultants and vendors
- Experience in working with both private and not-for-profit sectors
- Experience in facilitating web-based discussions and dialogue through online platforms
- Good writing and critical reasoning skills
- New York based consultant preferred
The tasks require knowledge and skills of (i) use of ICTs to address IKM needs and gaps within large organizations; (ii) technical aspects of website development and management; (iii) strategic nature of UNICEF content to structure and revise documents, reports and other information; and (iv) initiative and ability to coordinate with UNICEF offices across the globe.
9. Payment Schedule:
Payments based on monthly bills that specify number of days worked in that month
10. How to Apply:
Qualified candidates are requested to submit a cover letter, CV and P 11 form (which can be downloaded from our website at
to with subject line “IKM Consultant for Gender, Rights and Civic Engagement Section (GRaCE)” by 15November 2010. Please indicate your ability, availability and monthly rate to undertake the terms of reference above.