The RI Awards 2018

The Ivy Ballroom on Thursday 18th April at 6.30pm.

The Recruitment International Awards are back in Australiaand this is your opportunity to win one of the most coveted and prestigious accolades in the recruitment sector. Enter now and join us at the sparkling black tie gala awards dinner where recruitment professionals from all over the country will gather, eager to win the unique and iconic RI trophy. Make certain you recognise and celebrate the hard work and commitment of your staff by submitting your entries before the deadline. The aim of the RI awards is to recognise innovation and best practice in the Australian recruitmentindustry. Our incredible range of industry judges will assess and reward only the best recruitment companies and their people in a true celebration of our industry.



Deadline for entries – Wednesday 14th March 2018
Shortlisted companies notified – Monday 26th March 2018
Winners announced – Wednesday 18th April 2018


Company Awards
Growth Company of the Year
Specialist Recruitment Company of the Year
National Recruitment Company of the Year
Training & Development Initiative of the Year
Recruitment Brand of the Year
Back Office Support Team of the Year

The Diversity & Inclusion Champion
Best Small Recruitment Company To Work For (1-15 employees)
Best Medium Recruitment Company To Work For (16-75 employees)
Best Large Recruitment Company To Work For (75 + employees)
International Recruitment Company of the Year
The Rising Star
The Best CSR Initiative
The Best RPO Provider

The Best Company for Client Service
The Best Company for Candidate Experience

Individual Awards
The Business Leader of the Year
The Recruiter of the Year
The RI Hall of Fame

To enter the awards and to reserve your dinner places please visit our awards page on Eventbrite:

Awards entries are just A$170 per entry. Dinner places are just A$225 per person. Book a table of 10 for just A$2,000.

For details contact: David Head in the UK
Tel: + 44 (0) 1483 740874

ENTRY FORMSAll companies/individuals need to complete as many of the questions as possible on the company fact sheet. This will enable our judges to form their decisions not only on your entry but also based on the size, performance, sector and specialist characteristics that are unique to your business. You can still choose to enter and not fill out this page, however, your answers are confidential and are a great guide in helping our judges decide the worthy winners.If you are not able to specify actual revenue numbers, you may also indicate in % terms how much you have grown/improved over the period in question.

All the pages that make up your entries for the RI Awards must be completed in Word format and should not exceed more than 1,200 words. Please do not attach pictures, graphs, infographics etc, these will be stripped out! You do not need to add in any headers or footers attach logo’s or pretty pictures and turn it into a pdf.We judge you on your performance not your power point skills!

Good luck and we look forward to receiving your entries. All information supplied is confidential for the judge’s assessment and not for publication. Once you have completed the forms email them to:

Terms & Conditions: Your entry is confidential and will only be used by our judges to assess your submission. It is not possible to give individual feedback from the judges and no correspondence will be entered into. The decisions of the judges are full and final.All entries need to be registered and paid for via Eventbrite unless specially agreed with RI.

Now please fill out:

Section 1 - Company Fact Sheet:

Section 2 - The entry itself using the award criteria with no more than 1,200 words in a word only format.


Company name:

Submitters name:
Email address:
Contact number:
Main director’s names:
Date first established:
Financial year end date:


Forecast 2018 Actual 2017 Actual 2016

Turnover $ $ $

NFI/Gross profit$ $ $

PBT $ $ $

Turnover split
between temp and
perm business % % %


If you are entering the Best International category, please provide a breakdown of your International vs home market performance over the same time period

Forecast2018 Actual 2017 Actual 2016
Int % - Home %Int % - Home %Int % - Home %





In no more than 2 pages of A4 or 1,200 words tell us why you should win the award?

Word format only please – no pdf’s, logo’s etc – these will be removed.


Specialist Recruitment Company of the Year

Profiling some of Australia’s best niche operators this award will firmly set apart businesses with a focus on best practice in a specific key vertical or specialisation. The judges will be looking for a company that leads in its niche market whichever the discipline you specialise in: IT, medical, digital marketing, Finance etc. This award is not for a generalist, multi discipline recruitment company.

Entrants will be required to provide detailed information on their depth of knowledge in the vertical they operate in as well as providing financial information which supports their application. Have you won awards for your recruitment expertise in the sector, what do you do that is unique? Are you able to source and supply unique candidates? Provide one key client testimonial that endorses your services and substantiates any claims. If you are a 'me too' recruitment company, then this is not the category for you.

National Recruitment Company of the Year

National recruitment firms will have total coverage across the country and will be required to demonstrate how a successful business model can flow across all of their locations. You will have to show that you truly have national coverage with the infrastructure to deliver across multiple offices/and or locations. Our judges will be looking for consistency including a definitive company culture, clear growth strategy along with evidence of business objectives set and achieved.Entrants will be required to provide detailed information on their depth of knowledge in the areas they operate in as well as providing financial information which supports their application. Have you won awards for your nationwide recruitment expertise, what do you do that is unique? Provide one key client testimonial that endorses your services and substantiate any claims. The National Recruitment Company of the Year can either be a specialist or a generalist in any sector, fundamentally you will be able to find a deliver your service to clients and candidates across the country.


Training & Development Initiative of the Year

We want to hear from recruitment companies that have implemented a new initiative or strategy for the development of their consultants or other teams within their organisation in the past 2 years. The program does not have to be sales based, it will, however, have had dramatic results for the people involved and the business itself. Entries will need to clearly demonstrate the objectives, how the initiative was deployed and the outcomes achieved. The initiative should be for more than one person.


Recruitment Brand of the Year

A joined up brand message delivered to candidates, clients and staff is critical in our industry. The winning firm will have clearly displayed consistency, creativity, honesty and thought in the messages behind their brand. What has your business done in the past twelve months that has elevated your brand? Have you redesigned your corporate identity or rolled out a highly effective new brand identity campaign? Tell us what you have done and how this has positively affected your business and the people working in it. Are you the company with its name on everyone’s lips?


The Business Leader of the Year

Is your business led by a visionary leader, an individual who has specifically driven the business to a different level? Our judges would like to see financial results over the last three years to back up their claims, as well as looking at what actions they have taken in the last twelve months to make them an outstanding candidate for the award this year? Has the person opened new divisions, new territories, new business lines, have they drastically changed the face of the organisation?

What is it that makes this individual really stand out? What have they done that is exceptional, how are they viewed by the company’s employees and how have they gone that extra mile to illustrate they deserve this Award? How are they perceived outside of the industry for the work they do in it? Have they been recognised in other Entrepreneurial Awards programmes?

Back Office Support Team of the Year

The winner of this award will show true synergy between their back office team and the rest of the business. We are looking for your shining stars those who don’t often get the recognition they deserve and yet are an essential part of the business. We want to hear why this team are so special, why they work so well together, what they do on a daily basis and exactly what they do that is of benefit to the business. It may be a specific project they have taken on, new initiatives or long-term support which has aided in the success of your business. You must clearly demonstrate that the team has done a lot more than just their day job!


The Diversity & Inclusion Champion

The Diversity and Inclusion Award is an acknowledgment bestowed upon a company which actively promotes inclusive excellence. This business and its people contributes to and enhances not only itself but also the reputation of the recruitment industry through a sustained commitment to improving opportunities for the diverse communities it serves.

The Diversity and Inclusion Award recipient will clearly demonstrate an exceptional understanding of diversity and inclusiveness beyond the expected norm as evidenced by:
Enhances inclusion through positive communication between persons of different backgrounds
Develops innovative methods for increasing and valuing diversity throughout the recruitment process
Demonstrates outstanding efforts to promote an environment free from bias and discrimination
Organises, creates and facilitates various candidate and client events promoting diversity, respect, and inclusiveness.

The Best Recruitment Company for Client Service

Please detail why your company should be considered for this award category.What is it that you do that makes your client service exceptional and memorable?

Include all the relevant information that you feel will support your case, what makes you unique and therefore the first choice for your clients?Why do you stand head and shoulders above your competitors?

If a prospective client had to choose between your company or a competitor, why would they choose you?Show the judges that you have a track record of success, include several testimonials that endorse your claims.They will want to know how you monitor and track your performance, show how you measure your client service and if you are a Recruiter Insider client please provide your data as supporting evidence

In the last 12 months what is the best client service story you can share with us?

What does a great client service look like with your agency and finally why should you win this Award?


The Best Recruitment Company for Candidate Experience

Please detail why your company should be considered for this award category.

What is it that you do that ensures that your candidates tell their friends about their great experience with you? Include all the relevant information that you feel will support your case, what makes you unique and therefore the go to agency for candidates?

Why do you stand head and shoulders above your competitors?

If a potential candidate had to choose between your company or a competitor, why would they choose you? Show the judges that you have a track record of success, include several testimonials that endorse your claims.

They will want to know how you monitor and track your performance, show how you measure your candidate experienceand if you are a Recruiter Insider client please provide your data as supporting evidence

In the last 12 months what is the best candidate experience story you can share with us. What does a great candidate experience look like with your agency and finally why should you win this Award?


Recruitment International's Hall of Fame Award

You do not need to supply any information for this category – just send us in your nomination – we should instantly know who you are talking about.

Growth Company of the Year

Based on the previous 3 financial years’ results, nominees will be required to detail the profitability of the business, fully map out its growth and share the financial information that supports the application. The judges will take into account the size of the business as well as its split between temp/contract and perm. Sector specialisation is also factored in so that the winner really can claim to be one the growth company of the year. Special consideration is made to those who can clearly demonstrate that this growth is sustainable.

Best Recruitment Company To Work For Small- (1-15 employees)

Best Recruitment Company To Work For Medium- (16 - 75 employees)

Best Recruitment Company To Work For Large- (75 + employees)

Please explain why your company should be considered for these award categories. Include all the relevant information that you feel will support your case, what makes you unique and therefore an employer of choice? Why do you stand head and shoulders above your competitors? If a prospective recruiter had to choose between your company or a competitor, why would they choose you?

You must have a solid track record of success and this success should flow through every aspect of your business. List achievements such as other workplace awards - quote retention levels and list previous achievements as well as other awards and accreditations.

Show the judges that you have a clear and proven career development plan with an ongoing commitment to training as well as a strong staff incentive scheme.

The judges will want to know how many employees you have, the split between male and female both across the board and at Director level – how you address diversity and other employee engagement programmes. Why should you win this Award?


International Recruitment Company of the Year

Please tell us about your international business, how does it contribute to the company overall and how long have you been operating in these territories. Why should you win the award this particular year, have you accelerated your international offering? Tell us what you have been doing in the last twelve months that makes you stand out. Have you pioneered into new territories, opening new divisions, taking on additional staff to work in your overseas offices?

Are you working with overseas trade bodies, have you won Export Awards? What percentage of your revenue is now derived from overseas as opposed to your domestic business and how has this changed in the past 3-5 years?

Convince the judges that your international business is a world beater.


The Rising Star

Open to recruitment companies that are less than 3 years old this Award looks at which companies have had a major and immediate impact on their marketplace. What have they already achieved which has catapulted them to stardom. The judges will want to see what the new business brings to its marketplace, just what does it do to innovate in that sector? Show us that the business has established itself and is continuing to grow. Back up your entry with a testimonial from a customer who has recognised your new service offering.

The Best CSR Initiative

For this award we are looking for a recruitment organisation whose CSR initiative fully supports their business and its beliefs, goals and ethics. We are looking for your long term commitment to your initiative creating sustainability within your chosen cause/charity. We want to hear how you have created full engagement throughout the business allowing as many members of staff as possible to get involved. We want to know why you have supported this charity, what specific activities you have performed and how these have not only benefited the charity, but your organisation too. A testimonial from the beneficiary is a given. Consideration will be given to the business and its size and number of employees, do you punch above your weight when it comes to CSR?