Management 60 Spring 2006 Class Syllabus

Management 60: Management & Organizational Behavior

Long Beech City College Spring 2006


Instructor Information: / Name: Robert Koenig
Email address:
Phone: 562-938-4332 (LBCC office)
Office Hours: Wednesdays by appointment
E-Course Directory
Class Sessions: / Wednesdays 7-10 M203
Text: / Organizational Behavior 11th edition
Stephen P. Robbins
Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ
Course Description
& Objectives: / We all are members of organizations. Improving our understanding of how individual groups and systems work within an organization will allow us to perform at our best.
The class material will include both theory and practical application of Organizational Behavior in organizations. OB is the study of how individuals and groups impact the behavior within an organization. It is a field of systematic study that focuses on improving productivity, quality, and developing methods to empower people as well as to design and implement change. We live in a world characterized by rapid change, globalization, and diversity. OB offers insights in these areas while providing guidance for managers in creating an ethical work climate.
Expected Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon completing this course, you should be able to: / 1. Explain how personality and perception influence behavior in organizations.
2. Apply concepts associated with effective work design to suggest tactics for enhancing work performance in organizations.
3. Apply theories and concepts of decision making and problem solving to develop strategies/design effective systems in these areas.
4. Apply theories and concepts of motivation and leadership to develop strategies for improving work performance.
5. Apply theories and concepts of change to develop strategies for improving work performance.
6. Apply theories and concepts of goal setting, feedback, and conflict management to develop strategies for improving organizational communication.
7. Apply theories and concepts from the behavioral sciences to develop strategies for effective teamwork.
Evaluation: / It is the responsibility of both the student and the instructor to evaluate learning and performance during the class. Evaluation during the course will happen several ways. Elements to be evaluated will be the following:

Student performance

1.  Use of exams assess student learning
2.  Individual Performance: Article summaries prepared by students
3.  Chapter Review Questions, Completed as Homework Assignments to reinforce chapter reading.
4.  Class Attendance and Participation.

Instructor performance

1. Self-assessment by instructor to assess whether or not objectives for class were met.
2.  LBCC course evaluation questionnaire or similar.
Grading: /

Tests and Assignments Points

3 highest test scores (100 points each) 300
3 Article Summaries (25 points each ) 75
Homework: Review Questions as Assigned 75
Class Attendance and Participation ______50

Total 500

The final grade cutoff points are found on the following scale:
100 – 90% = A 450-500
89 – 80% = B 400-449
79 – 70% = C 350-399
69 – 60% = D 300-349
0 – 59 % = F 299 and below
Exams / v  Exams will be 60 minutes long given in the first hour of that week’s class. Exams will be multiple choice, true false and/or and short essay questions. NO Makeup Exams will be given. The lowest exam score will be dropped.
v  Bring Scantron and #2 pencils and paper to exam.
The exams will cover the material discussed in class and the assigned reading. The exams are not cumulative and will cover only the material contained for the weeks specified prior to the exam. Hence, the final exam is simply your last exam.
Class Attendance / Full attendance is expected for students as part of the learning process. Points will be deducted for each class or partial class not attended, Effective with the class of January 25 any student who is absent for 3 or more classes is subject to being dropped from the class by the instructor without notice. Class attendance is considered the entire class.
Instructor may use a sign in sheet to monitor attendance. If so, it is the students’ responsibility to insure he/she has signed in. Please review the LBCC attendance policy for any questions
Article Summaries / Preparing your Article Summaries:
During the course of the semester you will provide individual summaries of three articles that describe a current organizational behavior issue. Articles must have been published in 2005 or 2006. Articles must be from the Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, Los Angeles Times, Orange County Register, Press Telegram, Forbes Fortune or Business Week. Other sources require advance approval from the instructor. Please follow the outline below
Type (double-spaced) 1 to 3 pages that describe the following:
v  Briefly state the organizational behavior issue and indicate why you chose to write about this OB issue. (use specific reference to textbook or class)
v  Describe the organization behavior concepts that are involved relate specifically to the text or class. Do not summarize the entire article focus on the organizational behavior concepts.
v  Provide your opinion on the specific situation and/or the organizations course of action. Indicate what you learned from this article that you can apply in the future
v  Article Summaries are due at the start of the week’s class as indicated. Articles will be accepted up to one class late with a five point reduction.
v  Attach copy of article to your typed summary.
Class Assignments
(Homework) / Class assignments are due at the start of the class on the day indicated. NO late class assignments will be accepted.
If a student is unable to attend evening class, the class assignment will be considered “on time” if emailed to instructor prior to the start of that nights class.
All class assignments MUST be type written!
Class Assignments will be worth 5 points for each chapter. Therefore a student has the opportunity to earn 85 points maximum on homework!
Utilize this opportunity to help your grade.
Class participation / Effective learning in this class requires students to share their thought, experiences and questions relevant to the topic at hand. Quality is paramount to quantity in determining the class participation grade. The right comment at the right time can enhance everyone’s understanding of the topic.
Conduct and Academic Integrity: / All students are expected to observe the rules and regulations of the college. Please refer to your student handbook for specific details. Ethically appropriate behavior is expected from all students. Students who violate the College’s code of ethics and/or other academic policies, will be referred to the appropriate disciplinary body.
Changes to Syllabus / This syllabus is subject to change. Announcements in class take precedence over any other communication.

Student Self Tracking Worksheet:

Students should continuously self-track their performance in this class. Students are encouraged to meet with the instructor if their performance appears not to be tracking to their expectations.

Category / Target Points / My Points
Exams / Exam 1 / 100
Exam 2 / 100
Exam 3 / 100
Total Exams / 300
Assignments / Chapter 2 / 5
Chapter 3 / 5
Chapter 4 / 5
Chapter 5 / 5
Chapter 6 / 5
Chapter 7 / 5
Chapter 8 / 5
Chapter 9 / 5
Chapter 10 / 5
Chapter 11 / 5
Chapter 12 / 5
Chapter 13 / 5
Chapter 14 / 5
Chapter 15 / 5
Chapter 16 / 5
Chapter 17 / 5
Chapter 18 / 5
Total / 75*
Articles / Article 1 / 25
Article 2 / 25
Article 3 / 25
Total / 75
Attendance and Participation / Total / 50
Extra Credit / Ch. 1 Asgmt / 5
Total / 500

*Note target is different from mathematical addition. Students have the opportunity to earn extra points by completing all the homework.

Management 60 Fall 2005 – Student Introduction Worksheet

To assist teacher in class preparation

Name Optional ______

Current Employer ______# of years______

Current Position ______circle Manager Supervisor Staff

Total # of Years Working ______

Name three organizations you belong to or have belonged too

Examples your company, group team etc.


Primary reason you are taking this class? ______

What are your expectations for this OB class when complete.

1  ______

2  ______

3  ______

What Qualities/Background would make a good teacher for OB ?

1 ______

2 ______

3 ______

Reality TV Shows that you have watched

The Apprentice never once/twice off and on often never miss

Apprentice Martha never once/twice off and on often never miss

Hells Kitchen never once/twice off and on often never miss

Lost never once/twice off and on often never miss

Survivor never once/twice off and on often never miss

Beauty/Geek never once/twice off and on often never miss

Big Brother never once/twice off and on often never miss

Amazing Race never once/twice off and on often never miss

Koenig Page 1 1/18/2006