Teachers’ Notes
Unit 1: La grammaire
1. PPT: This ppt gives a detailed explanation of the conditional tense. Grammar activities with answers are also part of this ppt.
2. Le conditionnel – english/ welsh/ SEN: These word documents give pupils a brief explanation of the conditional tense with various activities. Support sheet included in order to encourage pupils to give as full an answer as possible.
Unit 2: Où irais-tu?
1. PPT: Où irais-tu?: This powerpoint introduces J’irais with the various countries. Mas/ Fem/ Plu contries and the en/au/aux rule is also highlited. Vocab recall game.
2. Où irais-tu? word document: Dictionary work to find countries. Pupils are required to complete the grid according to the gender of the country. Translation work. Pupils are also required to find errors in sentences and to correct them.
3. Lire word document: Pupils are required to work out the meaning of various words from the text. Skimming and scanning techniques are also required. Pupils need to identify the sentences which are correct and those incorrect must be corrected.
4. Orale ppt: Dice game. Pupils need to be in small groups with a dice. Each pupil throws the dice three times in order to build sentences.
5. Ecrire ppt: Pupils to write the sentences
6. Ecouter ppt: Pupils to listen to the text. Click on th symbol to hear the conversation. Pupils to click the picture they believe is correct. Clapping noise means they are correct.
Unit 3: Comment voyagerais-tu?
1. Comment voyagerais-tu?:Powerpoint introducing ‘Je voyagerais’ and the different transports.
2. ‘Pourquoi.....’ ppt: Pupils are asked to work out the meaning of sentences giving reasons and to decide if they are positive or negative.
3. Ecouter/ Lire word doc: Pupils to listen to the conversations and fill in the grid with the relevant information. Pupils are required to work out the meaning of various words from the text. Skimming and scanning techniques are also required. Pupils need to write a brief description of how they would travel and justify their descision.
Unit 4: Où resterais -tu?
1. PPT: Où resterais -tu?: Introduces vocabulary for places to stay with Je resterais...... Pupils are required to put the sentence in their order of preference.
2. PPT: Décris ton logement. Introducing: Il y aurait/ Il serait and relevant vocabulary. Pupils to describe 3 different sorts of accommodation (last 3 slides)
3. Word docs: Pupils to write the correct sentences for each picture. Task 2: Using the vocabulary box, pupils are required to match the Welsh/ English vocabulary with the French.
Unit 5: Les activités
1. Les activités ppt: Introducing all of the relevant vocabulary. Filling the blancs activity. (verbs)
2. La météo ppt: Introducing vocabulary. Picture recognition game.
3. Orale ppt: Dice game. Pupils need to be in small groups with a dice. Each pupil throws the dice three times in order to build sentences.
4. Ecrire ppt: Example of sentence building
5. Problem solving: Rearrange the words to create sentences which make sense!
Unit 6: La conclusion
1. PPT: Décris tes vacances idéales: 2 slides of pictures to encourage pupils to describe their ideal holiday in Wales and Québec.
2. PPT: Mes vacances idéales: Ecouter. Pupils to listen to the text. Click on th symbol to hear the conversation. Pupils to click the picture they believe is correct. Clapping noise means they are correct.
3. Word doc: Mind map: Support for pupils to write their own description and to complete the oral task in this module.
4. Word doc: Oral card game: Pupils to be in small groups. Cards to be face down in a pile. Cards to be used as prompts. Pupils to answer the questions. Mind map can be used as support.
5. Word doc: Lecture SEN: A long text with differentiated questions to guide pupils. This text can also be used as support for pupils when writing their own description. Answer questions in English/ Find the French for…./ Complete the grid in French
6. Word doc: Lecture: A long text with questions varying in difficulty. This text can also be used as support for pupils when writing their own description. Answer questions in French/ Translate the underlined sentences/ Complete the grid in French/ Write their own description.
7. Word docs: Dice game. Pupils need to be in small groups with a dice. Each pupil throws the dice three times in order to build sentences.