The Value


God’s Word

In Psalm 119

Bob Harding

Table of Contents


1  The Perfect Law (1-8)………………………………………………….. 3

2  The Way Of Cleansing (9-16)………………………………………….. 8

3  The Fountain Of Joy (17-24)…………………………..……………… 13

4  The Strength Of Trial (25-32)………………………………………… 19

5  The Word: The Medium Of Guidance (33-40)…………….…………. 24

6  The Inspiration Of Testimony (41-48)……………………..…………. 28

7  The Comfort Of Sorrow (49-56)……………………………………… 32

8  The Medium Of Fellowship (57-64)…………………….……………. 48

9  The Key Of Affliction (65-72)………………………………………… 41

The Value of God's Word

Psalms 119 (1)


A. Of all the O.T. books—Psalms may be that book opened and read more than others.

1. The book of Psalms contains such a wide variety of instruction and good reading.

1) It contains a mixture of praise, thanksgiving, lament, moral instruction, history and other rich treasures from God's grand storehouse.

B. One of the most skillfully conceived of all the Psalms is Psalms 119.

1. It is unique in many ways.

1) It is the longest Psalm. . . in fact, it is the longest chapter in the Bible.

2) It has a unique structure, containing 22 stanzas of 8 verses each, each one beginning with a different letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

3) It has been called the "ABC's" of the VALUE, POWER and USES of God's word.

4)  This Psalm covers the subject of the Word of God from A to Z, or in the Hebrew from Aleph to Tau.

2.  Every verse of this Psalm, with the exception of two, contains either praise as to the excellence of God's word, or David's expressions of love for it, or the various uses we can make of it, or the beauty, strength, and happiness it can bring into our lives.

1) As we study these 176 verses—not only is there the underlying presence of divine inspir-ation---but you also get the impression, THE WRITER EXPERIENCED THE WORD OF GOD ON A PERSONAL LEVEL.

2) David was a STUDENT and MEDITATOR, who obviously spent a great deal of time thinking about God, and the Word of God.

3. Do you really love the Bible? Do you really let it guide your life? Do you really reverence and respect it?

1) Measure your attitude by David's as expressed in this Psalm.

2) If there is one thing I would like to accomplish in this study is to CONVINCE EVERY MEMBER of the church as to the necessity, value and joy of a consistent daily study of the Word of God.



C. There are about 9 terms used to describe this Divine message, each one possessing a little different meaning, yet all talking about the same revelation.

1. LAW (of the Lord), because these are the enactments of a King or Ruler.

2. TESTIMONY (ies), because they contain the witness God has borne.

3. PRECEPT, something placed in trust.

4. STATUTE, a definite prescribed, written law.

5. COMMANDMENTS, rules given with all the authority of heaven behind them.

6. WORD OR SAYINGS, containing the very voice of God, not a "dead letter.'

7. TRUTH, conformity to a perfect standard.

8. JUDGMENTS, judicial orders and sanctions in which we must be judged.

9. WAY (The ways of God), a plain rule of conduct, a course set before us.

1)  These terms bring home a simple fact: That real reverence and respect for God is expressed in reverence and respect for His word.

2)  There is no real WAY to love God without loving and obeying His plan for our lives as revealed in His word!

I.  THE PERFECT LAW (119:1-8). God reveals His will to meet the needs of man.

·  Human responsibility is emphasized by the words "walk", "observe", "seek", "keep", "give thanks" (respect), "learn".

·  Such obedience to such a will must bring blessedness.

A.  1-2: “Blessed”: Beatitudes.

1. A beatitude is a STATEMENT OF BLESSING, that usually involves something we ought to do, or some quality we need to nurture-thus involving INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY.

2. 1: True blessedness, the secret of real happiness, that deep rooted sense of well being, that peace that passes all understanding is reserved for those who walk in the way of the Lord.

1) The greatest blessing is upon that person who actually obeys it and walks in it, making it the rule of his everyday conduct.

2) This means, I'm responsible to know His law, make a decision to walk in the way of the Lord and I must keep myself blameless (undefiled; perfect).

3) I become undefiled by relying on Christ and His saving power—the gospel message is—forgiveness is the only way a sinner can become blameless.

3. 2: His testimonies are not just cold laws, impersonal rules, the Bible contains the witness of God.

1)  The Gospel is called the "witness that God bore concerning His Son" (John 5:37).

2)  To keep that testimony means to treasure it up in your whole heart, and guard it faithfully.

B.  2: “Whole heart”: (10, 34, 69).

1. Ultimate victory over sin will not be reached, through some sort of half-hearted, lackadaisical approach.

1) And this applies in virtually every area of human endeavor—give you very best; devote your whole life to the task at hand.

2) Surely, in our seeking after God, and in our service to Him—there should be the involvement and participation of THE WHOLE HEART!

2. There is no place for the half-hearted approach which is characterized by. . .

1) Doing what's right as long as you feel like it.

2) Being fervent and active for a little while, then "going on a vacation" from the Lord's work.

3) Half-heartedness does not manifest perseverance—is hesitate to display moral courage—and may seek to justify the hands of the lazy.

4) There is far too much "Sunday go to meeting" religion in the denominational world. You could stamp HYPOCRISY over most of it (Matt 15:7-9).

3. True Christians are not to be like them by putting forth lukewarm, listless efforts which is WHOLLY UNACCEPTABLE, UNBECOMING AND CANNOT BE JUSTIFIED.

1) There is no excuse, no circumstance to justify a half-hearted approach.

II. A LESSON IN HISTORY (2 Chron 15-16:10).


1. 15:1-2: Conditions in finding God and God forsaking you.

1) 15:3-6: Azariah reminded Asa and Judah of the apostasy in Israel.

2) For a long time Israel had been without the true God, a teaching priest and the Law.

3) However, when Israel was in trouble, she sought the Lord and found Him.

4) So long as Israel was in rebellion against the Lord, she had INTERNAL STRIFE.

5) 7: Consequently, Azariah exhorted them to be strong—will be rewarded.

2. 15:8-11: Asa listened to the prophet and instigated a second reformation in Judah.

1) He removed the abominable idolatries from Judah, Benjamin, and the cities he had taken from Ephraim. (1 Kings 15:12: Also removed the sodomites from the land.

2) He renewed the altar of burnt offering in the Temple.

3) He assembled the men of Judah, Benjamin, and those who had fled to Judah from the tribes of Israel—in Jerusalem in the third month, on the fifteenth day.

4) A great offering was made to the Lord.

3. 15:12-15: Under Asa—the people of Judah were admonished to enter into a covenant:

1) Put to death if not agree to it.

2) RESPONSE: "And all Judah rejoiced concerning the oath, for they had sworn with their whole heart and had sought Him earnestly, and He let them find Him. So the Lord gave them rest on every side."


1. Asa was generally a good King.

1) He had done much to return Judah to serving God.

2) Yet there stands on the record of his achievement one tremendous mistake.

2. 16:7-9: The prophet Hanani rebuked Asa.

1) 8: The prophet reminded Asa of a previous victory because they relied upon God (14:9-15). NOTE HOW QUICKLY ONE CAN FORGET.

2) Asa couldn't align himself with God one day and the King of Syria the next.

3. Asa's mistake is an often repeated one—he went to the wrong source for help.

1) He acted in a way which was not pleasing to God because his heart was not completely God's.

2) GOD KNOWS WHAT IS GOING ON. Men can't hide their heart from God.


4. 16:10: Became angry when his heart did not completely belong to God.

1) 16:11-12: Still angry—still didn't trust in God.

2) A good burial does not guarantee one is right with God.

C.  119:3: “Do no unrighteousness (iniquity)”: ACTION! “Walk in His ways”

1. From the whole heart that is seeking God –there is an ACTIVE RESULT.

1) 1 Kings 14:8: After David's death, God evaluates his life.

2) It is true David committed grievous sins-scars his record to this day-but that was not David's pattern or rule of his life. It was the painful exception.

2. The best way in the world to keep from sin is to be fully occupied in doing good.

1) Knowledge is not always the problem—DELAY OF KNOWN DUTY IS.

2) Ps 119:60: "I hastened and did not delay to keep Thy commandments." (Wise approach)


1. God is constantly watching and wants to help us!

1. God strongly supports those who are completely His.

1) This is a message of strong comfort to those who are striving to be faithful.

2) God will align Himself with a church and with those individuals who are striving to do His will.

3) Eventually, the others will be defeated.

2. We have seen that the Lord requires complete devotion to Him.

1. While our performance may sometimes fail, our heart must belong completely to God.

1) He has given us His Divine revelation to constantly remind us of this fact.

3. Have you considered your need for Jesus Christ?

1. Unless you have been baptized into the way of the Lord (John 14:6), unless you are walking daily with Jesus, you cannot know the blessings under consideration here.

2. If you are convinced that Jesus is the Christ and are ready to commit your life to His service, we invite you to obey His gospel.

The Value of God's Word

Psalms 119 (2)


A. We are blessed when we observe the perfect law from the whole heart.

1. From the WHOLE HEART that is seeking God—there is an active result.


A. 9: “How can a young man keep his way pure?” (11, 66)

1. The cry of the young man is heard and answered.

1) The deepest and highest aspiration of the soul of youth is that for purity.

2. The thought here is not that of cleansing from defilement.

1) But rather that of KEEPING CLEAN as in the presence of the possibility of defilement.

3. The answer is clear and concise.

1) The path of purity is that of CAUTION conditioned by the word of God.

2) This caution is further manifested in the DISTRUST OF SELF, and earnestly seeking to be kept in the way of God's “commandments.”

4. Matt 4:1-4: "It is written."

1) Jesus maintained purity by knowing God's word, and using God's word to resist sin.


A. In northern California along the Sacramento river, several joggers were attacked by cougars. Campgrounds closed in other areas as well.

1. There are certain things to do when you come in contact with a cougar.

1) Would that be good to know?

2) How many of us would know EXACTLY what to do if you came face to face with a cougar "crouched down" and is ready to pounce on you?

2. What would be the first thing that I should do?

1) If you have never thought about that before, you would probably do exactly the opposite of what you should do about 100% of the time.

2) If you didn't think you would ever be confronted by a cougar, you probably wouldn't care enough to hear and read about what you should do.

3) Or you may have the attitude that you will deal with it when it happens—Will do the wrong thing.

4) But if you thought you might come face to face with a cougar outside this building—you would be interested in learning all you can about how to avoid being attacked.

B. But our problem is not cougars, but is Satan and sin (1 Pet 5:8).

1. What do I need to know before I come face to face with the roaring lion, Satan?

1) What is the first thing that I should do?

2) If I don't know—I will probably do the wrong thing 100% of the time.