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BSA Applied Research Grant

in honour of the late Professor Stuart Gatehouse

Revised July 2015

Please complete and sign this application form and email a copy to the BSA Secretariat at the above address or email to

Please send any questions on the application or the form to Professor Michael A Akeroyd, Chair of the BSA Research Committee,

Expand the text boxes where necessary.

1. Principal Investigators (two)

Each grant requires two principal investigators, one an academic, the other a clinician in a relevant discipline. Both must be members of the BSA at the time of application. The employer of one of these should be the sponsoring institution for taking on the responsibility for receiving the grant money, and confirming the proper arrangements to initiate, manage and sponsor the study. If the application is successful then the names/institutions of the principal investigatorswill be placed on the BSA website.

Name and title of first applicant
Post held
Preferred correspondence address
Preferred telephone number
Preferred email address
Type of BSA membership? / Student / Full / Other
Name and title of second applicant
Post held
Preferred correspondence address
Preferred telephone number
Preferred email address
Type of BSA membership? / Student / Full / Other

2. Co-applicant(s) (if any)

Co-applicants do not need to be BSA members. If there are more than two co-applicants then add extra lines. If the application is successful then the names/institutions of the co-applicants will be placed on the BSA website.

Co-Applicant #1
Co-Applicant #2

3A. Study Title (limit approximately 20 words)

3B. Summary of the research for a lay audience (limit approximately 200 words)

Ensure that you specify how your project contributes to applied research in hearing, tinnitus and/or balance. If the application is successful then this abstract will be placed on the BSA website.

4. Description of Research Limit 1500 words including references

Applications will be considered for applied research areas that are clinically relevant (now or in the future) to hearing, tinnitus and/or balance. Examples include

  • Collaborative projects between clinicians and academics
  • Under-researched areas
  • Projects aimed at harnessing the clinical experience of members
  • The clinical or professional practice associated with assessment, diagnosis and management of hearing, tinnitus and balance disorders
  • The patient’s experience of services relating to hearing, tinnitus and balance disorders
  • The policy context for services in the UK
  • Surveys of services available
  • Case ascertainment of rare conditions
  • Studies of clinical evaluation of new therapies or of management strategies
  • Linked projects with professionals from disciplines relevant to hearing and balance disorders.

Applications are scored on the basis of

  • scientific quality, including both rationale (ie, "what is the problem" or "why do I want to do this") and method ("what will I do")
  • roles and relevant expertise of the research team
  • full details & justifications of costs; value for money
  • importance to applied research in hearing, tinnitus, and/or balance.

You can maximise your chances by givingclear descriptions of

  • The research gap that you are addressing.
  • Your aim or rationale or purpose
  • The timeliness of your research
  • A clear description of your proposed procedures (explain the approach, methods and plan you will use)
  • A brief description of your proposed data analysis, statistical or qualitative (if applicable)
  • Justification of the number of subjects to be tested (if applicable)
  • An outline and justification of the timeframe / stages
  • The roles of the PI and all co-applicants
  • The roles of any other staff or students involved
  • Demonstration that you (& the co-applicants if relevant) have the skills & infrastructure required to do the project – do not assume that this is self-evident

Where possible write concisely, simply, and straightforwardly, so it can be easily understood: do not assume that the Committee are experts in your area

5. Funding

Is this a standalone project (i.e., the full costs are being met by this application), an extension to work already funded by another funder, part of a PhD studentship, or does it require subsequent top-up funding? / Standalone / Extension / PhD / top-up
If standalone skip the rest of the questions in this section
If extension …
.. what is the title of the main project?
.. who is the lead applicant?
.. which funding agency?
.. briefly explain how this project complements the main project?
.. briefly explain why this project cannot be funded by the main project?
If PhD … (note the student must be either the PI or a co-applicant)
.. what is the title of the studentship?
.. what stage is the student?
.. who is funding the PhD?
.. part time or full-time?
.. briefly explain how this project adds to the PhD work?
.. briefly explain why this project cannot be funded by the PhD funding?
If top-upfunding required …
.. who will you apply to?
.. for how much?
.. when is a decision expected?
.. briefly explain why a top-up is necessary?
.. if the BSA funded this project but a top-up was not received, could the project go ahead?

6. Dissemination

It is a requirement of funding that the work is presented at a BSA meeting or conference

Which BSA meeting or conference do you propose to take the research to?

7. Date and Duration

The start date must be within 9 months of the submission deadline at which the application is made to. The work must be completed within two years.

Proposed Start Date
Duration of project

BSA Applied Research Grant -- Application form p.1

8. Financial Details (limit £5000)

The BSA Research Fund Committee place significant weight on full details and justifications of costs, as well as evidence of value for money. Please itemize the costs as much as is practicable: a good principle to follow is to add the extra detail rather than minimize it.

VAT is not payable on any element of the grant

Note that BSA funding may be used for most aspects of research other than dissemination of results by paper or at a conference, or the attendance at training meetings. Indirect research costs are entirely excluded.

The conference registration fee for one of the research team will be funded by BSA RSFCo in addition to the Grant, and therefore does not need to be included

Year 1 (£) / Year 2 (£) / Total (£) / Justification
Staff costs
Materials and consumables
Apparatus and equipment

Section 8 -- Application form for BSA Research Fund p.1

9A. Name of sponsoring institution

i.e. the organisation that will take on responsibility for receiving the grant money, and confirming the proper arrangements to initiate, manage and sponsor the study. This should be the employer of one of the Primary Investigators.

9B. Signatures

Applications will not be considered unless all four signatures are present. Electronic signatures are fine.

First Principal Applicant
Telephone No
email address
Second Principal Applicant
Telephone No
email address
Finance Officer of the sponsoring institution
Telephone No:
email address:
Head of Department of the sponsoring institution
Telephone No:
email address:

9C. CVs

Please attach 1-page CVs of

  • Both principal investigators
  • All co-applicants
  • Any other staff or students whose costs are being charged to this grant

The end.

Application form for BSA Research Fund (July 2015) p.1