Student Questionnaire: ICS-H22

Winter 2010

In the next section, fill in (one line each, more is OK for the last question) the requested information.

Your Name: if you have nick name/anglicized name, you can add it here

Year: e.g., Freshman (or Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Graduate)

Major: or just list your intended major

Home Computer Info.: (type, desktop/portable, speed, Operating System, RAM, hard disk, networking: e.g., Dell desktop,
1.5Ghz, Windows XP, 2Gb RAM, 200 Gb hard disk, connected via Cable DSL)

In the next section, examine and briefly answer each of the following questions; write from a few sentences up to a few paragraphs for each. Your filled-in questionnaire should be one to two pages long (I’d be glad to read more, but you don’t have to write more for full credit). Experiment with Word to produce a nicely formatted document. Remove this italicized comment from the final document.

What do you know about computers? What machines/operating systems have you used, and what did you do with them (if any)?

What do you know about programming (besides your experience with Scheme in ICS-H21)? What programming languages do you know, how did you learn them, how well do you know them, and what kind of programs you have written in them (if any)?

What are your expectations for ICS-H22? What ideas, concepts, and skills do you expect to learn by taking this course; how do you expect to use this knowledge while at UCI and/or after graduation?

What do you expect from me, as you instructor, in terms of teaching this course? Draw on your experiences with good and bad teachers from high school/college.

What accomplishment in your life are you most proud of (I know this is tough, but write a paragraph explaining)?

Early feedback on the course (positive or negative): Feel free to comment on any aspect of the course so far.

(continue to next page)

Please answer each of the following questions (mostly by navigating the course web site and locating relevant information on the appropriate pages).

(1) What is my office number, and how many scheduled office hours do I have each week?

(2) Who is TA for your lab?

(3) What is the date of the midterm (the first in-class written exam)?

(4) What is the subject of announcement #2?

(5) What is the date and the topic for lecture #10?

(6) Which (if any) programming assignments are prohibited from pair programming?

(7) How many points is the entire course worth (search the Syllabus)?

(8) What is the first download on the Online Resources web page?

(9) What are the names of any two comics posted on my home page?

(10) Write a brief commentary (one paragraph) on any quote that strikes you as interesting, from my “Quotations for Learning and Programming” web page (see my home page for a link). You can cut and paste the quote here first, and then write your commentary beneath it. Go to some random spot and read some quotes until you find one you look; don’t start reading at the top.

When you are done filling-in this questionnaire, remove all the italicized comments stating directions, including this one, from the final document.