18 June, 2012

11:00 pm – 12:00 pm



Lloyd Colston / Altus Em
Donna Lepik / TRANSCAER
Butch Oldenburg / Circor Energy Products
Rick Bandy / Magellan Pipeline
Jon Hall / State TRANSCAER Coordinator
Ken Goetz / Valero
Mike Magee / Edmond EM
Jon Kneely / Edmond Fire
Rebecca Dallen / OKC Storm Water Quality
  1. TRANSCAER Overview Briefing

Donna Lepik with the American Chemistry Council / CHEMTREC / and TRANSCAER provided an overview of the TRANSCAER group. She informed every one of the web site, ( the Anhydrous Ammonia training program, possible grant money available for training, and the 3 main goals of TRANSCAER.

  • Promotes safe transportation and handling of hazardous materials
  • Educates and assists communities near major transportation routes about hazardous materials
  • Aids community emergency response planning for hazardous material transportation incidents
  1. Oklahoma Anhydrous Ammonia Training

Jon briefed the committee about the upcoming training to be held in October. The exact dates are still being coordinated. Jon let the members know that we were looking for instructors to perform the Chemical Properties and Tractor Trailer Emergency response sections of the training. The training in 2012 will occur in Oklahoma City, Enid, and Tulsa on 3 separate dates, still to be determined. BNSF will bring a rail car to the locations and conduct the rail car response portion of the class.

  1. Need Around the State

Jon asked the group if there were specific needs around Oklahoma that the TRANSCAER committee should be considering for future efforts. Donna mentioned that the National TRANSCAER Task Group has determined to focus on Chlorine and Ethanol over the 2013-2014 period. The group did not determine any additional areas. Lloyd with Altus EM did encourage the committee to keep SW Oklahoma in mind for future training.

  1. Questions

Lloyd recommended getting with the Pipeline Awareness groups and InfraGard to discuss possible partnerships and coordination with the TRANSCAER committee in Oklahoma. Jon will open discussions with both.

Jon informed the group that we have appx. 150 AA training DVD’s available for use.

  1. Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for September 10th at 11:00 AM. Dial in instructions are the same – call 405-954-2900, when asked, enter 8422#