Weekly Lesson Planning
Teacher Ms. Kunzer Subject English
Week of Dec. 11th – 15th, 2017
Period / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday1
(7th English)
7:55 - 8:51 / In Class: Vocab; P.94 Possessive Nouns; #2-20, evens; 21-28, all; p. 95-96
Homework: Vocab: CTRW / In Class: Vocab; p. 33 and 34 in WB+ in class for possessive nouns
Homework: Vocab: S&A / In Class: Vocab; p. 99 for Exact Nouns, writing with description; talk about test review on parts of speech
Homework: Vocab: CTS&VC; / In Class: Vocab; Look over book and talk about the different types of nouns
Homework: Vocab: Study; / In Class: Unit 10 test;
(English II)
8:54 - 9:50 / In Class: Vocab; Review p. Go over the types of poems they had read last week; pick a style and write your own, mimicking the stanzas and such
Homework: Vocab: VforC&2WC; finish poem / In Class: Vocab; Sharing if desired; p.656-666 in literature book. Read silently and make marks on thoughts of poems
Homework: Vocab: Idioms; / In Class: Vocab; Discuss and read aloud; talk about any changes and the type of poems they are, what they represent
Homework: Vocab: EC,SofM&CR / In Class: Vocab; Study Units 1-9 in vocab
Homework: Vocab: Study / In Class: Unit 1-9 Test;
(8th English)
9:53 -10:49 / In Class: Vocab; Make-up test and SSR
Homework: Vocab: CTRW; / In Class: Vocab; Holt Handbook, p. 2-3 Parts of Speech Overview, #1-20
Homework: Vocab: S&A; finish assignment / In Class: Vocab; Go over homework in class and discuss it; what are the parts that will be the hardest?
Homework: Vocab: CTS&VC; / In Class: Vocab; Possibly move onto nouns on p. 4-5; Exercise #1 together
Homework: Vocab: Study; Exercise #2 p.6-7 / In Class: Unit 10 Test
(English IV)
10:52 -11:48 / In Class: Vocab; p. 236-247, introducing The Renaissance
Homework: Vocab: VforC&2WC; / In Class: Vocab; p.248-252 together; p.253-260 alone; what writer did you enjoy more, why? Summary of each sonnet and which was your favorite and least; be specific and use correct vocabulary
Homework: Vocab: Idioms / In Class: Vocab; p.211, biggest difference in displaying corruption; p. 139,140, and 142 for essential questions and a review of the unit
Homework: Vocab: CTS & VC / In Class: Vocab; Study for Units 1-9 in vocab
Homework: Vocab: Study / In Class: Unit 1-9 Test
(English I/Year Book)
12:20 -1:16 / In Class: Vocab; Finish test exam on Robinson Crusoe; discuss
Homework: Vocab: VforC&2WC; / In Class: Vocab; Discuss and watch Robinson Crusoe
Homework: Vocab: Idioms; / In Class: Vocab; Robinson Crusoe movie
Homework: Vocab: EC,SofM&CR / In Class: Vocab; Discuss and study for Units 1-9 in Vocab
Homework: Vocab: Study / In Class: Unit 1-9 Test
(Prep/AP English)
1:19 - 2:15 / In Class:
Homework: / In Class:
Homework: / In Class:
Homework: / In Class:
Homework: / In Class:
(English III)
2:18 - 3:14 / In Class: Vocab; Students should be typing now and have a good draft going; will go over the set-up and layout of the paper
Homework: Vocab: VforC&2WC; / In Class: Vocab; Continue typing paper and working on it; go over proper citations again, intro and conclusion
Homework: Vocab: Idioms / In Class: Vocab; Start revising and editing paper
Homework: Vocab: EC,SofM&CR / In Class: Vocab; Study units 1-9 in vocab
Homework: Vocab: Study / In Class: Unit 1-9Test
Homework: Get paper typed, Monday is last day for questions and will be printed in class