Roberts Elementary programme of inquiry
Age / An inquiry into:Who we are / An inquiry into:
Where we are in place and time / An inquiry into:
How we express ourselves / An inquiry into:
How the world works / An inquiry into:
How we organize ourselves / An inquiry into:
Sharing the planet
An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human. / An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives. / An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic. / An inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment. / An inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment. / An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.
PK / Central idea
People use their senses to learn about themselves and their environment.
Key concepts:function, connection
Related concepts:
Lines of inquiry
- how we learn about the environment
- how our senses work
- how our senses help us
People develop imagination and learn about life through stories and rhymes.
Key concepts:connection, perspective
Related concept:
Lines of inquiry
- favorite stories and rhymes
- story telling
- how stories make us feel
Colors are all around us and affect us and the environment.
Key concepts:form, change
Related concepts:
Lines of inquiry
- how shades and tones vary
- colors in nature
- how colors change
Patterns help us to make sense of things in our everyday lives.
Key concepts: form,change
Related concepts:
Lines of inquiry
- patterns in the environment
- patterns in mathematics
K / Central idea
People throughout the world have many similarities.
Key concepts:form, function, perspective
Related concepts:relationships
Lines of inquiry
- self awareness of one’s physical characteristics and emotions
- being a part of a family and a group
- people’s uniqueness
Leadership impacts the community and how it works.
Key concepts:function, causation, responsibility
Related concepts:classification, history
Lines of inquiry
- characteristics of a leader
- contributions of individuals who affect our world
- effects of positive and negative leadership
Art allows people to express themselves without words.
Key concepts:form, perspective, reflection
Related concepts:creativity, genre, self-expression
Lines of inquiry
- feelings evoked by artwork
- various artistic techniques
- appreciation of the masterpieces
Climate affects our lives.
Key concepts: function, change
Related concepts:climate, seasons, systems
Lines of inquiry
- relationship between climate and weather
- how the weather impacts our lives
- different kinds of weather
Jobs are essential for the well being of a community.
Key concepts:function, connection, responsibility
Related concepts:community, work, cooperation
Lines of inquiry
- types of jobs
- the importance of working
- needs of community
Humans have an impact on the planet.
Key concepts:causation change, responsibility
Related concepts:infinite/finite, resources, pollution
Lines of inquiry
- forms of human impact on the planet
- choices and decisions
- earth’s resources
Age / An inquiry into:
Who we are / An inquiry into:
Where we are in place and time / An inquiry into:
How we express ourselves / An inquiry into:
How the world works / An inquiry into:
How we organize ourselves / An inquiry into:
Sharing the planet
1st / Central idea
How we choose to act with others affects our relationships.
Key concepts: connection, reflection, causation
Related concepts: citizenship, cooperation, communication
Lines of inquiry
- thoughts, words and actions
- positive and negative choices
- personality and character traits
- friendship
Discoveries in technology affect our lives.
Key concepts: change, form, connection
Related concepts: progress, impact
Lines of inquiry
- how human connections have changed
- the similarities and differences in technology
Humans express their ideas, imagination, and emotions through their words and action.
Key concepts:perspective, reflection
Related concepts:character, presentation, creative expression
Lines of inquiry
- inferring about character traits
- voice
- facial expressions
- body movements
There are cycles occurring all around us.
Key concepts: change, form, function
Related concepts: cycles, classification, growth
Lines of inquiry
- cycles of living things
- cycles of non-living things
- similarities and differences of natural cycles
Systems have parts that need to work together in order to be the most effective.
Key concepts: form, function, connection
Related concepts: systems, classification
Lines of inquiry
- systems in our lives
- parts of systems
- roles, rules, and responsibilities
Clean water is an essential resource with limited availability.
Key concepts: responsibility, connection, causation
Related concepts: conservation, consumption, scarcity
Lines of inquiry
- the importance of water to humans and ecosystems
- conservation, usage,and pollution of water
- scarcity of clean water in many parts of the world
2nd / Central idea
The choices we make affect our health and well being.
Key concepts: form, function, responsibility
Related concepts:systems, biology, health and fitness
Lines of inquiry
- structure and function of body systems.
- requirements to maintain a healthy body.
- components of nutrition and how it affects the body.
Events in individual’s lives shape their personal histories.
Key concepts:causation, connection, reflection
Related concepts: artifacts, identity, tradition
Lines of inquiry:
- personal histories
- histories of individuals
- attitudes and attributes of historical figures
Illustrators use pictures to convey meaning.
Key concepts: form, function, perspective
Related concepts:design, illustration, perspective, self-expressions
Lines of inquiry
- artwork in children’s literature
- mediums and techniques of artists
- connections between story and illustrations
Weather affects living things.
Key concepts: form, causation, connection
Related concepts:atmosphere, climate, system
Lines of inquiry
- causes of weather
- how we observe, measure, and predict weather
- how weather affects human activity
Through media and technology, advertising influences our choices.
Key concepts: causation, reflection, responsibility
Related concepts:media, technology, audience, communication
Lines of inquiry
- how advertisers influence audiences
- the positive and negative effects of advertising
- the legal and moral responsibilities of advertisers
Living things impact and are dependent upon their habitat.
Key concepts:form, change, causation, responsibility
Related concepts:habitat, adaption, conservation, biodiversity
Lines of inquiry
- components of habitats
- how habitats are changing
- our responsibility to conserve habitats
3rd / Central idea
Cultures form traditions to celebrate their heritage.
Key concepts: function, connection, perspective
Related concepts: communication, culture, relationship
Lines of inquiry
- the origin and need for traditions
- rites of passage
- personal heritage
All places on Earth have special features that distinguish them from other places.
Key concepts: form, causation, connection
Related concepts:geography, population, ecology
Lines of inquiry
- the physical characteristics of Earth
- human effects on the geography
- how geography affects population
People express their knowledge about factual information through words.
Key concepts: function, connection, perspective
Related concepts:research, communication, writing process
Lines of inquiry
- types of non-fiction
- creating forms of non-fiction
- becoming an expert on a topic
- how writers incorporate voice in their writing
When faced with a challenge, innovative thinking can lead to change.
Key concepts: causation, function, connection
Related concepts:change,history, innovation, technology
Lines of inquiry
- creative problem solving
- inventors and their inventions
- evolution of ideas
- impacts of technology on everyday life (positive and negative)
People create structure within a business system.
Key concepts:causation, connection
Related concept:production, economics, entrepreneurialism
Lines of inquiry
- structures and roles created within a business
- roles in economic systems
- necessary structures for success
People can make thoughtful choices as they meet their needs.
Key concepts: causation, change, responsibility
Related concepts: survival, resources
Lines of inquiry
- conservation of renewable and nonrenewable resources
- effects of human action
- scarcity and personal responsibilities
- alternate ways of dealing with trash
Age / An inquiry into:
Who we are / An inquiry into:
Where we are in place and time / An inquiry into:
How we express ourselves / An inquiry into:
How the world works / An inquiry into:
How we organize ourselves / An inquiry into:
Sharing the planet
An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human. / An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives. / An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic. / An inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment. / An inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment. / An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.
4th / Central idea
Individuals are shaped by their personal experiences, observations, and interactions.
Key concepts: connection, perspective, reflection
Related concepts:communication, interpretation
Lines of inquiry
- one’s strengths and weaknesses
- how observations affect one’s perspective
- how interactions provide a deeper understanding of self
Explorers forge new paths.
Key concepts:causation, reflection, form
Related concepts: discovery, exploration
Lines of inquiry
- the possible reasons for exploration
- the effects on individuals, groups, and nations
- methods of exploration
We express our ideas, feelings and beliefs through art and literature.
Key concepts:connection, perspective, form
Related concepts: self-expression, culture, inspiration
Lines of inquiry
- reasons behind expression
- different mediums of art
- the impact of literature on others
Earth experiences changes caused by geological forces.
Key concepts:form, causation, change
Related concepts: structure, evidence, transformation
Lines of inquiry
- how rocks and minerals are formed
- the causes behind Earth’s physical changes
- how earth’s physical events impact humans
Government structures impact the way we live.
Key concepts:form, function, change, responsibility
Related concepts:system, justice, freedom
Lines of inquiry
- government structure
- the election process
- forms of government
- rights and responsibilities
People affect the environment through the choices they make.
Key concepts:causation, responsibility, function
Related concepts:resources and interdependence
Lines of inquiry
- different forms of energy
- impact of energy alternatives
- our environmental impact
5th / Central idea
Rights and responsibilities begin with the individual and affect the general welfare of society.
Key concepts:connection, perspective, causation, change
Related concepts:civil rights, bullying, social psychology
Lines of inquiry
- civil rights movements
- human motivations
- influences of others on individual’s decision making
- personal responsibilities
People immigrate to change their lives.
Key concepts:causation, change, perspective
Related concepts:industrialization, migration
Lines of inquiry
- why people immigrate
- effects on people and places
- patterns in settlement
People express their beliefs, values, and feelings through their words.
Key concepts:form, connection, perspective, reflection
Related concepts:communication, poetry
Lines of inquiry
- the techniques poets use
- how poets portray feelings through writing
- the intended and/or perceived meaning of the piece
- influences impacting the poets’ work
The universe, and our understanding of it, is ever-changing.
Key concepts: form, function, connection, change
Related concepts:exploration, space
Lines of inquiry
- historical and cultural understanding
- exploration and discovery
- development of theories and laws
Conflict causes people to seek change.
Key concepts:change, causation, perspective, responsibility
Related concepts:freedom, conflict
Lines of inquiry
- events that lead to unrest
- consequences of conflict
- types of resolutions
Central idea
Through deep understanding of our world, we find solutions.
Key concepts:causation, change, responsibility
Related concepts:action
Lines of inquiry
- local responsibilities
- global responsibilities
Roberts Elementary 2011-20123 October 2018